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how much would i weigh??


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I was wonder what weight i would be at so i could determine my weight class. I weight weigh 168 right now im 5 8 probly a 20% body fat. When i weighd 184 it said i had 23% body fat when i was lifting. Ive lost weight and ive been dojng pushups now i am planning on shedding as much weight as possable doing extensive shadow boxing heavy bag situps other cardio. I was wondering what weight i would be down to if i trained really hard shedded the most fat i could and was medium body frame pushups dips all that and if i got mike tyson style muscle how much would i weigh? My reach is 69.5 inches does that effect my weight at all?

I can only bench press 140 and when i was younger i was 150 but could bench press 110 with 23% bodyi can curl 35 lbs dumbells once now.

Edited by chrisw08
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To me, that's the Million Dollar question. That answer will desperately vary from practitioner to another. And of course, I believe that any weight loss program should be supervised by a doctor so that it's done properly and won't cause any harm to oneself.

Train hard, but be careful as to not harm yourself!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Typical body fat for a male athlete is in the region of 6 - 13% and between 14 - 17% for fit individuals. So I'd say currently you're not far off hitting the right range for a sportsperson. Of course body fat isn't the sole thing that determines weight, it is also very much dependent on how much muscle mass you put on too.

To be honest, your trainer or training buddies would be better to advise as they will know the circuit you intend to compete on and what your body is like right now. I think in general most amateur fighters tend to just drop the body fat as low as possible whilst maintaining their strength etc. Having said that, take a look at the fighter's on your preferred tournament circuit and try to place yourself height- and build-wise. I'm guessing at 5' 8" you'd probably be towards the middle divisions?

FWIW when we try to decide on weight classes for our TKD comps, we try to make sure that the fighter is at the upper end of the bracket for height. There is a definite trend towards the heavier fighters being taller and that extra reach can be a big advantage in competitions.

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A friend of mine used to get constant grief from the medics because he was 17 stone, BUT most of it was muscle!!!

It was because he didn't fit into one of the weight - height charts that they judge us by.

Do the most simple test, reach down and grab your belly/gut - if you can grab more than an inch (2.4cm) then you have excess body fat, if there is nothing flabby to grab then you are in proportion or too skinny!

Sometimes having a bit extra can help if you get really ill as your body can live off itself for longer, most of the time you don't need to drag around an extra tyre so can eat less and exercise more, mostly it's about how comfortable you feel with yourself.

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If you are trying to drop some weight consult with your doctor first as a health precaution. As it helps with determining whether are any reasons for you not to.

Also don't forget that you may not get down to your ideal weight due to your genetics and build

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Dwayne "Rock" Johnson's BMI, at his WWE prime was 30. However, that was because of the amount of muscle he had, and it wouldn't surprise me if his BMI is more now...he's ripped even more so than he was before!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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Dwayne "Rock" Johnson's BMI, at his WWE prime was 30. However, that was because of the amount of muscle he had, and it wouldn't surprise me if his BMI is more now...he's ripped even more so than he was before!!


Don't Forget that BMI is not that good at telling us our fat %. As it is rather Inaccurate.

Often athletes will receive a high BMI due to the muscle that they have built up. Even though they look healthy, but according to the BMI they are overweight.

With Weight Classes don't be pedantic about going down or up more than 1 division.

Your reach does NOT affect your weight at all.

For me I am 110 kg and 5'8" and my ideal weight is approx 80 kg but I may not get there completely due to what my genetics decide.

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Dwayne "Rock" Johnson's BMI, at his WWE prime was 30. However, that was because of the amount of muscle he had, and it wouldn't surprise me if his BMI is more now...he's ripped even more so than he was before!!


Don't Forget that BMI is not that good at telling us our fat %. As it is rather Inaccurate.

Often athletes will receive a high BMI due to the muscle that they have built up. Even though they look healthy, but according to the BMI they are overweight.

With Weight Classes don't be pedantic about going down or up more than 1 division.

Your reach does NOT affect your weight at all.

For me I am 110 kg and 5'8" and my ideal weight is approx 80 kg but I may not get there completely due to what my genetics decide.

Solid post!!

I think I was trying to say that the Rock, by his high BMI, is considered Obese, and the Rock, is far from that!

Still, I do thank you for your post...solid, indeed!!


**Proof is on the floor!!!

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It's hard to use Mike Tyson as a point of reference because there aren't too many individuals like him, ie very very fit and at only 5-10 a complete heavyweight.

If you don't mind me asking what is the purpose of your question? Is it more about personal appearance or physical performance?


To quote the great Bob Marley: "LOVE IS MY RELIGION"

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