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favourite means of travel?


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Hey guys, what transport do you prefer to take? I am personally a bus or taxi person. Although i have noticed lately that bus fares are increasing and becoming quite expensive just for short journeys. I don't have a car because i don't drive, thats also too expensive :lol:

I also use the trains quite a lot because of scattered family. I don't like using the trains because they are always late and the toilets are always either not working or blocked up! :o

I haven't had much experience with planes or ships. I have flew once to spain and i did quite enjoy the experience. So guys what are your attitudes towards public transport and which do you prefer to take?

Kez x :karate:

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We travel by car. One reason is that we live in the middle of no-where. The buses don't come out this far. So if we didn't drive, we'd be stuck.

As far as traveling to see family in other states, we usually drive. But my boyfriend flies a lot for work (about once every other month). I never flew before, though.

Laurie F

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I love my car! Which is terrible because I like to think of myself as an environmentalist, but I go everywhere in my little Micra. To be fair she's only got a 999cc engine, so how much harm can she possibly be doing?!

I do enjoy taking trains when I can, but I only use them for journeys when I'm not under time pressure. Being stuck on an immobile train in the middle of nowhere when late due to leaves on the line is the most stress inducing experience I know of!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like car unless I am traveling in the city during rush hour which can be a bit much...or if it is snowing. I take the train to work (easier), I don't care to take ships anymore (bad experience) I do not car for planes at all. I like staying on solid ground. Remember, you can't pull over to a curb at 30,000 feet :)

"Don't tell me the sky's the limit because I have seen footprints on the moon!" -- Paul Brandt

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My favourite mode of transport is train, but the majority of the time I tend to drive or walk for short journeys. I tend to use the train when going longer distances, such as when going to away ice hockey games or if I'm going on a weekend seminar/martial arts course.

I don't like flying, I get airsick. :( The last time I flew long-distance (it was a 12 hour flight) I was very very sick and ended up having to go to hospital when we landed. Since then I've tried to only use flying for short distances, or to use other means of transport if possible.

"Was it really worth it? Only time and death may ever tell..." The Beautiful South - The Rose of My Cologne

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We use a car around town, but we are in a village that is off the road system so if we want to go to a different town we have to fly.

I prefer small 6 seat planes to jets, since you can see what the pilate is doing and have a great view since you don't get very high.

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of love, a spirit of power, and of self-discipline.

2 Timothy 1:7

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For me im lucky to have a good bus service where i live (i cant drive had a few mishaps when i was learning) and can get a bus to pretty much any where including where i train (although it not much fun waiting for a bus after training in the freezing cold for 40 mins :bawling: ).

As for flying its one of my biggest fears been on a plane quite a few times and hated it!! The worst was when i was working and had to go back and forth to Belfast by plane (take it from me i was not a happy bunny every monday morning!!)

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