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what happened at are academy today

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today i was at practice working own my stretching when this kid walked in who was the same age as me. it is very common for people to come in and ask questions about class so at first i did not pay much attention, till he opened his mouth. he sticks his head in and asks the assistant instructor who was sitting right by the door " where the african dude at"

( my sifu happens to be black) the assistant instructor simply responded no africans are here. " no i meen that guy who runs this place, which then the asstant said he has gone now, so the kid started asking questions like what style do u teach here and stuff like that to which the assistant instructor answered in very philosopical manner, he also asked what belt was he since he was not whearing uniform. Then he asked did something u never do. he turned to him and said i study kungfu 2, to whcih the assistant said Ok. then he asked the assistant do we sparr at are academy 2 which he said no we restore balence hear. so then he asked the assistant instructor 2 sparr, i repeat: he came in of the streats, unanounced in his streat clothes and tennis shoes and challenged a black sash to sparr. when it was declined, he turned and asked me to sparr with even though he had jus told him no, and ofcourse i was not going to accept a challenge from somone like that no matter if sifu/instructors where there or not, for all i know he could be own drugs, or have a gun or somethin, own him. so then he precided to show what kungfu forms/moves he new am from what i saw he was not bluffing about knowing kung-fu( though i still was not going to sparr with him though) and after he did each move he asked him do u know this move, to which the asstant said, that could be a 1 of many moves from emany styles each time, so of course the kid obviously is not being taught any actual martial phylosphy or self-discipline, at his school. other whys he would never have walked into someone elses academy and want a fight. so then he said can my school sparr ur school, to which he was told, it is not my decision, so then he said " man u a rookie, im out of here" and left, and the assistant jus continued apon his business that he was doing b4 he walked in. now eather this kid goes to the cobra kai dojo from karate Kid or seriously needs to be taught a lesson, despite all this.apart of me wanted to saprr with him just to teach him a lesson, weather i win or loose i really wanted to jus do it to show him not to challenge uknown people to sparr. has this ever happend 2 any of u and if it did what did u all do,

i also wanted to get him because of the fact he disrespected, the assitant instructor( who happens to be my mentor) and had know honor, if this was in feudal times, that could have been his death.

i am jus a liitle irritated at all this what do all of u think.

you must learn different combinations of techniques down to your very soul and they must come without thinking when you finish with one technique, you must immediately go into another until you have attained your goal which is to destroy the enemy.

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This is a very difficult one to respond to, either way this "DUDE" so to speak would of been brushed off.

But then his disrespect to say your instructor is a rookie, i think he would have been limping out of our dojo. To be truthfull i think i would have said come out side for a chat and give this guy a good hideing...

please dont preach about discipline on my answer, as your allowed to look the other way once a year LOL

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Honestly, don't know what I would have done in that situation. I'm very protective of where I train.

But, talk is cheap!!!!

Looking at it now - aftyer its over, your assistant instructor handled it very well. Being called a rookie from a stranger, no biggie....

I would have done the same thing, ignored the comment - keeping an eye on him until he left.

If he tried to break something or attack a student\instructor, now he's gonna get hurt....

Fear does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

Pain does not exist in this Dojo, does it! No Sensai!!!

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Yeah i think you and your instructor handled it very well. At the the end of the day you were both bigger and more sensible people and you both know respect, he obviously doesn't so there you go, you both win!

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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This is life. People do this in every field, no matter what the field. Whether that be martial arts, video games, running an online community or hanging up a picture. "I want you to do it this way. Oh, you won't? Well, you have no idea what you're doing." That's just the way it is. You shouldn't and really can't waste much time on it. You need to focus on what you do, what your goals are and what you need to accomplish. That's one thing that seperates successful people from unsuccessful people. Beating people up every time someone says something disrespectful about you, your trade, your idols, etc. isn't a good way to live. Just do you and it'll work out.

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You did the right thing. I don't know if this kid had some kind of a grudge against your school (it sounds as though hes studied up abit on it before he came); but you never really know if he was just wanting to spar or hurt someone. We had a Black belt who was invited to another dojo a few years back and apparently while he was there they must have ganged up on him. Were not sure cause he didn't talk to us much about it; but he ended up quiting about a month afterwards.

Miyamoto Musashi wrote in his book of five rings that a true warrior does not need the approval of others to know that he is strong. By his brasingly doing that shows that he isn't very mature about it. Don't feel bad that you didn't accept his callenge cause that would have just put you down to his level. Only fighting when its necessary is not cowardace; but the true way of the martial arts.

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This is life. People do this in every field, no matter what the field. Whether that be martial arts, video games, running an online community or hanging up a picture. "I want you to do it this way. Oh, you won't? Well, you have no idea what you're doing." That's just the way it is. You shouldn't and really can't waste much time on it. You need to focus on what you do, what your goals are and what you need to accomplish. That's one thing that seperates successful people from unsuccessful people. Beating people up every time someone says something disrespectful about you, your trade, your idols, etc. isn't a good way to live. Just do you and it'll work out.

I agree wholeheartedly. Agreeing to spar with someone in that context could open up a lot of problems like him pulling a weapon on you. Getting seriously hurt, or hurting that guy could have escalated the situation further. You did the right thing, don't bother giving it a second thought. :)


The best victory is when the opponent surrenders

of its own accord before there are any actual

hostilities...It is best to win without fighting.

- Sun-tzu

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