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Breaking up is hard to do

karate carolyn

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sorry this isnt much of a topic but i need somewhere i can let something off my chest.

After a year and a bit my boyfriend and i have to decided to call it a day i dont really know how to feel. It was my idea but i feel so bad but know i did the right thing. the tough thing is he's still living with me (he has no where else to go which i dont mind) and we are still going to be friends but i still cant help but feel terrible

anyone else been through this? Did it turn out alright?

Thanks for listening

Karate Cx

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Awww Carolyn i'm sorry to hear this. I have never been through living with someone after officially splitting with them, but i can imagine it being difficult and strained.

If i was you i would encourage him to find his own place, even help him if you can. Otherwise the situation at home could become bitter and thats not good for either of you hun.

Aww best of luck with that, thinking of ya!

Kez x

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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aww thanks

that was the plan anyway he only moved in because he was having a hard time with his mum and was not ment to be a long term thing thats the reason i felt so bad felt like i was kicking him when he was down but things just came to a head on friday and i couldnt pretend that things where fine anymore

We are trying to be just friend so we'll just have to see how things go. Its just hard.

thanks tho means a lot

Karate C x

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Sometimes its harder to stay friends than cut all ties. I know everyone says they will try to, but it isnt always the best solution. And don't feel like you are kicking him while he is down - it wouldnt be helping him if you stayed with him and werent truly happy. That would only make both of you miserable in the long run. Try to make sure that he doesnt stay with you out of habit for both of your sakes.

All the best anyway - I know its a cliche but you will get through this and come out happier on the other side :)

Karate Ni Sentinashi

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I'm sorry to hear that, Carolyn. Situations like this are always hard at first, even when you know that it is for the best in the long run. It just takes some time to come around. I think it will go easier for you after he finds his own place.

Keep your chin up, and keep a postitive outlook on life. Things will come around for you!

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thanks again for all the replys they really helped

Well the update is he made up with his mum and moved out, after a couple of days though we were getting back to normal (not in a relationship way) and i think we can be friends we were even able to laugh at what was said during the fight.

i know it will be hard to stay friends but it will be worth it if we can

Thanks again


p.s Karate K - fingers crossed maybe 2007 will be better for both of us - if not then maybe we should start the worlds first MA dating agency lol!!!

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