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Do all the classes!

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Not really a question just more of an observation really...

I am by nature quite an indecisive person, not 100% all the time but certain occasions i can annoy myself with my back and forth decisions.

So the last month or so i have been looking at getting back into MA after a good few years break, my first choice was to return to my old kickboxing club i trained in before i moved to another part of the country. Decided against it as whilst it is a good club and i did enjoy kickboxing, i wanted to branch out and try new things (variety is the spice of life they say!)

So i have sat down in front of the computer many times this month looking at various clubs/schools/dojos etc to see what i would be interested in, when they train, fees etc. (I'm quite lucky having quite a few places in my area)

I had to wind my neck in several times as i was beginning to do the 'beginner thing' of wanting to do EVERYTHING!!! haha i wanted to do Karate on this day then Lau Gar on that day followed by Krav Maga on another day, oh but wait a minute that clashes with the TKD class! and i haven't even started on the jiu jitsu class!!! Like i was trying to become some sort of Mortal Kombat super boss level 100 with 4 arms shouting 'FINISH HIM!' all the time.

Yep i can just imagine all the experienced guys and girls on here just shaking their heads right now! haha :D

I think my whole reason for going crazy with all the classes at first was because i appreciate how much/long a commitment is to a ma so i had the attitude of 'get as much in as you can!'

Thankfully i have calmed it down a bit now after reading several posts on here and have decided on one, yep just one place! I've found a Kyokushin class that trains 3 times a week so i'm going to commit to that instead of trying to juggle 4/5 other styles.

So yeah more of just a humorous observation on my part, anyone else have this or something similar starting out?

Thanks for reading, have an awesome weekend folks! :karate:

Shaun: 'Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil - "Sorry." - grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over'

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It's definitely good to focus on one style until you get comfortable with it before trying to learn more. Trying to learn 4-5 styles at the same time right off the bat would be very confusing to most people.

The man who tries to chase two rabbits at the same time catches neither.

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As the idiom says..."Too many cooks can spoil the pot!!"

There's nothing wrong with cross training, not at all. However, one too many things can cause one area to spoil, and/or suffer, while quite a few might improve.

Another saying..."“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other."

And let us not forget this one..."Your plate's quite full."

Cross training in moderation is everything; balance edifies!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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That is a good idea.

Get proficient in a core art and then if you wish to add to it you will already have a good foundation to build on.

The person who succeeds is not the one who holds back, fearing failure, nor the one who never fails-but the one who moves on in spite of failure.

Charles R. Swindoll

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  • 4 weeks later...
So yeah more of just a humorous observation on my part, anyone else have this or something similar starting out?

That's exactly what happened with me before but it took me over 2 months to decide and the funny thing I chose Kyokushin Karate as well.

Good luck in your journey :karate:

"The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle."

Sosai Mas Oyama founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I believe conditioning oneself with exercises that enhance my martial arts no matter the art is priority over the style.

Then it doesn't matter the style if you are conditioned for them all.

Some styles don't emphasize conditioning and strengthening enough and it can easily be over looked.

Bruce Lee's training for example, conditioning and strengthening with coordination and speed allowed him to rise above the mediocre martial artists of his time.

We know more now than Bruce Lee's time of how and what to train but few are able to surpass his abilities and those that do condition themselves relentlessly, these few ultimately enjoy the rewards.

(Just be 100% decisive about conditioning)

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I can understand the indecisiveness about getting back into training and where.

But that is great you found one dojo to train at and stick with it. Keep at Kyokushin for a while, then when you feel ready you could always add a 2nd MA if time and $$$ permits it

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Its easy to get caught up into all that. Sometimes, having so many options available causes a bit of an overload. But, I think its a good problem to have.

Glad to hear you made a choice and are giving it your full attention. Maybe after you've committed some time to it, you could consider adding another option to study.

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Many thanks for the replies and advice everyone! Very much appreciate reading everyones response.

So quick update, it's been almost 2 months since my post and i have to say things haven't gone quite as I'd planned! Haha.

I had been looking at attending a Kyokushin class over in the next town (about 30 mins away) unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it! Haha) was recently successful in getting a new job at a local hospital, so feeling pretty chuffed with that but the only downside is that by the time I would have finished work i would have missed part of the Kyokushin class.

So decided to be sensible and find a more local club (any style) that had classes a bit later in the evening and i found a Kung Fu club which I have now been attending for the last month.

Enjoying training so far, I've never really looked at any of the Chinese MA before but I've enjoyed the classes, instructor is really nice and classmates have been friendly and made me feel welcome so feeling good to finally start training again.


Shaun: 'Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil - "Sorry." - grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over'

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Many thanks for the replies and advice everyone! Very much appreciate reading everyones response.

So quick update, it's been almost 2 months since my post and i have to say things haven't gone quite as I'd planned! Haha.

I had been looking at attending a Kyokushin class over in the next town (about 30 mins away) unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it! Haha) was recently successful in getting a new job at a local hospital, so feeling pretty chuffed with that but the only downside is that by the time I would have finished work i would have missed part of the Kyokushin class.

So decided to be sensible and find a more local club (any style) that had classes a bit later in the evening and i found a Kung Fu club which I have now been attending for the last month.

Enjoying training so far, I've never really looked at any of the Chinese MA before but I've enjoyed the classes, instructor is really nice and classmates have been friendly and made me feel welcome so feeling good to finally start training again.


Hope you keep us updated wisky147 on how you are doing with the class; all the best.
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