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Posted (edited)

Hi all,

At your dojo what is the order of your Kata?

Mine is:

White - Taikyoku Jodan

Yellow - Taikyoku Chudan

Orange - Taikyoku Gedan

Red - Taikyoku Kake Uke Ichi

Green - Taikyoku Mawashi Ichi and also starting here we do Sanchin Kata

Purple - Gekesai Dai Ichi & Ni

Blue - Saifa and here we start doing Tensho Kata here

Brown, 1st Brown - Seeuinchin

Shodan - seeuinchin and sanseru

Shodan - Sanseru

Nidan - sesan

Sandan - sepai

Yondan - shisochin

Godan - kururunfa

Rookudan - suparempai

My apologies if I spelt anything wrong.

Edited by Nidan Melbourne
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In our Dojo;

Shio Tsuke 1 - 10

Pinan Kata 1 - 5






Kanku Dai

Kanku Sho

Bassai Dai

These are the Kata from 8th Kyu to shodan.

There are many others to follow, such as Kurunfa, Chinto, Superempi, Sanchin and a few I can't remember.

Look to the far mountain and see all.


I'm TKD, but I'll put in my order here:

White - Chon Ji

Lo orange - Dan Gun

Hi orange - Bo Chung (an original form from our system)

Lo green - Do San

Hi green - Won Hyo

Lo blue - Yul Kok

Hi blue - Jung Gun

Lo brown - Toi Gye

Mid brown - Hwa Rang

Hi brown - Choong Moo

Recommended black - Choong Moo

1st dan - Kwang Gae

2nd dan rec - Poe Eun

2nd dan - Gae Baek

3rd dan rec - Se Jong

3rd dan - Yoo Sin

That's as far as I am right now. I think 4th dan form is Choong Jang, but I'm not for sure.


We follow Matsubayashi-Ryu (Shorin-Ryu); the kata progression listed below for our dojo is according to the kata students need to test for the corresponding rank, not when they begin learning it:

10th Kyu (white): none; begin basic Tachikata (stance training) and basic concepts; begin learning Fyukugata Ichi (Basic Form 1, first kata)

9th Kyu (Yellow): Fukyugata Ichi*

8th Kyu (Blue): Fukyugata Ni*

*Known as Gekisai kata in Goju Ryu

7th Kyu (Green): Pinan Shodan

6th Kyu (Purple): Pinan Nidan and Sandan, Yakusoku Kumite I

5th Kyu (Purple): Pinan Yondan and Godan, Yakusoku Kumite II

4th Kyu (Purple): Naihanchi Shodan, Yakusoku Kumite III

3rd Kyu (Brown): Naihanchi Nidan, Yakusoku Kumite IV

2nd Kyu (Brown): Naihanchi Sandan, Yakusoku Kumite V

1st Kyu (Brown): Ananku, Yakusoku Kumite VI

Shodan (1st Dan): Wankan and Rohai, Yakusoku Kumite VII

Nidan (2nd Dan): Wanshu and Passai (Bassai)

Sandan (3rd Dan): Gojushiho

Yondan (4th Dan): Chinto

Godan (5th Dan): Kusanku

Our kata curriculum is a little more accelerated than the official Matsubayashi-Ryu curriculum, but not by much.


Remember the Tii!

In Life and Death, there is no tap-out...


Also Goju, But in my dojo it's a bit different:

9th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Jodan Ichi & Ni

Taikyoku Chudan Ichi & Ni

8th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Gedan Ichi & Ni

7th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Kake Uke Ichi & Ni

6th Kyu (Green Belt)

Taikyoku Mawashi Ichi & Ni

Sanchin dai ichi

5th Kyu (Green Belt)

Gekisai dai Ichi & Ni

4th Kyu (Purple Belt)

Gekisai dai san

Sanchin dai ni



3rd Kyu (Brown Belt)

Sanchin dai san

2nd Kyu (Brown Belt)


1st Kyu (Brown Belt)


And many others past shodan.

Goju Ryu - Shodan

My MA Blog: http://gojublog.com

Personal Blog: http://zenerth.tumblr.com

  Karate_John said:
Also Goju, But in my dojo it's a bit different:

9th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Jodan Ichi & Ni

Taikyoku Chudan Ichi & Ni

8th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Gedan Ichi & Ni

7th Kyu (white)

Taikyoku Kake Uke Ichi & Ni

6th Kyu (Green Belt)

Taikyoku Mawashi Ichi & Ni

Sanchin dai ichi

5th Kyu (Green Belt)

Gekisai dai Ichi & Ni

4th Kyu (Purple Belt)

Gekisai dai san

Sanchin dai ni



3rd Kyu (Brown Belt)

Sanchin dai san

2nd Kyu (Brown Belt)


1st Kyu (Brown Belt)


And many others past shodan.

What other Kata do you have at your school (don't worry about putting rank with it)?


Ours is interesting. Seisan-- the first Isshinryu kata-- is not really a beginning form. It's actually pretty complex. So my instructor modified a few kata from other systems to Isshinryu (our stances and the vertical punch) as a preparation for the first Isshinryu kata. He also adds unmodified kata from different systems for different reasons throughout the program either to teach different techniques and ways of movement or to just completely throw us off (his official reason for making the new brown belt learn a kung fu form [no-- it's really to get us moving more fluidly and flexibly]).

I'll give you the adult version (the belts are different for the kids, but the kata are still learned in the same order).


Fukyugata Ichi (Shorin Ryu)

Kyozai (not sure, actually)

Annaku (Shorin Ryu)


Seisan (Isshinryu)

Saifa (Goju Ryu)

Seiunchin (Isshinryu)


Naihanchi (Isshinryu)

Wansu (Isshinryu)


Chinto (Isshinryu)

3rd kyu Brown:

Supple Dragon (Pai Lum Kung Fu)

Kusanku (Isshinryu)

2nd kyu Brown:

Nijushiho (Shotokan)

Sunsu (Isshinryu)

1st kyu Brown:

Sanchin (Isshinryu)

Hidden Stick Form or Horseman's Bo Form (Bando)

Past Shodan is really flexible and dependent on the person, but it includes study of the Isshinryu weapons kata as well as more empty hand kata from other systems (since Isshinryu only has the eight listed above). I'm pretty sure we don't have any official requirements for anything past Shodan. Honestly even below that it's extremely flexible what belt everyone learns things at, as long as everything on the list is known for the Shodan test. For example, I just got my 2nd kyu but I learned both the 1st kyu forms as a 3rd kyu in addition to the 3rd kyu forms (still have a lot of work to do on them, of course, but I've got all the movements).

So yeah... we're confusing.

  Lupin1 said:
Ours is interesting. Seisan-- the first Isshinryu kata-- is not really a beginning form. It's actually pretty complex. So my instructor modified a few kata from other systems to Isshinryu (our stances and the vertical punch) as a preparation for the first Isshinryu kata. He also adds unmodified kata from different systems for different reasons throughout the program either to teach different techniques and ways of movement or to just completely throw us off (his official reason for making the new brown belt learn a kung fu form [no-- it's really to get us moving more fluidly and flexibly]).

I'll give you the adult version (the belts are different for the kids, but the kata are still learned in the same order).


Fukyugata Ichi (Shorin Ryu)

Kyozai (not sure, actually)

Annaku (Shorin Ryu)


Seisan (Isshinryu)

Saifa (Goju Ryu)

Seiunchin (Isshinryu)


Naihanchi (Isshinryu)

Wansu (Isshinryu)


Chinto (Isshinryu)

3rd kyu Brown:

Supple Dragon (Pai Lum Kung Fu)

Kusanku (Isshinryu)

2nd kyu Brown:

Nijushiho (Shotokan)

Sunsu (Isshinryu)

1st kyu Brown:

Sanchin (Isshinryu)

Hidden Stick Form or Horseman's Bo Form (Bando)

Past Shodan is really flexible and dependent on the person, but it includes study of the Isshinryu weapons kata as well as more empty hand kata from other systems (since Isshinryu only has the eight listed above). I'm pretty sure we don't have any official requirements for anything past Shodan. Honestly even below that it's extremely flexible what belt everyone learns things at, as long as everything on the list is known for the Shodan test. For example, I just got my 2nd kyu but I learned both the 1st kyu forms as a 3rd kyu in addition to the 3rd kyu forms (still have a lot of work to do on them, of course, but I've got all the movements).

So yeah... we're confusing.

That is interesting how you have it at your school. Confusing as hell though if your coming from another isshinryu dojo.

I know with seisan in various goju-ryu schools they have it at different dan grades because of its complexity. Like at my dojo we have it at 2nd dan but at some i know of they have it at 3rd or 4th dan.

But i have seen most of the kata you have listed, which are mostly all interesting.


We don't always teach everything in this exact order, but this is generally how we progress people through the kata:

Kihon Ippon

Kihon Nihon

Kihon Sanbon

Naihanchi Shodan

Naihanchi Nidan

Naihanchi Sandan

Pinan Shodan

Fukyu no Kata (I'm honestly not sure why this is taught between Pinan kata)

Pinan Nidan

Pinan Sandan

Pinan Yondan

Pinan Godan

Passai Sho

Passai Dai

Kusanku Sho

Chinto (I'm also not sure why this is taught between Kusanku kata)

Kusanku Dai



All-in-all, I feel that we have too many kata, but that's another discussion, entirely! :P

KishimotoDi | 2014-Present | Sensei: Ulf Karlsson

Shorin-Ryu/Shinkoten Karate | 2010-Present: Yondan, Renshi | Sensei: Richard Poage (RIP), Jeff Allred (RIP)

Shuri-Ryu | 2006-2010: Sankyu | Sensei: Joey Johnston, Joe Walker (RIP)

Judo | 2007-2010: Gokyu | Sensei: Joe Walker (RIP), Ramon Rivera (RIP), Adrian Rivera

Illinois Practical Karate | International Neoclassical Karate Kobudo Society

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