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The Promise of Martial Arts


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I gained confidence, flexibility, some fitness levels, and respect and courtesy. I also found my thing....my brothers played sports in school, but my thing is martial arts.

I also learned some patience. I could learn some more, though!

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Why no one said Fighting skills ?

One of the best thing i learned was how to fight.

The best thing I learned was how not to fight.


miyagi have hope for you yet danielsan :P

confidence is a big thing, fitness aswell.

to me MA is a mind set, not just an activity. if it was just an activity i wouldnt spend so long on these forums.

Now you use head for something other than target.

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What did i get and do i get out of martial arts training? All of the things listed above. My life has completely changed, i was blessed to have a fantastic sensei also.

Same here the sighn in are window did not lie, atleast not to me. :karate:

you must learn different combinations of techniques down to your very soul and they must come without thinking when you finish with one technique, you must immediately go into another until you have attained your goal which is to destroy the enemy.

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Why no one said Fighting skills ?

One of the best thing i learned was how to fight.

We don't do a lot of this. We have a kumite class one night a month. I dont like fighting but i guess i have learn't how to defend myself in a situation.

Walk away and your always a winner. https://www.shikata-shotokan.co.uk

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Confidence and self esteem


Lots and lots of friends

A better understanding of the body and it's movements.

The joys of teaching and seeing my students progress.

The biggest thing I feel I have gained is a passion for karate and the martial arts. I wouldn't give it up for the world. I just can't see myself not ever doing it.

Richard Hang Hong

Chief Instructor

Seitou Ryu Karate

Find me on Facebook!Seitou Ryu Karate

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A way of life. Martial Arts has given me all the non-material things I've ever wanted. It gave me confidance, humility, respect, fitness, fun, social interaction, goals and the list goes on and on. Martial Arts has formed me into the person I am today and I wouldn't it any other way!

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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We've all read them in the yellow pages, school brochures & magazine advertisments/articles of what martial arts can do for you: Build confidence, self defense, health, flexibility, good grades...etc...etc. The list goes on & on.

So, what did you really get out of martial art training?

Only what I was willing to put in.

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Courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-Control, indomitable spirit, respect, self-defense, confidence, calmer temper, problem solving, and a whole lot more that I could jsut keep going. I devoloped great amount of focus, proved that to some of my students tonight. Took on three at once but only one stood at the end, even though they got some good body shots in nothing to bad though.

Why no one said Fighting skills ?

One of the best thing i learned was how to fight.

I have fought to save my life on 2 occasions and I tell you its nothing to brag about in fact its very humbling.

Brandon Fisher

Seijitsu Shin Do

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I've gained MANY things, but I think the most useful was building pateince for my own mistakes. I used to get really frustrated when I did something wrong, but MA training taught me that perfection comes with time and practice, not inherent ability. It's probably one of the most useful personal tools I have.

It's taught me to have respect for my body, respect for others, patience for other's mistakes, humility, insurmountable self esteem and confidence, mediation, proper breathing, body mechanics, spirituality, relaxation in tense situations, the value of hard work, compassion, understanding, and among many other things, to value life and it's precious short duration, not just mine, but everyone's.

"They look up, without realizing they're standing in the palm of your hand"

"I burn alive to keep you warm"

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I've gained MANY things, but I think the most useful was building pateince for my own mistakes. I used to get really frustrated when I did something wrong, but MA training taught me that perfection comes with time and practice, not inherent ability. It's probably one of the most useful personal tools I have.

yeah, same here. i forgot about that one.

"Gently return to the simple physical sensation of the breath. Then do it again, and again, and again. Somewhere in this process, you will come face-to-face with the sudden and shocking realization that you are completely crazy. Your mind is a shrieking, gibbering madhouse on wheels." - ven. henepola gunaratana
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