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His Style


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i am new to the forum (26yr), have done Karate for about 2 years now.

Am part of a club in Germany.

Now, to my question. We have a new guy with us, and his style is just unique!

at the moment he still is in black because thats all he has at the moment, and must have a black belt in something.

now his fighting style is really original.

it's fast, he is quick at blocking, a punch comes out of no were and his kicks are lethal.

His first full contact sparing he had (black belt V's black belt), lasted only 40 seconds, due to a perfect jump spin kick!

His stance for sparring is open guarded, and is always moving. At first it look like a kung fu type of style, he engages fast, and is very unpredictable.

All i could find out is, that has done a whole load of different types of martial ares in the past.

he is also very good at sneaking up at people and being able to get people in to locks, and stuff,, found that out due to messing around abit..

someone said it's ninjitsu, due to the clothing he has.

can some one help,..

sorry my english is not all that good..


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Well, i would but i am abit shy when it comes to asking people about their past.

but i want to ask him and see if he can teach me anything from his style, like how he builds speed, with his techniques, and if he can show how to do some of those fast out of no were kicks.

i was really amazed by the jumps spin kick because it looked like he was going to punch. but then it was like a bang, his opponent was down.

thats why i was wondering if you could help me figure out what it could be. but it does look like a mix of things..


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