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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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Me and my dad decided to start chopping and scooping about 25 feet of 2 foot deep snow and ice. That was a good time. I will count that as a workout. Thankfully, my youngest brother showed up to help out as well.

It took us about an hour to do, I think.

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Me and my dad decided to start chopping and scooping about 25 feet of 2 foot deep snow and ice. That was a good time. I will count that as a workout. Thankfully, my youngest brother showed up to help out as well.

It took us about an hour to do, I think.

I had a workout like this back on 2-14. I only had about a foot deep of snow & ice to deal with but I was by myself. Man I'm still a little sore.

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I had class today! You know, martial arts? The kind you apparently can't do when it snows?

It was good to knock the rust off. Only I and two other guys showed up. Turns out our instructor was gone last weekend on business. Today we went fast and furious, with a wide variety of combinations, mitt and pad work, heavy bag, and medicine ball. Nothing like having a medicine ball dropped on your abdomen from 3 or 4 feet up every few seconds for a minute. My partner is a physician's assistant; he was worried about rupturing his intestine and getting peritonitis, then dying like Houdini. :o

My instructor said I did better against the mitts with fast combinations. One of my old habits from karate gets in the way, which is squaring myself to the target more than a kickboxer should. Gotta work on that. Also, he wants me to keep my jab hand half way to the target instead of near my face. That way, there is less distance to travel and less shoulder movement to telegraph the punch.

All in all, a great 1+30 of MT. Wednesday we start full contact sparring. I can't wait!

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Good 1+15 workout at home today. I'm looking forward to mounting my 50 lb heavy bag this afternoon so I can train punches, kicks, elbows, and knees at home. It's been sitting on the floor in the corner of my gym since I moved.

Elliptical machine: 10 min warmup, levels 13/15/17; 1.0 mi, 136 cal.

Superset: Dumbbell press: 35x10, 40x8, 45x6, 50x4, 30x12. Lat pulldowns: 70x10, 90x8, 110x6, 130x4, followed immediately by 100x10 reverse grip.

Leg press: 100x10, 120x8, 140x6, 160x8 followed immediately by seated calf raises 160x20.

Series lift with no break: With dumbbells: 30x10 press. With curling bar: 45x10 military press; 45x10 standing curls; 45x10 bent-over rows; 45x5 clean and jerk.

Standing Tarzan curls (curl dumbbell to opposite pec): 30x6, 25x8. Standing straight curls 25x8.

Leg/glute kickbacks: 30x15 ea side, 40x8 ea side.

Seated row: 100x12, 120x10.

Decline situps: 60

Shoulder shrugs: 50x20, 10 ea way.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Ah, back to training!



Bench Press: 145x10, 195x6, 205x5 I'm starting to feel good about bench press again. I think next week I will take the weight up a bit more.


Skullcrackers: 70x8, 80x6, 85x4

Dips: 2x5


Decline abs: 15x3

Side Raises: 3x20x25 lbs.

Hanging Knee Raises: 3x10

Also did Hang clean: 115x10, 135x8, 145x4


Stairs: 3x30 sec, 1 min. rest

Steppers: 3x30 sec, 1 min rest

Squat jumps: 3x10

Single-leg butt kicks: 5 each leg. I may need some more strength to get to where I can do these decently. But, man, they will be great for building explosiveness for my flying side kick board break.

I will also have Combat Hapkido from 3:30 - 5:30 or 6:00. Then, I will have Tradtional TKD Class from 6:00 - 7:00. A good training day, all around.

I'll give an update on how these classes go later on (if not tomorrow). I don't know if I'll be back on tonight, so I thought I would just make one entry, and edit as needed. I know; I am all about efficiency! :D

OK, here is the edit:

Oh, boy, we had fun last night in class! It was the normal class, but at the end, I had one sparring match with a youngin' that I did well against, but then, we had a 3-for-all! Me (2nd dan), a 1st dan, and a 4th dan. What a good time that was! I was happy with myself, because I felt like I did a good job of staying out of the middle, and making sure that I was only fighting one guy at a time. I even faired well against the 4th dan, who is very tough in one-on-one.

I did manage to get the 1st dan in the back of the head. He was caught up with the 4th dan, and I snuck behind him, and gave him a little tap on the head-gear! :D You know, just to let him know I was there. :roll:

Unfortunately, at one point while I was retreating from a punch by the 1st dan, I got caught on his heel as well, and started stumbling backwards. I decided to just fall down, and roll with it. I was able to get back into the rumble quicker that way.

Edited by bushido_man96
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Shoulders, back, and biceps today.


Assisted pull-ups: 3 sets of 5

Back Hyperextension: 3x12

Seated Cable Row: 110x10, 130x6, 140x6

One-arm Dumbell Rows: 40x10, 55x6, 55x4


Shoulder Press: 106x8, 111x6, 117x4

One-arm Dumbell Raises: 25x10, 30x6, 35x4


Overhead Cable Curls: 40x10, 50x8, 60x6

Cross-body Hammer Curls: 25x10, 30x6, 35x4


Decline Abs: 3x15

Side Raises: 3x20x25 lbs.

Hanging Knee Raises: 3x10

For some reason, be it the hang cleans or TKD class from the night before, my arms were pretty sore going into my workout today. But, I made it through. :D

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Bushido Man: for a guy who says he's heavier than he'd like to be, and has bad knees, you do a LOT. Nicely done.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Bushido Man: for a guy who says he's heavier than he'd like to be, and has bad knees, you do a LOT. Nicely done.

Thanks, Baron. My wife thinks that I work out a lot. However, I just don't seem to get into better shape (skinnier).

Aside from class last night, my knees feel pretty good today. I am kind of enjoying it.

Here's another thing that eats me up. If I lift the same weight every week for a year, by the end of the year, I will be stronger, and have moved up in weight. For some reason, this doesn't translate to my TKD training. I have been doing the same basics in TKD classes for 5 years now, but, for some reason, I still get just as tired and worn out doing them. What's up with that? Very frustrating! :x

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Finally made it back to the gym after almost a year of not lifting! I thought I'd go light and step back 30 lbs from what I normally did in the past (with lateral pulls, curls, and benches) and stick with 100 crunches until I could do it without it being a problem again before stepping up the #.

To make a long story short, I KILLED my arms (they won't bend back beyond a 90 degree angle!), so I've been popping pills hoping that the soreness will clear up soon so that I can go back and do things at a slower pace next time!

Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft.

~Theodore Roosevelt

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