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Injured with three weeks until BB test, help

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I'm testing for Black Belt April 28th!! I'm excited, but I've a bit of a problem. My body is not cooperating. When I was sparring another bb candidate a few weeks ago, he did a flying side kick and knocked me on my butt :o the next few days it felt like it was bruised, I just ignored it. After having had back surgery and two knee surgeries within a year and a half I am determined to not let anything stand in my way, much less a bruised buttocks. Anyway, it has gotten considerably worse causing my hamstring on the left side to tighten up and my SI joint to hurt. I am usually hperflexible but can hardly reach down and touch my toes. So, went to the doc, and told him of my dilemma. He prescribed NSAID, muscle relaxers and some pain meds if it gets bad. Yesterday, it got BAD. I am worried, and wondering if I should call the doc..and ask for a cortisone shot or take a couple more days off. I took today and yesterday off from training. I am having problems with my left knee too, and am concerned that there may be more torn cartilidge. Things ARE NOT going my way :kaioken: :kaioken: I was wondering if it could be periformis syndrome and if so the best way to treat it.

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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haha wondering... DEFINATELY call the doctor ASAP the faster he can put you on the road to healing the more chance you have of being okay to test... black belt tests are EXTREMELY demanding and anything less than you best and you will fail... so call... now!

Brown belt... win trophies... grade... lose trophies... so much fun

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Get with the doctor, and ease up on your training until you can move better. Stretch out more at home, very lightly. There is no point in testing if you are injured and can't give it your 100%.

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Go see your doc, explain the situation, ask for some advice and then try to follow it (I know it's a hard thing to do, especially in a situation like yours, but usually it's the smart thing to do...)

Hope you'll be okay. Keeping my fingers crossed for you. :)

If you're going trough hell, keep going. | http://www.sankukai.org

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In addition to what the others have said about giving 100% in your test, no belt is worth the sort of serious injury you could give yourself if you test when your body is telling you to stop. Don't do it without a doc's ok - preferably a sports physio.

Battling biomechanical dyslexia since 2007

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Yep, they're right. Every comment here is correct. I know that's not what you want to hear, but you HAVE TO heal first. No matter what happens, healing from your injuries just became your first priority! If that means postponing your test, your training, and even taking time off from work. You WILL do serious injury to yourself in a BB test because you want to do well and you know the standards are high, so you will push yourself very hard even if your body is saying stop. I have been there too. I was injured in my green belt test, but finished any way. My shoulder still bothers me 15 years later. I delayed my blue belt test due to injury, and delayed my black belt test due to personal issues that did not leave me enough time to train properly. When I took my black belt test, I wanted to shine! I would not be happy with barely passing, especially if I thought the instructor was giving me pity points. No one in his right mind will say you should go ahead with the test until you are fully recovered as much as possible. Don't do it...DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT !!!!

Paranoia is not a fault. It is clarity of the world around us.

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No matter what happens, healing from your injuries just became your first priority! If that means postponing your test, your training, and even taking time off from work...

...No one in his right mind will say you should go ahead with the test until you are fully recovered as much as possible. Don't do it...DON'T DO IT...DON'T DO IT !!!!

I couldn't agree more. I was once stupid enough to deliberately ignore my doctors advice and started training too soon. Because of that I developed chronic condition, ended up in surgery 2 years later and thanx to my uttermost stupidity I lost another year of training just to heal properly. What could have been a short 1 months rest became a 3 year hiatus...

I never repeated the same mistake again. Ever!

If you're going trough hell, keep going. | http://www.sankukai.org

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Everybody's right. When it comes down to it, it's still just a colored strip of fabric. If you perform at black belt level and wear a brown belt, you're still a black belt in my opinion. Don't run the risk of more injury just because you're in a hurry. Check with your sensei and see if there's an option to test a little later.

There's no place like

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I can always depend on you guys for support :) thanks so much for all your encouragement and good advice. I called the doctor today and asked for a steroid shot, he doesn't give shots but prescribed oral prednilisone, starting taking it tonight. I took about an hour today and did every periformis stretch I could think of. I also stretched my hamstrings which tend to be tight most of the time. I made it through class tonight, didn't do thai pads, normally I do seven rounds of seven before class, 7 elbows, knees, thai kicks, but I will lay off of that for a while. Because my husband is my instructor he had us work on katas, and focus mitts which worked nicely for me. I'm going to make it through this and when I do I will post some of my test for everyone to see!!!! :D

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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