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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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I thought that I would start a thread where we could record what we did as far as training goes each day that we train.

You can share what you did in class, feelings about exercises or philosophies of the class, and things like that. :karate:

You can also talk about any kind of other physical training that you did, like in the weight room, or cardio work.

I thought that this would allow us to bounce ideas off each other, or just keep a running log of training. :) Since every one has different ideas and methods of training, it would be a great way for us all to learn from each other as well.


Today, I did a mini workout at home. I did a few sets of push-ups (trying to work up to 100!), and did some sets of slow side kicks. I had my son at the house, and he managed to crawl on my back as I was doing push-ups! That adds some resistance, for sure!

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I hit the gym today...leg day, and some shoulders.

I did hang cleans and squats, followed by a mini-circuit of leg extension, leg curls, abductor, and adductor work. It made my legs feel pretty good.

For shoulders, I did a machine shoulder press, and dumbell raises. I have been trying to keep these sets between 10 and 6. Later, I will work up to reps of 6, 4, 4, I think.

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I've always wanted to snowboard, too bad I live in Texas.


6 minute rope skipping, 1 minute break inbetween every 2 minutes.

50 burpees

150lb leg press, 10 reps x2

Hanging Leg Raises 12 reps x3

Half mile jog

Edited by Ace2021

A New Age Dawns

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Great Idea Bushido!!

Today I did focus mitts for about 20 min. hands, low line kicking, tai kicks.

Shadow Boxing and Wing Chun about 10 min.

Kali snakes, disarms, quick releases

hubud with sticks.

basic box pattern contra simbrata.

kind of a light workout but I'm exhausted none the less. :karate:

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


Nike Ad.

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I like it... Today I have my Kobudo workout. Normally my home routine isn't this involved, but as tournament season is coming up, I'm stepping up my training a bit. I don't know the technical names for these so I hope they make sense:


Spins(50 Per Side):

Horizontal Backhand

Horizontal Forehand

Outside Vertical Backhand

Outside Vertical Forehand

Inside Vertical Backhand

Inside Vertical Forehand

Figure 8s(25)

Single and double

Blocks(25 Each Side):






Strikes(25 Each Side):





Kata(4 Times)

Hamahiga No Tonfa

Done Slow, Fast, Hard, then Normal.

There's no place like

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I got up late, so I couldn't hit the gym. I'm in the office all day so instead of sitting all day I'm practicing holding stances for 10 minutes at a time. I break for 5 minutes and sit in the chair before moving onto another stance.

I'll work my way up to 20 minutes then 30.


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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