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The good bad session


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had more blood tests this week, blood taken on Tuesday, got results on Wednesday. I was not anxious at all about this until Thursday morning when my 5 year old boy had a meltdown because mum left for work before he could give her a hug. If he's like this when mum goes for the day what would it be like if dad was juts gone. After a 2 hour wait in the clinic they confirmed results are again as good as possible at this stage, markers all trending down.

Follow up today with the surgeon who also confirmed all was good. His last comment - its been 6 weeks, so another 6 weeks of not lifting anything over 10kg. I didn't say that no one mentioned this before and I've been full tilt at the gym for 3 weeks already and feeling great. I just quietly put the 70lb dumbbells away.

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recovery is going along well. I'm still to some extent tied to the toilet several times a day, and had to sit out one class where digestive pains got to me too much, but am generally back to decent health. Still learning what foods set things off, and am learning to live without orange juice and kiwi fruit.

I've set myself a goal to compete again in masters games (as in old farts, not necessarily really good) this time next year, a well as be in shape for grading in December this year. Was all set to compete this last year but obviously things got in the way.

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  • 1 month later...

My fitness has come on really well of late. I've been on the treadmill 2-3 times a week, gym 2-3 times plus 2 classes a week. Had 2nd dan grading on Saturday and was happy with how well I went against the younger students. It was in a scout hall - besser bricks and a tin roof, 30 degrees outside and doors closed, so now suffering a cold largely I think from being so dehydrated that day.

Had the most recent blood work 2 weeks ago and that showed a small rise in CEA levels. Its not an absolute test, rather they are looking for a trend and they say not to worry about one result, but when someone says cancer markers are rising well that tends to play on your mind. It hasn't changed plans for the full range of tests that were already on the schedule for February - CT scan, colonoscopy and more blood work.

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Glad to hear from you and see things are going well, tubby.
And ditto. Keep at it!
Two of my close friends are also battling cancer right now.

I've made some artwork that will be auctioned off with others very soon, money going towards cancer victims.

Your sharing tubby and making people more aware of cancer, is how this will help beat this menace that affects all of us, be it friends, family and each one of us.

Remember tubby, you have a huge amount of support behind you, get well soon!

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  • 2 months later...

one year out of chemo and did ct/scope and bloods this week. on the way in i was accidentally shown the pictures from the original scope. damn big and ugly the tumour was. this time nice clean bowels, surgical joins perfect and blood levels trending down again. scope prep still sucks but the results are a great relief.

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