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The Martial Artists' Training Log


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I thought I was done training for today, but we had a small colored belt testing, and then, SURPRISE!!! An improptu black belt workout!

We did a basics warm-up, and then 30 minutes worth of forms:

Chon ji, Dan Gun, Bo Chung, Do San, Won Hyo, all back to back with no rest in between.

Then, we took a break, to let the other half of the class do the same forms.

Yul Gook, Jung Gun, Toi Gye, all together, then break.

Hwa Rang, Choong Mu, then break.

Kwang Gae, Po Eun, and Gae Baek.

During the breaks, I stretched.

All done, and my conditioning day is now complete! :karate:

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Sounds like a great workout. I did arms chest and back weight training, focus mitts and abs at the gym. Couldn't go to my TKD and Boxing classes last night, the weather is bad here. :karate:

"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. They will say you're not good enough, strong enough or talented enough; you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. ………..….


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Legs today:

Power clean: 135x6, 145x5, 155x4

Squats: 225x10, 275x8, 295x6

Hack squat: 180x10, 200x10, 220x6....this one really hurt my knees. I doubt I will do this one again.

Calf raises: 160x10, 152x10x2

After lifting, me and a friend of mine did an hour and 45 minutes of Combat Hapkido. We really got a lot accomplished, and got through the requirements of the first two belts. It was a blast!

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No lifting again today. My wife was sick today, so I missed the weights. I did get in some MA training, though.

3:30-5:30: Combat Hapkido

6:00-7:00: Traditional TKD class.

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Back and biceps today in the weight room:

Pull-ups: 3 sets of 4, assisted. I also did some hangs and tried to squirm around, lifting myself up some and holding where I could.

Back Hyperextensions: 3x12

Wide grip pull-down: 120x8, 130x6, 140x4

One-arm dumbell row: 40x10, 45x8, 50x4

Overhead cable curls: 50x10, 60x6, 70x4

45 degree arm curls (done on a machine that you can move the weight plates to focus different areas of the bicep lift): 5 sets, 10x20

Decline abs: 3x20

Side raises: 3x20x25

Hanging knee raises: 3x10

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Conditioning work:

Sledgehammers: 3x1:30, 1 min. rests.

Stairs: 3x30 seconds, 1 min. rests.

Steppers: 3x30 seconds, 1 min. rests.

Tuck jumps: 3x10

Punch outs: 3x30 seconds, 1 min. rests.

Olympic round kicks: 3x10 seconds, 45 second rests.

Technique work:

Cable reverse punches: 40 lbs x 10 reps x 3 sets each side.

Flying side kicks over 3 obstacles: I did upwards of 20 of these on my right side. I did the left side as well, but not quite as many. I have to do this technique when I test for my 3rd dan decided, so I am going to practice it more often.

The punch is also a testing break requirement as well.

From 6:00 to 7:00, me and a 1st degree had about a 20 minute sparring session. Then, we worked on some forms and some Combat Hapkido.

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Great idea, Bushido Man! Last night my Muay Thai class was canceled for snow. I normally log my training in my training journal and my workouts in my home gym notebook. Maybe I'll start using this. My question is...is anyone reading anyone else's workouts?

Squats: 225x10, 275x8, 295x6

Very nice.

My workout on Tuesday:

7 min elliptical, lvl 13/15/17

5 min stretching

Decline situps with 25 lb dumbbell on chest: 25/25/15

Dumbbell bench: 35x10, 40x8, 45x6, 50x6, 35x8

Overhead pulldowns: 60x12, 80x10, 100x8, 100x6, 120x6 (reverse grip)

Leg press: 80x15, 120x12, 160x10, 120x8

Leg kickbacks: 30x10x2 ea side

Shoulder dumbbell press: 30x10x2

Clean and jerk: 45x25

Dinner time.

I'd like to see Sohan's workouts. You and he do a lot compared to old men like me! :D

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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Great idea, Bushido Man! Last night my Muay Thai class was canceled for snow. I normally log my training in my training journal and my workouts in my home gym notebook. Maybe I'll start using this. My question is...is anyone reading anyone else's workouts?

Oh, yes, I am always reading other people's workouts! That is how I get some new ideas! I think it is a great way to share ideas and methodologies.

I, too, have a training notebook, with all kinds of notes, workouts, ideas, class planners, and more listed in it. It is one of my most prize possessions. If I were you, I would continue to keep notes in them as well.

Squats: 225x10, 275x8, 295x6

Very nice.

Thanks. Unfortunately, these numbers are a bit misleading, because my knees hurt so bad, that I only do half-squats. However, I think that is better than nothing.

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Bushido Man, you need to check out this composite motion leg machine, the CF-2355: http://www.hoistfitness.com/_brochures/GSA.pdf

If I could afford one, I'd buy it today. We had one on the USS John C. Stennis that I used all the time. It is my favorite leg machine. The reticulated motion eliminates stress on the knees and hips. I put about 750 lbs on it because the motion required more weight, but it was GREAT.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

Martial arts are like kinetic chess. Your move.

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