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The Truculent SKKA [The Moon Just Turned Red]

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Have just got off a very brief, and upsetting phone call with the SKKA. But not before I received a letter from the SKKA.

Iwao Takahashi...son of Dai-Soke...Ex San Dai-Soke...the expelled Ex San Dai-Soke...the closer of the original SKKA/Hombu...the one who lied across the board about relocating the original SKKA/Hombu to Okinawa...the one that ended everything, leaving the entire Student Body without any substance.

Yeah, that guy!!

Well, the current interim Kaicho, who, within his right, has lead a very brief campaign with the current SKKA Higher Hierarchy to do the most crazy, irresponsible, and foolish thing for some unbeknownst reason(s).

They're bringing back Iwao Takahashi to occupy an undisclosed position within the Higher Hierarchy of the SKKA!!


At reading the letter, as well as talking to the current interim Kaicho, Peter Rhime, I turned the air blue with some very colorful metaphors. Having listened to their reasoning's of idle dribble, I immediately called Hugh Beckworth, of our Legal Team, to ask him...

HOW CAN THIS BE SO?? HOW CAN THIS HAVE HAPPENED?? Especially after HE, Hugh, and his team, practically rewrote our By-Laws with one redundancy after another redundancy to prevent things like this from EVER HAPPENING...especially for what Iwao has been proved to have done these most despicable acts of destruction upon the original SKKA/Hombu!!

Their primary reasoning, as well as focus, for having decided to bring him back is because I wasn't In-House as much, if at all, as prescribed by our By-Laws. Their need to have someone In-House still escapes me because ANYONE, BUT HIM, could bring back that desperate need for having a Kaicho In-House on a more regular basis, could have occurred by simply making Peter the Kaicho, and not the interim Kaicho. Problem solved!!

Instead, a new set of problems has been created, even if their too idle minded to see past their raised up noses!!

According to Hugh, and I'm floored at his suggestion, even though the current By-Laws are quite binding across the board, loopholes can happen, but unlikely with a amount of experience that Hugh and his team have in the Law, California Law. Hugh, claims that somehow and someway, an oversight has been uncovered; this is an oversight of monster proportions!!

I don't propose to have any Law/Legal experience, but, man oh man, something stinks in the SKKA!!

Hugh, and his team claim that they fought against them to prevent this, however, the unimaginable has occurred when they voted on this matter, and that was that they were UNANIMOUS in the their vote. For this vote to pass, a unanimous vote was required. Had I been the Kaicho, there wouldn't have been a unanimously vote, not with me voting a big fat HECK NO!!

I'm suspecting that Iwao will be the new Kaicho!! I'll be voted out of office with all of their bells and whistles!!

Hugh does tell me that there's no WAY, which I chuckled when he used the words, "NO WAY", crud happens, obviously, that Iwao will ever ascend and reclaim a Soke title of any magnitude!! I'll believe that when I see it with my own eyes.

What in the heck went wrong??

Why didn't I ever see this coming??

Why didn't Hugh, and his Legal Team, write an iron-clad By-Laws IN THE FIRST PLACE??

When will the Student Body be protected from things like this??

When will the SKKA/Hombu drop all of the drama??

When will the SKKA/Hombu decide to TEACH Shindokan, and cast away the trappings of politics for the betterment of the Student Body??

They're hinting to me, in the letter, that they want me to "resign Kaicho completely", citing "my current medical issues" because "we're of one mind that you mean that much to us, and that your health is more important than anything within the SKKA/Hombu", and that the Student Body "agrees with the SKKA/Hombu decision, over all"!!

I'll speak with an attorney this Monday, not Hugh and his team, to see if I've any recourse at all. If not, the moon has indeed just turned red!! I'm numb all over!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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So sorry to hear that. Since you mentioned before that the SKKA is a partnership, could he have bought out other people's shares in the company?

I doubt that this is the situation because, we've no shares to sell/buy. I've just received this today, so, it hasn't sunk in fully as of yet. I've got to pour over all of the stuff that the SKKA, as well as Hugh, has sent me via certified mail.

I'm having a lot of difficult time with the absurd idea of Iwao being BACK....period!! I wouldn't let him shadow our door, let alone, letting him inside. This is not the first time that the SKKA tried to entertain the idea of having him return, as some here might remember, but I struck that idea down when I was the active Kaicho.

Now that I'm not the active Kaicho, for medical/health reasons beyond my control, the door is WIDE OPEN for them to bring about whatever changes they decide upon.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Wow! Something smells for sure. Seems very similar to another style that we read about a few months ago, history repeating it'self!

Sensei, do your due diligence and see where it leads you.....

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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Thats absolutely shocking that the Interm-Kaicho could allow such a thing!

I'm assuming everyone was briefed on the situation re: the expelled San-Dai Soke upon agreeing to become part of the Association Management?

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JR 137: That's two of us who are at a loss of words!! Although, SHOCKING comes to mind.

Bulltahr: That fishy smell permeating through me in neck breaking speed. WHY? WHY? WHY? They've just killed the SKKA, if they go through this. To reach out to lineage's past in this case has no validity, imho.

Nidan Melbourne: I can't even try to explain what's going in the minds of other people, but when the MAIN responsibility to the SKKA is towards the Student Body's betterment across the board, and nothing else is more important than that, and the interim Kaicho AND the higher hierarchy brings back the destroyer of everything, Iwao, that to me is grounds for a Vote of Non-Confidence, if I've ever seen one.

I'm assuming everyone was briefed on the situation re: the expelled San-Dai Soke upon agreeing to become part of the Association Management?

Please forgive me, but I don't follow the question.

To all, I'll fight this, if I've a leg to stand on, until my dying breath!! What's happening is WRONG!!


edit: Spelling errors

Edited by sensei8

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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What I mean is Sensei8:

When someone becomes part of the SKKA Heirarchy, are they briefed on any situations that have occurred like this.

Where someone is expelled and barred from coming back in any capacity.

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What I mean is Sensei8:

When someone becomes part of the SKKA Heirarchy, are they briefed on any situations that have occurred like this.

Where someone is expelled and barred from coming back in any capacity.

Yes, everyone, anyone who has ever, or ever will, be elected to be part of the SKKA Hierarchy are quite privy to any and all documentations as to the COMPLETE history and the like of the SKKA; nothing is held back, nothing is hidden, as it is their right per the position into which they've been duly elected to.

Until now, I thought, without any ambiguity whatsoever, that our By-Laws had been written with that iron clad assurance, both times, I'd like to add, but now, I'm not that assured anymore.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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