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I'm currently recovering from a vasectomy 6 days ago and i'm climbing the walls with boredom. I even hobbled to the dojo yesterday in my civies just to hold pads for the under 6s class :lol:

Has anyone else had it done and gone back to training soonish? Any tips or advice? I was thinking jock strap and compression shorts might get me back sooner.

I have a grading the beginning of April :bawling:

I asked the doc at the consultation how long until I could train again and he just shrugged and said he knew nothing about karate so couldn't make an educated guess.

I'm recovering ok. A swift improvement in the first couple of days but not much over the last 4.There's bit of swelling, bruising and tenderness which doesn't seem in a hurry to leave.

Any advice which will get me back on the floor sooner would be gratefully received. Cheers.

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I wasn't training when I had mine done. And I got an infection, which come complicated the recovery a little.

Compression shorts and heat are your best friends. Ice after activity. No one can tell you when you'll be ready, as everyone's different.

The norm is about a week until you feel pretty much normal, and 2 weeks until you're 100%. Everyone swells and bruises differently, and that'll really determine the length of recovery.

Take it day by day. If you feel good, try very light activity. If that goes well, increase the intensity. If you do too much too soon, you'll set yourself back.

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As JR 137 said it will vary person to person. Personally I'd recommend that you wait 2-3 weeks prior to starting back but purely depends on what you can do comfortably and safely

Progress slowly everyday to ensure that you feel comfortable with more and more exercise.

I Understand that your getting bored because you're not able to physically get on the mats to train, but you have to put your physical health first before grading. Because none of us wants to give you the wrong advice like what your doctor even said.

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I had a friend get this done not long ago. The suggestion for him was to do NOTHING for around 48 hours, but keep a little icing on it for swelling. After the 48 hours were up, you should be able to go back to your regular activities. He took the prescribed time off, and was then back to work later that week.

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I was well enough to get back work after 6 days but the incisions haven't healed yet so I'm still not training.

I don't know what other people's experience he's been but I was given very little advice on how to speed up my recovery. I get that it's not a big concern when most men are able to get straight back to work but for active people being 80% healed up isn't always enough.

For prosperity and other curious folks I'll post some of the top tips I've learned and curated from others. In no particular order.

1. Ice. 10 mins on and 20 mins off for the first day.

2. Tight fitting underwear is a must. This isn't time for stylish boxer shorts, we're talking y fronts. A size too small.

3. Painkillers. No aspirin. Don't be a hero.

4. Keep extra clean. Stock up on non adherent padding and micropore tape. Dress loosely so the wounds can breathe. Wash hands before and after using the bathroom, shower daily. Don't touch!

5. Good nutrition. Get some good protein, vitamins and minerals in you.

6. Rest. Total rest for the first couple of days, stay in bed if possible. Allow the incisions to start knitting together without any straining.

7. Buy a jock strap and cup when you make your tentative first steps back into training. Compression shorts prevent the cup moving and causing things to get trapped.

8. Any sign that something isn't right, get to the docs for antibiotics.

Hope it helps someone.

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the best way to get back soon is to rest. don't experiment with painkillers, don't start to early, just have patience. otherwise you'll hurt yourself and going back to training will take much longer.

in the meantime, you could search for videos of your style and analyse them.

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I've not had the procedure, but rest & time seems to be the best Rx to me. As for that antsy feeling you have...take time to go over the parts of training you don't often get a chance to. Watch youtubes of your forms to get a different perspective. Watch sparring for the same thing. Watch old PKA or MMA fights for fun. Watch old MA flicks that either you'v always wanted to, or that you haven't seen in awhile.

I know it's hard to out for awhile. You'll be up and back at it in no time. Be well.

Being a good fighter is One thing. Being a good person is Everything. Kevin "Superkick" McClinton

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