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TKD class: 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Basics, with extra stretching kicks and front snap kicks, forms, which I just did my form, but did some stretching while others were practicing forms. One-steps, and then sparring. Sparring felt a bit off. I felt like I really couldn't get any movement going.


Defensive Tactics class: 10:30 - 11:30 am. Helped the students review for their final. Went over the wrist grabs, choke defenses, and some positions on the ground, and discussed a bit of concepts to consider for fighting multiple attackers.


Defensive Tactics class: 10:30 - 11:30 am. Final. The students were taken to a gym where they had to run 2 suicides, and then brought into the mat room where they were attacked by one or two guys in red man/Blauer suits, and they had to strike effectively to get away. Then, they were put into bad positions on the ground, full mount or side control, and they had to reverse, strike, and get off and away. It went well, and it was fun! The students all did a great job, too.

  tallgeese said:

8 hour day of MMA for Law Enforcement course. Excellent look at transitioning tools from mma and BJJ into LE compatible tools.

Sounds like a fantastic class. Was it an instructor course by chance? Please, let me know where you find these trainings, so I can get more material for DT for our department.


It was a super cool class. This one was the product of my coach in collaboration with our jail's CERT team and was specifically built based on their input. We've done the same thing before with general control tactics.

I will try to get the video for you.


In San Diego area for a Roy Harris instructor camp. Spent last night doing guard passing. The man is amazing. After years if doing this I thought I knew pretty much all there was to guard passing. I was wrong. More amazing was that he worked on material that simply refined techniques that you learn at white belt level to make them highly functional.

2 hours of tech technique.

1 hour free roll with some absolutely amazing people.

Back in for more today.



Busy weekend. Day full of various seminar topics:

Am of functional movement training for BJJ.

60 min free roll.

Striking for MMA block.

Kali elbow training course.

Crucifix series.

Rear leg round kick for JKD.

Escaping the arm triangle.


Defending the back mount and Escaping the turtle.

Fence work for MMA

Pressure work for top.

Private on FMA/ JKD knife work.

That's it for the camp. I am exhausted but learned SO much. Now to work on all those notes.


Sounds like a great weekend, Alex. Just awesome. I look forward to the video. :)


TKD Pre-Test: 6:30 - 7:45 pm. Started with basic punching exercises, and then did our "black belt basics," Do-Kangs 1-4, which are terribly draining for me. Then we did forms, starting with Jung Gun, then up through our own rank. So for me, it was Jung Gun, Toi Gye, Hwa Rang, Choong Moo, Kwang Gae, Poe Eun, Gae Baek, Se Jong, and Yoo Sin hyungs. We had a short break between each form, because the class splits in half to allow enough room to perform without having to adjust positions. Next was one-steps, which we did only briefly, and I got through white and most of orange belt. Since I was testing, I got asked to do Do-Kangs 3 and 4 again, and Yoo Sin again. Last was a round of sparring without pads, for which I was gassed out. My wife and I went to eat, I drank 3 gallons of water, showered, stretched, and slept.


TKD Testing: 10:30 am - 1:00 pm. Did forms Se Jong and Yoo Sin, all one-steps, 30 total, not counting the fact that some basically consist of doing the same one-step twice, mirroring them on both sides of the body. After a short break, I sparred a match, then went on to board breaks. Breaking went well, except for the spin heel kick, which really made my heels feel wonderful afterwards.



Whole night dedicated to ALL kihon & kata to 1st kyu.

(seems I'm to prepare for June grading)


“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.



7:00-9:00 Karate

- first class: all kumite + pre-arranged sparring

- 2nd class: kata - Saifa, Seiunchin and Kururunfa. Practical applications for Kururunfa (I was the guinea pig for this), throws, takedowns, locks & holds.

during the day; gym for 4 hours

- bike (rode 10 km for High Intensity Interval Training)

- Treadmill 25 minutes

- weights

- different machines @ different weights

- free weights - bicep & tricep curls



whole night dedicated to ren-raku, kihon & kata.

“A human life gains luster and strength only when it is polished and tempered.”

Sosai Masutatsu Oyama (1923 - 1994) Founder of Kyokushin Karate.

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