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Defending younger siblings

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I was just wondering what you all would do in the situation that I found myself in last night (New Year's eve). My 16 year old sister and her boyfriend, who is all of 5'6" and skinny as a rake, were being pushed around by two 17 year old yobs who were 6' tall and built like tanks. Every time I went outside (I was working in the pub) the lads would scarper, so I never actually saw what was going on, but my sister was in tears and her boyfriend clearly shaken. I eventually ran into the two of them and told them to back off, but I was roundly ignored. My every impulse was to give one or both of them a smack, but them being 17 and having not seen anything I didn't. They only eventually backed off when my stepdad basically hauled one of them against a wall and told him where to go. So now I regret not taking a similar course of action myself.

What would you have done? It's such a legally and morally dubious area, so I would be very interested in your opinions.

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I think you did the right thing, particularly if it happened where you work. Unless you were prepared to "start" something you would have had to finish - likely including discussions with police afterward that would pull you away from working the bar on New Year's Eve - you weren't in a position to do much other than tell them where to go. The only other thing you might have done is call your security guys about them loitering and make them leave. Like you said, it was a weird situation.

Only as good as I make myself be, only as bad as I let myself be.

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I agree with the way you handled it. Any differently you may have risked yourself being in trouble with the law as well as your employment. When your sibling is involved in the situation it makes it even harder to maintain control and composure. Well done.

"If your hand goes forth withhold your temper"

"If your temper goes forth withold your hand"

-Gichin Funakoshi

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Maybe the first thing you should have done was inform your father, so that the two of you can handle it together. 2 on 1 is bad. 2 on 2 is better.

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I would have hurt them, and hurt them bad, because when it comes to family i dont fool around, but the boyfriend should have did something even though he was skinny that is no excuse.

the best fight is one that doesnt happen

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If they were hanging out at the pub, then they should have complained to the manager and had the other guys thrown out. If they wouldn't leave then call the police. It's better to let the law handle things than to get involved yourself unless there's immediate danger.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would have beat the living crap out of them. i don't have any sisters but i do have a cousin who is as close to me as a sister and she knows i would fight for her. i do have a little brother, he's small but he is mean as he!!. the boyfriend must be pretty sorry if he can't fight for his girlfriend. my fiance knows i would fight for her because i have already proved it.

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  • 4 months later...

I would have seriously went crazy. I would have been gritting my teeth and snarling so bad at them that if they decided to stick around for more, they would have gotten more. I agree with some of the previous postings. I don't mes around when it comes to my family!

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