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How to combine my martial art practice and stronglifts 5x5

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I am doing strong lifts 5x5. I started because i was advised to it by someone on here(thanks by the way i'm really loving it!!)so do strong lifts 3 days of the week and 15 minutes cardio before each lift.Then the two days not including the weekend i have class.I don't really do much on the weekend and i was thinking about starting to go to one muay thai class a week.Anyway i was going to do basics one day i have class and all of my kata 5 times on the other days but i'm still skeptical about the plan i want feedback is this to much? not enough? if not what else should i do to help my martial arts improve to it's full potential?

"walk on"-Bruce Lee

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It's nice you found lifting, my other physical past time. Your body will tell you if your over training, you need to learn to listen to your body. Don't jump into more training, slowly add more classes/workouts. Another thing to remember, rest is part of our training plan. It's not something we as MA really put into practice, but you'll find out that serious lifters have as part of their plan. Depending upon your plan, body, level of training, etc take a week off every 6-12 weeks. This is not a week sitting on the couch, but what we call 'active rest'. Go for a hike, swim, etc. Bring the intensity level down to allow your body to recover.

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Listen to your body is the best advise.

If you are tired mid evening every day then you may need to either ease off a bit or add in another rest day.

There are millions of bits of advise for what is best for you, the best ones are the ones that you enjoy and you see the results.

On a full week I do 10 hours training, a mixture of Gym, Kata, Karate lessons, Karate teaching. I try to keep a mix of cardio and lifting, then vary the lifting so all muscle groups get a go. I'm not super fit but have a loose plan to gradually increase things and can see the results.

Saying that I can run circles around some younger guys...

On the other side of the arguement, don't allow it to take over your life, everyone needs a sofa/couch day as well.

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It's nice you found lifting, my other physical past time. Your body will tell you if your over training, you need to learn to listen to your body. Don't jump into more training, slowly add more classes/workouts. Another thing to remember, rest is part of our training plan. It's not something we as MA really put into practice, but you'll find out that serious lifters have as part of their plan. Depending upon your plan, body, level of training, etc take a week off every 6-12 weeks. This is not a week sitting on the couch, but what we call 'active rest'. Go for a hike, swim, etc. Bring the intensity level down to allow your body to recover.

Good advice here. A piece of advice I would offer is that as you progress in your lifting, I think you might do your body better in recovery by attending classes on the same days you do your lifting. That way, your off days from lifting are off days from other activites, and you get your full recovery in.

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