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kicks to break bone

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Edited by Ben Martin

Strive to Become The Type Of Person That Others Do Not Normally Encounter In This World

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I See The Sunshine But Their's A Storm Holding Me Back.

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hitting bags is fun and all but if ur learning to break something u definitely need to hit something hard. cause bones are solid, bags give alittle therefore absorbing impact. so hit solid objects like baseball bats or planks of wood. this will also help u build a tolerance to the pain of hitting hard, something bags do not do. or u can do what i do, this is a traditional muay thai technique, kick a tree. if u break a bone than oh well just live with it, pain is a part of life. and in 6 to 8 weeks get ur butt back out there and do it again, dont be afraid.

"Bushido is realized in the presence of death"

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  • 1 month later...

thanx for all the info i think im gonna try the 2 techniques mentioned

1 kicking through the target not at it

2 try to use something to toughen up my shins

and i think someone asked what is the purpose of my style

well it is to do exactly this use fast hard techniques to overcome an opponent

its a hard/soft style juist look it up

thanx for the help

"learning a martial art is like tuning a string instrument. tune the strings too hard and they will snap tune them too little and it will not play but tune it right and you will have music for a lifetime"-anonomous

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Easiest way is to kick someones knee, I was told that it takes something (please correct if im wrong) like 55lbs pressuse to break a knee and the average 18 year old can kick something like...... ok I've forgotten the exact figure but its over double that.

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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or u can do what i do, this is a traditional muay thai technique, kick a tree.

Wow, sorry to be stupid but how do you do that, do you just kick the tree or hit it with your shins (blood sport movie).

Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.

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You know I was just watching a great documentary on Thai boxers and their training. They take their training very seriously. For some it is the only way they can provide a lifestyle for their family. Anyhoo, they trained in rings kicking bags and then sparring each other. Not once did I see any of them, even experienced ones kick a tree or a solid object. This would risk breaking the Tibia and fibula and possibley ending their Thai career.

A great martial artist is one who is humble and respectful of others.

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