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They tricked me! They lied to me!

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I've been a 1st kyu for about a year and eight months now. I've been working hard the past few months to learn the list of 32 kata, drills, and history recitations my instructor gave me for my black belt test.

I got really excited last Thursday when he told me that when we got back from our two week holiday break, they would be setting a date for my test.

I started really cracking down on clearing up everything I had questions on. I sent my instructor at least a dozen e-mails over the weekend asking questions. I completed my "black belt test study guide" with my research on the history of all the kata and the write ups of the techniques and the history of Isshinryu and Okinawan Karate and my thoughts on the meanings of Shimabuku's Code of Karate. I even made flash cards and started memorizing it all. I drilled my basics, kata, and partner drills.

Today I went into class and they told me I was going to go through everything with the black belt instructors to see what I still needed work on. My instructor even video taped me (I thought so I could see what I needed to fix for my test). I was making mental notes of every mistake I made so I could prepare to fix it. It was pretty exhausting and intense, but I knew it'd help me in the long run.

Then the end of class came. My instructor pulled out a brand new black belt and handed it to me.

Just like that, I'm a Shodan.

how happy I am-- http://imgur.com/XyoUN9w

me with my head instructor Victor Smith, 8th Dan- http://imgur.com/uA47PgN

me with our two sixth Dan instructors, Young Lee and Mike Cassidy-- http://imgur.com/Dz78MiN

It's been a long journey-- http://imgur.com/n2LTMMq

Edit-- Added a few pics

Edited by Lupin1
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Congrats on earning your Shodan, Devin; well deserved!!

I enjoyed the pictures, Devin; thanks for sharing them; looks GREAT!!

Bad Sensei for lying to you, but such a nice lie!!

What a Christmas present!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Devin!!! That is awesome. Congrats. :) So happy for you.

What was your reaction like?


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