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Is this normal?


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Hello again Senpais! Thanks for the advises again. I'll be taking my 6th Kyu test this Saturday and I'm so excited. One question that bothers me though is if it's normal to be jumping ranks? I mean, does it not violate any philosophical matters or principles of martial arts?(it's not that I don't trust my sensei but just a thought).

Well...how did your testing cycle go Saturday??

It's not normal to be jumping ranks, although it does happen from time to time. It's more dependent on the instructor, and not as much with the governing body. Although the governing body, like mine, has it's involvement all over any testing cycle, but the instructor is given the green-light on this providing that the instructor doesn't have a record of this quite often.

The philosophical matters or the principles of martial arts, again, are dependent on the instructor.

What I've noticed over the years is that some students can be upset about this because it's not happening to them. Rarity should stand shoulder to shoulder when rank is concerned, imho!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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'''And now, almost all day I can't stop thinking about karate. Even at night, if I accidentally open my eyes, my arms move on their own blocking and punching. And not only that, I don't know if this is weird, I have been learning techniques, and each technique that I learn, I'm getting more and more afraid with respect to how deadly the technique is. Is this normal?''''

Yes its normal!

Inca Warriors - Warriors of the Inca people were brainwashed for many years to forget fear completely until they became fearless to everything and then they were officially a warrior.

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  • 6 months later...

Its always said that MA is to be apart of your life.

People initially thought I was sad when I said to people that I eat, sleep and breath karate.

I somewhat believed them, however now I don't care...I love MA and wouldn't want my life without anything else.

I'm almost married to karate. HAHA.

This is normal for you to be like this...it is essentially MA engraving itself into your being.

“Spirit first, technique second.” – Gichin Funakoshi

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  • 2 weeks later...

[.it is essentially MA engraving itself into your being.]

That is deep man,Love it.

Inca Warriors - Warriors of the Inca people were brainwashed for many years to forget fear completely until they became fearless to everything and then they were officially a warrior.

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  • 5 months later...

MA's can also effect driving habita. Such as wanting to hit other cars or avoiding being hit. The whole nervous system is being reprogrammed while practicing ma's. I'm almost 60 and l'm loving ma's more every day. There is always something interesting to learn and practice just waiting to be discovered. I've practiced ma's for most of my life and I wouldn't change the better part of it for anything. It's not all physical there is alot of wisdom to be integrated in to your being also.

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I've been training for about a year and a half and I've developed something of a karate habit.

My wife and I used to bicker over who makes the coffee in the evenings, but no longer! In the time it takes to boil the kettle I can perform naihanchi a couple of times and do some kihon.

I've also woken in the early hours with the urge to perform some kata or kihon which I fully embraced. Went back to bed feeling very relaxed 😴

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Nothing wrong with making training a habit. That is exactly what one is supposed to do! How else do people think somebody can keep training for decades? Why is it that a 70 year old expert can easily beat people less than half his age? Habit! When training is a daily habit, one no longer has to think about doing it or plan it because it is a natural part of the day. Like getting dressed in the morining. Nothing wrong with that at all!

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I love this post. I think about Karate all the time and I have an endless respect for all martial arts out there. There's something to learn from each style or system! As previously stated above, I also think about it all day long, every single day. I've ditched my girlfriend countless times just so I don't miss a class. I used to train 6 days a week, now it's 4, and I practically convinced Kyoshi to add a 5th class through constant pestering lol. Even still, on days I don't train in class, I always set time aside to go over Kata. I simply cannot get enough.

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