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Recently a colleague of mine that teaches interstate had an issue where GKR 'memberships consultants' decided to enter their part time dojo that was located inside a school. Of which they handed pamphlets out to those students in class.

Now what are your thoughts on this?

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if this happened in a public facility, there is nothing to be said. However, if these GKR people barged in unannounced and uninvited and interrupted a training session in progress; it is very rude.

One simply cannot interrupt people training to talk business and expect people to say nothing. It is common sense and basic business ethics. It's just not cricket! It might have been borderline acceptable if they attempted their information or recruiting campaign afterwards, but during practise? No way.

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I'm guessing this is a school hall after hours? If in NSW this is technically illegal since all schools were declared enclosed grounds and they had no legitimate reason to be there.

That aside it's highly unethical to stand outside a class and try to poach students.

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Major, MAJOR disrespect on their part. That's just not how you do things!! How did your colleague handle the situation? I know for sure if they had done this to my instructor, they would have left with a serious flea in their ear and possibly from one or two of the students also. Of course no violence but, they would be told in no uncertain terms, where they could put their flyers!


Be water, my friend.

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So I've got this straight...

They came into an academic school where a sesnsei rents space to teach karate classes, and started handing out brochures to karate students during class and/or students waiting for class to start and students who've just finished?

I know some people who would have had a violent solution to that one, and to be quite honest, I wouldn't hold it against them. I'd disagree with the methods, but I wouldn't fault them. My teachers and their teachers are from an era where challenges were common; almost expected. To the best of my knowledge, they didn't challenge anyone, but people showed up to their "house" with something to prove. After a few times, word got out, and it would stop. Sometimes it would take longer.

It doesn't get much more disrespectful than what the GKR guy did. In a day of lawsuits, litigation, etc., things can't be done that way. They shouldn't be either, regardless of that.

If faced with that, I'd call everyone into the middle of the floor, including the offender, and say something along the lines of "Goggle GKR's business practices and quality of instruction. Take his brochure. If you think what they offer is better than what I'm offering, go watch a class and take a free class with them. Ask the teacher how long they've been teaching. If they have a black belt with a white stripe through it, they took a weekend course to teach and haven't actually earned their black belt yet. If you're convinced they're better, go there with no hard feelings." Then I'd turn and tell him/her directly and calmly say "If you or anyone else steps foot in here or outside my door again, you'd better be ready to prove yourself." I'd follow up with a call to whoever was listed on the pamphlet. I'm sure they'd have a standardized rebuttal though.

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So I've got this straight...

They came into an academic school where a sesnsei rents space to teach karate classes, and started handing out brochures to karate students during class and/or students waiting for class to start and students who've just finished?

I know some people who would have had a violent solution to that one, and to be quite honest, I wouldn't hold it against them. I'd disagree with the methods, but I wouldn't fault them. My teachers and their teachers are from an era where challenges were common; almost expected. To the best of my knowledge, they didn't challenge anyone, but people showed up to their "house" with something to prove. After a few times, word got out, and it would stop. Sometimes it would take longer.

It doesn't get much more disrespectful than what the GKR guy did. In a day of lawsuits, litigation, etc., things can't be done that way. They shouldn't be either, regardless of that.

If faced with that, I'd call everyone into the middle of the floor, including the offender, and say something along the lines of "Goggle GKR's business practices and quality of instruction. Take his brochure. If you think what they offer is better than what I'm offering, go watch a class and take a free class with them. Ask the teacher how long they've been teaching. If they have a black belt with a white stripe through it, they took a weekend course to teach and haven't actually earned their black belt yet. If you're convinced they're better, go there with no hard feelings." Then I'd turn and tell him/her directly and calmly say "If you or anyone else steps foot in here or outside my door again, you'd better be ready to prove yourself." I'd follow up with a call to whoever was listed on the pamphlet. I'm sure they'd have a standardized rebuttal though.

Sounds good to me, cut to the source and call them out. I had herd these guys were on the sketchy side but man. interesting though brings to mind the premises to a old school shaw movie lol

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I'd immediately escort them outside for cause!!

Inside...I run that!! Outside...I don't run that because it's public, even though I'd strongly suggest to them that they need to go elsewhere because this isn't wanted or needed or welcomed in any shape, way, and/or form.


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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The class is run in Queensland (north-eastern state of Australia).

@mazzybear they actually came inside the rented space to hand them out and didnt wait outside.

As it was on school property, he notified police of this occurring and apparently it has occurred elsewhere also

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