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This is a video of a 9 year old (or younger) black belt girl doing a double nunchauku kata...what do you think?

I'll make my comments in a few days after everybody else gets a chance to post.

*****NEVER MIND...I can't find the video now..please erase this thread...sorry

Edited by Montana

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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Sorry Montana, there's no link in that post. Try editing it with the URL :)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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I haven't seen the video but I will go ahead and say this. When you have kids that young they do not understand MA, they are simply looking at it like a sport, they treat it like baseball or gymnastics. I think instructors promote kids to this level for publicity and nothing more. No child should have a BB, the mental capacity that you should have with that rank is not even possible at a young age. Further I feel the same way about the videos posted as "best karate ever!" and it's a lady who kicks over her head 400 times in 2 minutes. Is she a great athlete? sure, very fit? absolutely, but is this MA? No, it is not, this is rhythmic gymnastics the only difference is that she is wearing a belt. My words are harsh but I am pretty passionate about this topic because I feel that MA is a life style, not a sport, some don't see it that way (and that's fine) but I do.

Edited by chiliphil1

Black belt AFAF # 178

Tang Soo Do

8th Kyu

Matsubayashi ryu shorin ryu karate

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I haven't seen the video but I will go ahead and say this. When you have kids that young they do not understand MA, they are simply looking at it like a sport, they treat it like baseball or gymnastics. I think instructors promote kids to this level for publicity and nothing more. No child should have a BB, the mental capacity that you should have with that rank is not even possible at a young age. Further I feel the same way about the videos posted as "best karate ever!" and it's a lady who kicks over her head 400 times in 2 minutes. Is she a great athlete? sure, very fit? absolutely, but is this MA? No, it is not, this is rhythmic gymnastics the only difference is that she is wearing a belt. My words are harsh but I am pretty passionate about this topic because I feel that MA is a life style, not a sport, some don't see it that way (and that's fine) but I do.

EXACTLY! That video was of a young girl wearing a black gi basically twirling 2 nunchaku around (flash, no substance) and doing backflips and cartwheels. She won the all around tournament grand champion weapons kata. Sorry, but I call poo-poo on that sort of stuff.

If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please..feel free to stand in front of them.

Student since January 1975---4th Dan, retired due to non-martial arts related injuries.

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With the way children are desensitized towards violence in general, it is foolishly irresponsible to allow a child to handle a weapon. The child in the video may show a high level of dexterity, but it is highly doubtful that her understanding is any deeper than mere performance to impress an audience with pretty choreography and acrobatic dance.

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With the way children are desensitized towards violence in general, it is foolishly irresponsible to allow a child to handle a weapon. The child in the video may show a high level of dexterity, but it is highly doubtful that her understanding is any deeper than mere performance to impress an audience with pretty choreography and acrobatic dance.

That's the nature of the sport she's competing in. Like it or not, it isn't about self-defense or deep understanding. Kata competitions of that nature are a performance, similar to gymnastics, where you display precision and athletic achievement. I didn't see the video but it sounds like she does it very well. Instead of criticizing, we should applaud her for what she has achieved.

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  • 3 months later...

There's a similar thing on Facebook at present with a young boy.

Playing with weapons and watching MA films does not contribute as training or skill - mere copying.

“Spirit first, technique second.” – Gichin Funakoshi

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Looks nice, and all, but is what they're doing effective. Stick a Bo in the middle of all of that fancy smancy stuff, then the Nunchaku is void.

Still, in the competitions that these are usually viewed in, their context is right there, and quite impressive; not all can do all of that tricking stuff and then some. I respect them. It takes some guile to not constantly drop anything doing all of the tricking.

Copying? Might be? I was watching the mechanics and saw nothing effective except what can happen when the body meets inertia: PAIN/DISCOMFORT/OUCH!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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I will say it looks cool.

As others have said these doesn't seem to be very effective.

This is were I have to ask the question what is your personal MA Journey and beliefs. Do you like trick/extreme sports MA's this is for you. If you want traditional MA then go else where. I believe everyone one has there own journey and different things they want to get out of it.

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