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For my family and I, it's either just the three of us (mom, dad and myself) or we have my grandparents over Christmas eve. We don't do too much, traditional pork tenderloin dinner Christmas eve and Turkey with the extended family. It's not much but always fun.

Bushido: Glad to see people still remember that it is about God. Our church puts on a Christmas pagent, which I'll hopefully get to see. I also try to catch the nativity festival - it has a bunch of nativity sets, with different people/choirs singing and a couple videos and food in other rooms. Pretty cool and spiritual.

External training without the training of the mind is nothing

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for christmas every year we do the same, get up around 6 go into my parents room go down stairs get a drink and open the presents!! then get in the car to southend where all the rest of my family live we go somewhere to eat then normally go back to my aunt's house for a party and sleep round someones house, then someone elses on boxing day

Ashley Aldworth

Train together, Learn together, Succeed together...

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Sounds good ashworth.

Iput my decorations and tree up today it looks lovely. A little early yes but Ryan is going on a cruise holiday on monday with his father so we wanted to do it together...ahhhh my boys going to be away for two weeks, half way around the world!

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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for xmas we usually get up at 10, open presents, play with the new toys :P and then have a mean at about 3. just the 3 of us [me, my mum and my dad]. the either have people over at night, or go to someones.

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This year my wife and I bought a house, and so for the first time we will actually be hositng the Christmas get togethers. In the past, we used to eat a Turkey dinner at my parents place around noon, and then another at her parents place around 4 pm. It was a lot of turkey to take in but it was always a blast. This year we will be cooking, and having my wife's parents, and her sister over along with my parents, and 3 of my siblings. It will be quite the dinner. I have no idea what we were thinking getting into this. Heh.

As for the gifts, I plan on getting my wife an mp3 player, a housecoat and a few other smaller gifts. And my 9 year old son is huge into Pirates of the Carribean so he's getting a few play sets and figures for that movie, along with some Star Wars figures to go along with his previous obsession. He got a Star Wars Lego Playstation game as well.

Getting excited now.

I play a wrestling game online. If you'd like to play follow this link

http://www.thewrestlinggame.com/wg.asp?w= 133896

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I'm going down to NJ for Christmas. The old family tradition was to gather at my Grandmom's house. But she had a stroke and she can't do it anymore. My mom and I are cooking for her. But we are still doing the gathering at her house, like old times.

But most of the family grew up and moved away. So there won't be many of us.

What my boyfriend and I do (when we can't travel) is cook for ourselves, and spend Christmas at home. We buy things for each other, but we usually know it it is, so we give it to each other early.

But this year will be fun. We do get to travel this year (every two years because of his job). I am so excited. That's a Christmas present in itself :D Plus I bought myself three months worth of Shotokan for Christmas hehehehehe ;) I just have to get something for the family.

Laurie F

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Bushido: Glad to see people still remember that it is about God. Our church puts on a Christmas pagent, which I'll hopefully get to see. I also try to catch the nativity festival - it has a bunch of nativity sets, with different people/choirs singing and a couple videos and food in other rooms. Pretty cool and spiritual.

Yeah, I have been know to become a little theological at times!....I just keep it to myself mostly, unless someone is willing to talk about it.

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Sounds good ashworth.

Iput my decorations and tree up today it looks lovely. A little early yes but Ryan is going on a cruise holiday on monday with his father so we wanted to do it together...ahhhh my boys going to be away for two weeks, half way around the world!

sounds cool i love putting up the decorations esp this year after talking to my boyfriend found out he has never had a xmas tree in his house so he is like a little kid at the idea of putting one up in mine (well ours he moved in a week and a bit ago - aghhhh!!! takes a little getting used to) looks like its not going to be just my mum and i after all!!

my only grip is we lost £200 on that farepack thing i hope the bosses of that bank get a vist from the ghosts of xmas past, present and future - scrooges the lot of them !!!! (sorry felt like a little rant there i'll stop now)

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:( Ahhhh Carolyn i really sympathasize with you there, i know all about that fairpack thing it's been all over the news and in the papers. But aren't sainsburys doing offers for people who lost out on fairpack? Maybe you could get involved in that and maybe get something back.

There was one particular woman in the paper who lost hundreds of pounds and she was on benefits. She was saying that her christmas is cancelled this year...and i was like ooohhhhhh nooooooooo don't cancel christmas think of the children. Felt sorry for her.

I have a set of multicoloured lights around my front door, they twinkle and make tunes and if my 2 year old boy turns them on once more i think i'll scream. :lol:

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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