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Concerned about my right wrist...

Shui Tora

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I'm concerned about my wrist... I dunno what I have done to it, and I'm hoping that you guys could shed some light onto it.

From Monday night onwards, my wrist has been killing me (not literally! :lol:) and I have painfull pains down my wrist when i try to pick something up of even move it, not only that, but if i try to pick something up (like a glass of water) my hand will shake and then my wrist will go weak and numb...

Now either I have caught a tendon doing some Karate, or I have pinched a nerve, but neither of those will cause my wirst to shake, go weak and then become numbe for about 5 minutes...

Any thought/suggestions are welcomed!

Shui Dragon :karate:

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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I'm concerned about my wrist... I dunno what I have done to it, and I'm hoping that you guys could shed some light onto it.

From Monday night onwards, my wrist has been killing me (not literally! :lol:) and I have painfull pains down my wrist when i try to pick something up of even move it, not only that, but if i try to pick something up (like a glass of water) my hand will shake and then my wrist will go weak and numb...

Now either I have caught a tendon doing some Karate, or I have pinched a nerve, but neither of those will cause my wirst to shake, go weak and then become numbe for about 5 minutes...

Any thought/suggestions are welcomed!

Shui Dragon :karate:

Well, since you don't say what the mechanism of injury was, it could be anything from a pinched nerve to a fracture.

In any case, something like that that persists for a few days needs a doctor's attention. Get thee to a medical practitioner!


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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Thanks for the replies peeps...

the mechanism of injury was

You see, that is what I cannot explain! I've remembered everything that I have done (I have a photographic memory) and I can see nothing that I have done wrong to my wrist to cause it... :-?

Once again... Thanks :)

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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The thing about injuries is it doesn't necessarily take an injury to cause it lol. I learned that a few months ago with my back. One morning, woke up, POW, hunched over and half dead. Turns out I had a muscle spasm in my sleep...

DEFINATLY see a doctor. Waiting is bad.

"They look up, without realizing they're standing in the palm of your hand"

"I burn alive to keep you warm"

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Yeah - I have booked an appointment (or rather my mom has... She's a doc, and may know what it is, but as of ethical issues, she cannot diagnose me, and so she won't tell me what it is either! :lol:)

I'm hoping I won't need an X-ray, but that is up to the Doc... If anything is needed to be done on it (like surgery, hoping it won't, then I dunno who I am gonna live without Karate! :o :()

Man, typing with my left hand is hard! Literally! But I can type fairly fast (being left-handed is very handy! excuse the pun! :lol:)

Thanks peeps!

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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Think so? Try brushing your teeth with your opposite hand. :D

I had to do that when I had tendon repair done on my right hand, and it's a lot more awkward than you might think. As was eating soup.


There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality; and then there are those who turn one into the other.

-Douglas Everett, American hockey player

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The doc is the best one to speculate. My guess would be a pinched nerve or hairline fracture. The body is an extremely complex thing, it can play up without any apparent cause, and waiting is not a good idea.

The mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open.

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My firend accidentily had a hairline fracture on the top of her foot from an inccident at school, and she walked on it for a week thinking that the pain was from a twisted ankle, but she went to the hospital and found out that it was a fracture! :o Boy, was she surprised!

My appointment is today in the afternoon, so all shall be revealed then... Lets hops so! :D

To know the road ahead; ask those coming back... ~ Chinese Proverb

" The ultimate aim of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants. " ~ Master Funakoshi

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