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Renewing myself...or at least trying to!!


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To the gym I go...to the gym I go...hi ho a merry oh...to the gym I go...and then I went...


270lbs...got to break this mark..come on 260'slbs!! Journey started my weight was 326lbs.

StairMaster: 35 minutes...105 floors...450 calorie burn...Levels 4, 5, 6, and 7!! In the beginning, 20 minutes on Level 1. Surely and slowly, my Level increased from 1, then to 2, then to 3, then to 4...Level 4 is where I stayed at until my Cardiac Inversion on January 30, 2017, then I quickly went up to a mixture of Levels 4, 5, 6, and 7; with each workout, I'd drop Levels 4, then 5, to a steady back and forth in that 35 minutes of Levels 6 and 7.

TreadMill: 25 minutes...Forest Walk Program...205 calorie burn. Ever since October 4, 2016, I maintained a 20 minute workout, with the Forest Walk Program. Since the January 30, 2017, I've extended my workout to be 25 minutes...soon, I'll increase the time up to 30 minutes.

Rowing Machine: 25 minutes...270 calorie burn. I first started with 10 minutes, and that was a workout, then to 20 minutes at only 200 calorie burn. Ever since January 30, 2017, I've been averaging a 270 calorie burn in a 25 minute span. That's a 70 calorie burn in 5 minutes, whereas, before, I'd only get a calorie burn of 10 per minute.

Calorie burn daily average...925. When this first started, I'd average a calorie burn of 520, then, slowly but surely, I maintained a average calorie burn of 600...then after January 30, 2017, I average a 925 calorie burn

I've no idea just how much I burn with those listed below...not a clue!! What I've also added to my Cardio is the Battle Ropes and Rope Pull.

Battle Ropes: 10 distinctive different exercises...3 reps of each for 20 seconds each just as fast as I can. Then 3 sets of Rope Pull pulling down in two different directions for 20 seconds each, as fast as I can.

Every other day...

Free weights: 2 hours

Once per week...

Swimming: Lap Pool...50 yard length...10 up and down laps. Every Saturday.

I believe that if I could add more to each thing I do, as I've slowly done ever since my Cardiac Inversion, I should stay on track with my October 4, 2017 weight loss goal of 216-220lbs. Think of this...at 270bs...I need to still drop 50lbs...and since this journey began, I've lost 56 pounds...4 months...14lbs per month...just a tad over 3.50lbs per week!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Weight = 268lbs

Not bad for having not been to the gym last week much. Well, on February 10, 2017, I was in a car accident; totaled my car, a Toyota Camry. Second time in 5 months that I was ran the smooth over.

Back in September 18, 2016, I was sideswiped on the Interstate, and that car, 1 2013 Nissan Versa, was a total loss. Shortly thereafter, I purchased a 2008 Toyota Camry; car was a total loss too.

I have never seen them on any of the cars that I've recently purchased since moving to Houston, TX...and what I'm speaking about is a BIG TARGET painted all over those cars...which I didn't know that they were on those cars. There must be a reason as to why I keep getting ran over. Both accidents, the driver of the other cars were each ticketed, and each said that they didn't see me.


I didn't visit the gym last week much because my efforts were more geared in finding me another car instead of the gym. Visited more dealerships than I ever want to do again...made more phone calls to said dealerships than I ever want to do again...filled out more paperwork, both in person and on-line, than I ever want to do again.

So, on February 17, 2017, my wife and I purchased a 2015 Nissan Versa, and yes, we love us a Versa!! Search over...finally...and neither of us saw any BIG TARGET painted on that car...its color is Cobalt Blue...very nice color.

Now that we are mobile once again, over this weekend, we caught up on doing things that we were unable to do...like pay some bills, and things like that. Celebrated at Golden Corral, and yes, I eat small portions; healthy that is.

Now, starting Monday, February 20, 2017, today, it's time to return to the gym and resume the training, and I might just have to take my training up a notch or two...we'll see...got to get back in the swing of the things, having been away from the gym for most of last week.

Train hard...train well!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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266lbs; that's a 60lbs weight loss from when I weighed 326lbs, back in October 2016!!

Up a notch or two...2 and a half hours at the gym...

StairMaster for 35 minutes at levels 7-10; 10 is the highest level. It was a workout, to be for sure, but worth it all.

Treadmill for 25 minutes!

Rowing Machine for 20 minutes!

Battle Rope and Rope Pull Down for 3 sets!!

Cardio for 90 minutes!


Free weights for 90 minutes with varied equipment!!

For a motivation, I bought a new size 6 gi; it's been awhile since I've worn a size 6 gi...so long...ago!!

Here's to the continued journey down to 215lbs!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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"You fat pig!!"

"You disgust me!!"

"There's no way that you can be a black belt, let alone, a high ranking black belt!!"

"We're not interested because of your weight; you're not a positive role model!!"

"You're out of shape, grossly out of shape, and you call yourself a black belt?!"

"You're a liar; you are not a black belt. If you were, you'd not be as fat as you are!!"

Words thrown on me as though I no more better than horse dung!! A pain that will scare me until my dying days; no band-aide can cover the forever lasting pain...hurt...more long lasting than one can imagine.

These are only just a few that I've heard over the past many, many, many years concerning my weight. A book shouldn't be judged by its cover, but just by its content!! However, this doesn't seem to apply just to books!!

There once was a time when I weighted 350lbs...yes...350LBS!!

Do you know what it's like to hear doctors label you as "Grossly Obese"?? While these labels might be medically approved, they still leave a wound that's difficult to heal.

I've not owned a size 6 gi, in like, forever. As my weight ballooned and skyrocketed out of control to that 350lb range, I had to find a solution fast, because, to my knowledge, there are no gi manufacturers that produce a gi to fit a 350lb girth.

I'd buy 2 size 6 gi's and have some talented seamstress build me a gi that I could wear by combining the two gi's. Key in pulling this off, is to hire a master seamstress to do so, but to not leave it where it showed that the gi that I'm wearing wasn't made from 2 gi's.

There's a picture here at KF with Brain and me in it, and the gi I wore for that picture was a gi made from 2 gi's. I'm not sure if Brain could tell or not, but not many, if any knew that. Matter of fact, I don't think I've ever told anyone at any of my dojo's and/or at the Hombu of that tailoring secret.

But, it's true!!

To be shunned by others, due to my weight, especially from the MA world, is, oftentimes, more than I can bear. Many years I've wept over the rejections that I've received from other MAists. Words cut deeply, as do the disapproving looks, and I'm not immune to either.

Yes, I'm taking the measurable steps to improve my healthy life style, and I'm proud of what I've accomplished thus far. It took a diagnosis of Afib to get my attention. Had it not been for that wake-up call, I might've died more prematurely than expected.

No, I'm not out of the woods yet, but the hope I feel is not in vain or hopeless.

Those outside of the Shindokan circle who took a chance with me, despite their less than hopeful expectations about a many things regarding my MA knowledge/experience, walked away with a changed appreciation concerning me once they shared the floor with me.

While the anguished pain of those many years may never fade away, I'm doing what I can to improve my healthy life style, and one pound at a time, by trying my hardest to renew myself.

Cut me, don't I bleed?! Hurt me, don't I cry?!

Being cast aside like an unwanted rag because of my weight history is a hurt that I don't wish upon my worse's enemy. Many sleepless nights have I experienced, and many tears have I wept because of being not accepted by fellow MAists; those who doubted me...those who defiled me...those who scorned me...those who called me a liar...those who passed ill-begotten judgement on me...

And why?

Because I'm "obese"?! Because I don't fit into their expectations?! Because I'm a few steaks short of cardiac arrest?! These hurts...this pain...is forever!! Even nowadays, I'm laughed at and I'm lampooned because of my weight.

Even here at KF, over the years I've read posts where members have spoken about just how disgusting it is to see a "so-called" instructor who's out of shape and the like, and while none of these posts were ever directed towards me, it still deeply hurt me.

Again, I'm trying my best to renew myself!! That should be for myself, and not for others!!

The floor speaks for me quite wholeheartedly!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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OK Sensei, While it is sad to read those last posts, I can say myself that there are ignorant people in this world unfortunately.

There are basically 2 types of person in this world, positive people and negative people, sad to say but humans being how they are,.....weak of mind, the majority of people in this world are negative.

But I believe that places like here on KF forums, are islands of positivity and respect, maybe even sanctuaries, if you will , in a sea of human weakness. That last post sounded to me like a lot of insecure people enjoying passing judgement. You have nothing to prove to ANYONE, but yourself. Seems to me from what I understand of you is that you are a thoroughly decent human being. End of story!

Keep fighting the good fight mate!

"We don't have any money, so we will have to think" - Ernest Rutherford

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OK Sensei, While it is sad to read those last posts, I can say myself that there are ignorant people in this world unfortunately.

There are basically 2 types of person in this world, positive people and negative people, sad to say but humans being how they are,.....weak of mind, the majority of people in this world are negative.

But I believe that places like here on KF forums, are islands of positivity and respect, maybe even sanctuaries, if you will , in a sea of human weakness. That last post sounded to me like a lot of insecure people enjoying passing judgement. You have nothing to prove to ANYONE, but yourself. Seems to me from what I understand of you is that you are a thoroughly decent human being. End of story!

Keep fighting the good fight mate!

I keep trying to reply to your post, Bob, but no matter what I've written, Bulltahr said exactly what I wanted to say. I couldn't articulate it any better, so I just quoted it.

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