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wrist pain


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i get this unexplaneable wrist pain every so often and i can't move it or put weight on it without intense pain, i usually end up taping it fairly tight and that helps. any ideas on what it could be?

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when you're taping, make sure to pay attention as to exactly what wrap is releaving the pain. If you notice the pain relief as you anchor your wrist to your hand, that might mean a tendon in the hand/wrist.

But like i always say, when pain involved comes from a joint, go see a doctor.

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Could be a number of things, but if it comes and goes it probably isn't a break/tear whatever. Next time it happens, get a bucket of ice, fill it with water, and put your hand and wrist in it and see if that helps. It could just be inflamation. If that helps, ice it everyday. See a doctor of it persists.

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I had a wrist problem recently.

Pain was on the surface near the little finger.

Turned out to be triangular fibrocartildege complex tear.

what do you do for that? just stop using it for it bit while it heals?

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I ignored it for a few months, kept going gym and training as normal.

The pain become really bad at a point, could barely turn a door knob without alot of pain.

My hand is in a splint for 3 weeks, and I got a long lasting steroid injection into the joint area. That should accelerate the healing process.

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  • 1 month later...

I experienced this over the summer as well - I was doing a pullup from a wooden beam that was kind of wide for my grip, and something just gave on me. My wrist was out of commision for most of the summer. Had to stop bag work and the majority of weight work, pushups were ok as long as I stayed on my knuckles. It improved over time, but took forever - I'm still not really sure what I did to it, or how. Wrists are fragile things unfortunatley.

"I once thought that life was a mixed bag, now I know it's just a bag of all"

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  • 8 months later...

Have your doctor check it out. I was getting numbness, tingling and pain a few years ago coincidentally while practicing wrist locks with a fellow student who loved to put the "death grip" on me whenever we were partners. It turned out I had some tendonitis and carpal tunnel.

"Never argue with an idiot because they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." ~ Dilbert
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