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Renewing myself...or at least trying to!!


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LAST DAY OF THIS WEEK: Sunday, April 2, 2017...[i took one day off of training at the gym because it was my wife's, Linda, birthday. Put things before my wife's birthday, well, my couch isn't the most comfortable piece of furniture to sleep on.]

Overall averages after 6 days at the gym:


*1hr 22 min

*246 floors

*1,006 calorie burn

*Avg HR 137

*Levels 7-10 with a 2 minute cool down every 20 minutes

*note: I DID burn 1,000 calorie's plus, each day of the week*


*32 minutes

*236 calorie burn

*Avg HR 103

*Inclines from 1-15; at machines discretion per the Forest Walk program. Incline #8 for 6 minutes...then #15 for 6 minutes...then back to #8 for 6 minutes]

*5.1 Laps

Rowing Machine

*22 minutes

*225 calorie burn

*Level 10

Battle Ropes/Pull Down Ropes

*14 different exercises [battle Ropes], 3 sets

*2 different exercises [Pull Down Ropes], 3 sets

*?? Calorie Burn [i've got to figure out the calorie burn]

Free Weights

1 hour. Each exercise will be 3 sets, with nominal weight; reps over weight. The one thing I want to emphasis is that I'm not trying to build up much more muscles because muscles equal more weight. Can't, and don't want to only do cardio; there has to be a balance.


*Each Saturday I'll do 12 laps; each length is 30 yards for a lap total of 60 yards

*I'll do different swimming techniques from free style to back stroke and in between. The key, for me, is to pace myself while NOT stopping until I complete those 12 laps.

I'll weigh myself next Sunday, then once again at the end of April

Had to cancel my appointment with my Primary Care Provider/PCP (General Doctor] for April 4th because of insurance difficulties that have not been worked out, as of yet.

This is upsetting because it's, for now, left me without my Cardiologist and my PCP, and might not be until May. Money before care!! Yes, I know that that's not fair of me to say because doctors and the like deserve to be paid for services rendered. With the available network for them both, they need to work a bit harder, as they said they would, to find me either a sponsor, like the PAL program, or the like, so that I can have the care that I'm needing.


Edited by sensei8

**Proof is on the floor!!!

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This is upsetting because it's, for now, left me without my Cardiologist and my PCP, and might not be until May. Money before care!! Yes, I know that that's not fair of me to say because doctors and the like deserve to be paid for services rendered. With the available network for them both, they need to work a bit harder, as they said they would, to find me either a sponsor, like the PAL program, or the like, so that I can have the care that I'm needing.


I agree, that's really upsetting, You can immigrate to Australia then :D , here we have one of the best Medicare / Health system models I have ever seen !

I am so happy to hear that you are doing well with your exercising & HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINDA :bdaybiggrin: I hope you got her a nice present, otherwise you will end up on the couch anyway :lol:

"The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle."

Sosai Mas Oyama founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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This is upsetting because it's, for now, left me without my Cardiologist and my PCP, and might not be until May. Money before care!! Yes, I know that that's not fair of me to say because doctors and the like deserve to be paid for services rendered. With the available network for them both, they need to work a bit harder, as they said they would, to find me either a sponsor, like the PAL program, or the like, so that I can have the care that I'm needing.


I agree, that's really upsetting, You can immigrate to Australia then :D , here we have one of the best Medicare / Health system models I have ever seen !

I am so happy to hear that you are doing well with your exercising & HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINDA :bdaybiggrin: I hope you got her a nice present, otherwise you will end up on the couch anyway :lol:

Thanks, Safroot!!

I'd love to live in Australia; beautiful country!!

To avoid the couch, I took Linda to Red Robin for dinner; it's a gourmet hamburger restaurant chain...got her a $100 Amazon Gift Card...Roses...a birthday card...a Star Wars cake [she's a die-hard fan]!! Nathan, our son, got her a nice birthday card and a very cool Wonder Woman coffee cup [she's also a die-hard fan]. Our daughter, Krystal, sent a nice birthday card [she's a University Student, with very little extra money] from Oklahoma, and I was surprised that the card arrived ON Linda's birthday...US Post Office still surprises me, to this day. All in all, Linda had a nice birthday.

Good news...I avoided the couch!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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This is upsetting because it's, for now, left me without my Cardiologist and my PCP, and might not be until May. Money before care!! Yes, I know that that's not fair of me to say because doctors and the like deserve to be paid for services rendered. With the available network for them both, they need to work a bit harder, as they said they would, to find me either a sponsor, like the PAL program, or the like, so that I can have the care that I'm needing.


I agree, that's really upsetting, You can immigrate to Australia then :D , here we have one of the best Medicare / Health system models I have ever seen !

I am so happy to hear that you are doing well with your exercising & HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LINDA :bdaybiggrin: I hope you got her a nice present, otherwise you will end up on the couch anyway :lol:

Thanks, Safroot!!

I'd love to live in Australia; beautiful country!!

To avoid the couch, I took Linda to Red Robin for dinner; it's a gourmet hamburger restaurant chain...got her a $100 Amazon Gift Card...Roses...a birthday card...a Star Wars cake [she's a die-hard fan]!! Nathan, our son, got her a nice birthday card and a very cool Wonder Woman coffee cup [she's also a die-hard fan]. Our daughter, Krystal, sent a nice birthday card [she's a University Student, with very little extra money] from Oklahoma, and I was surprised that the card arrived ON Linda's birthday...US Post Office still surprises me, to this day. All in all, Linda had a nice birthday.

Good news...I avoided the couch!!


Good to hear that you did it & avoided the couch :lol: :lol: :lol:

"The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle."

Sosai Mas Oyama founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Workout are still going strong, and each every week, I change up my routines in order to maximize my potential weight loss journey...on going...no quitting!!

So, I'm abusing the StairMaster, and I've gone from 1 hour and 30 minutes, to 1 hour and 40 minutes...and if I was climbing real stairs, I would've made it to the summit of Everest.

I've done several sessions on the Treadmill of 1 hour...and if I was really walking I would've made it to California.

I've done a few sessions where I'm rowing 1 hour...and if I was really rowing, I would've made it to South America.

I've swam a few times whereas if I was really in the open waters, I would've made it to the Caribbean.

Well, of course, my distances above are way off base, but that's what I'm feeling, at times.

Here's my question...

I'm on a plateau of 256...for several months.

Is it even possible to think that I've reached my maximum weight loss?? Not ever going to reach my goal of 216 by this October?!?!

It's perplexing, to say the least!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Here's my question...

I'm on a plateau of 256...for several months.

Is it even possible to think that I've reached my maximum weight loss?? Not ever going to reach my goal of 216 by this October?!?!

It's perplexing, to say the least!!


I guess after losing most of your fat stores, it gets harder & harder to lose more weight. Never impossible but will be very slow.

I think you are doing great Sensei8. Don't give much importance to losing more weight as long as you have healthy lifestyle !

"The Martial Arts begin with a point and end in a circle."

Sosai Mas Oyama founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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Workout are still going strong, and each every week, I change up my routines in order to maximize my potential weight loss journey...on going...no quitting!!

So, I'm abusing the StairMaster, and I've gone from 1 hour and 30 minutes, to 1 hour and 40 minutes...and if I was climbing real stairs, I would've made it to the summit of Everest.

I've done several sessions on the Treadmill of 1 hour...and if I was really walking I would've made it to California.

I've done a few sessions where I'm rowing 1 hour...and if I was really rowing, I would've made it to South America.

I've swam a few times whereas if I was really in the open waters, I would've made it to the Caribbean.

Well, of course, my distances above are way off base, but that's what I'm feeling, at times.

Here's my question...

I'm on a plateau of 256...for several months.

Is it even possible to think that I've reached my maximum weight loss?? Not ever going to reach my goal of 216 by this October?!?!

It's perplexing, to say the least!!


Everyone plateaus, sensei. No, you haven't reached your maximum weight loss. Keep at it. In my experience, when you plateau, that means it's time to change things up. I know you're on a roll and you probably feel like you've got a routine, and if you break it it'll backfire on you or set you back. IMO ignore that thought.

Maybe take a break for a week. The weather's changing (at least it is here in NYS). Get some yard work done this week. Staying on your feet and cleaning up the yard, painting the porch, or something along those lines might be a good temporary change of pace. I'm sure your wonderful wife can find some things that need to be done :)

Or try changing your routine. I'm a big fan of interval training. Mixing high intensity for short bursts with lower intensity - i.e. alternating getting your heart rate up higher than you're used to for a minute, then slowing down for 4 minutes. With your condition, it's imperative that you ask your doctor before this though.

You're doing a lot of different things, and doing them for long durations. Perhaps shortening the duration and increasing the intensity. Again, consult your physician.

I'm not sure if you're monitoring your heart rate during exercise. Using something like a Fitbit or better yet a Polar heart rate monitor could be the game changer you're looking for. Polar makes a chest strap that monitors the electrical activity of your heart to determine your heart rate. I think it sells for $80 or so. It connects to your smartphone (if you have one) and displays and keeps track of heart rate, calories burned, etc. I recommend Polar over the watch ones because they're far more accurate; they're the ones used in exercise physiology labs, and for good reason.

When you plateau, it's because your body has adapted to the demands you've placed on it. You've got to change the demands.

The best advice I have is to consult with your physician. Let him know what you've been doing and where you're at. Ask him if interval training is safe for you. Ask him m what your maximum heart rate should be.

Monitoring my heart rate and doing intervals took my training to the next level. It's been studied quite a bit and with positive results across the board. If your doc says it's safe and gives you some parameters, I can help you out. I'm sure Liam will have some great insight too.

Polar heart monitor...


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Thank you Safroot, JR, and SaiFightsMS; means everything to me!!

Ever since my journey began last October to lose 100lbs, I've plateaued from time to time, with each plateau driving me absolutely crazy. With those plateau's, I eventually broke them. However, this plateau is one stubborn beast!!

I do change up routines, and quite often. I push, and my weight pushes back at me. I'll lose, then I'll regain; back and forth with no end of this mind numbing ratio. Gggggrrrrrrrrrr!!

I watch my diet like a hawk, when maybe, I should be watching it as an eagle!! I've strict on my intake of food, as well as it's portions.

Yes, I've lost 70lbs since October 2016, and I'm quite proud of my progress thus far.

Still, I'm frustrating. Up and down...down and up...over and over and over and over...today I smile...then a week later, I frown...this endless pounding at my weight is one day a celebration, then before I know it, the celebration ends.

My daily routine at the gym is being constantly tweaked and refined by myself, however, in this, I do not do the same routine week after week, nor do I do the same thing daily.

What I've posted lately, as far as my journal is concerned, is based on an overall weekly average, in the attempt to not have a long drawn out of each days activities. However, I've a big journal that I do care to the gym with me, and it's much more detailed.

I'll look over the journal, and tweak from there!!

I ran the other morning for 3 miles...without a stop!! I felt great instead of one thing...my right thigh was screaming in pain at me right from the beginning of the run; I'm paying for that. In that, no more running for me; my right leg's already constantly numb from the knee down 24/7 due to a pinched nerve in my lower back.

I do give my weight loss quite a lot of thinking because my doctor wants me to be 216lbs by this October; I can do this!! However, I'm becoming quite obsessive over it, and it's not my intent.


I do monitor my heart while at the gym. However, I only monitor it while on the StairMaster and the Treadmill because those machine have built in HR monitors.

I might look into buying the one you mention, JR, because I'm aware that my heart rate must be elevated in a healthy manner in order to loss weight. As well as monitoring my HR so I don't danger myself by doing more than my body allows.

You're doing a lot of different things, and doing them for long durations. Perhaps shortening the duration and increasing the intensity. Again, consult your physician.

This right here, is a key I have to push more for. Looking over my journal, perhaps, I do need to shorten my duration's to break that plateau beast. I became addictive to increasing the duration because I, yes me...I, decided that increasing my duration's and the like would be the short-cut to reaching my goal much sooner.

Am I the idiot?!!!!!!!!!

Been in the MA for 52 years and I think my ways the right way!! WRONG!! MA training and conditioning IS NOT THE SAME THING AS WEIGHT LOSS TRAINING!!!!

Two separate beasts with different goals!!

JR, in re-reading your post, and reviewing my journal, I believe you're on to something that I've walked away from. I'll do some tweaking to be more akin to what you're suggesting just to see if it'll help me to finally break this stubborn beast of a plateau.

It's been 7 months...I've lost 70 pounds...that's a 10lbs per month weight loss...that is 2.5lbs weight loss per week. At first, I was dropping 8-10lbs per week. Now, I'm slow crawling to an almost dead stop!! I've 5 months to lose 30lbs, which should be 6lbs per month, which should be 1.5lbs per week. Seems doable, except for the fact that I've been a ping pong ball all over NO WHERE FOR 2 MONTHS!!


What in the ding dong?!?!?!?!?!?!

Nothing ventured...nothing gained...and everything lost...except some weight these past few months!!

Thanks, EVERYONE!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I am impressed by your workouts. I was never a runner, but I used to ocean swim 2 miles a day. Even then I was not fast, but steady.

"Those who know don't talk. Those who talk don't know." ~ Lao-tzu, Tao Te Ching

"Walk a single path, becoming neither cocky with victory nor broken with defeat, without forgetting caution when all is quiet or becoming frightened when danger threatens." ~ Jigaro Kano

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