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best way to quit smoking


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Hello well I've been smoking for quite a few years now and I joined karate about 1 year ago but every time we have to spar I run out of breathe within minutes and I get to the point where I just stop lol.

Anyway and tips would be appreciated

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Go to where the smokers congregate; feel how their very selves seem to be seeped in the nicotine toxin; drink pure water and taste your food again.

Look to the far mountain and see all.

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Those electronic cigarettes really helped me, I've been stopped for nearly 2 years now. I still use the e-cig, but that's still got to be better than actually smoking...... Right? I feel better about everything: lung capacity/function, fresh breath, no stinky clothes and a far healthier bank balance, as for my sense of smell....... It's unreal, almost super sensitive, I can smell things other non smokers can't, it great....... Until someone breaks wind :brow:

Give it a try, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. Good luck!!


Be water, my friend.

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If you're based in the UK, the NHS has loads of help for quitting smoking:



Might be worth a read even if you're not UK based as a nice guide to the different methods of quitting and treatments available.

"Everything has its beauty, but not everyone sees it." ~ Confucius

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The software we use has an issue with the inclusion of parentheses in links. Sorry about that. For Danielle's second link above, visit: http://bit.ly/1xjuiOS

Best of luck in your efforts.


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Figure out what triggers you to wanna smoke, maby after you eat ? have idle time ? a few beers ? then (try) to find something to replace it. Eat something, practice your forms in your sparring gear, drink a big glass of water. I dunno I guess it depends on you and how long, much you smoke. I know it's really, really hard but don't give up, hang in there. Best of Luck !

Lead, follow, or get the hell outta my way !

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  • 2 weeks later...

I quit smoking 3 years ago after numerous failed attempts. In order to quit you really, REALLY must want to quit and be committed to it. First 2-5 weeks suck badly but it does get easier. Stay away from places where smokers congregate. Something that helped me was mentally telling myself that I was a non-smoker and that I didn't need a smoke whenever a craving would hit. Good luck and don't give up!

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One way you can quit smoking is to change your daily habits. Say in the morning you have a cup of coffee now you will change to a cup of tea BUT in a different cup itself and sit somewhere else.

If you have a smoke at work then sit somewhere else with different people. So if you have one at 1 pm and sit outside with friends. Then eat at 12 and stay inside and have lunch with others that you dont know.

By changing your habits you change the ques for your body to want to smoke. So changing your habits goes a long way to quitting.

Use the nicotine latches to assist with quitting. Within days your body will be thanking you.

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Stop buying the smelly cancer sticks!

Look at people who have smoked for years with wrinkly skin, health problems etc. ask yourself if you want to be like them.

It is tough but take charge of your habit and you will succeed in doing anything you want to do.

I quit by reducing down to a few a day, gradually, then got it down to one a day which I would leave until the evening. Then made a date to stop when the last packet ran out. I think I just threw the last couple on the fire.

You may have the odd lapse after a beer but look at it as a temporary lapse like eating a cake when you are trying to lose weight, don't assume you've failed just that you need to try again.

After time you will hate them, hate the smell and become fitter, be able to taste more, walk up the stairs without gasping.

It's your body and your life, take control...

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