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Tae Kwon-Do a martial art or a sport ?

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Forgive me! :lol: I am new to these forum boards as well, and I am still learning everyone around here. It is awesome that these are up... I really enjoy them!




ps: I only wear panties to bed.. and they are my wife's. :brow: just kiddin!! :D

~Traing in Songham TaeKwonDo since 2001~

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That was aimed at KSN Doug, not you Fury. You will find we joke alot and discuss alot here. It is a lot of fun.


THAT WAS A JOKE KSN DOUG!! :wink: :wink:

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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Sport, TKD is fun and everything but it woudl never work on a trained fighter.


So basically, us TKD students are not trained fighters? I am trained to defend, evade, counter, and immobilize... so I suppose that's fighting... so I'd say I'm a trained fighter. Why so much hate for TaeKwonDo?




you are trained to do those things, does that mean you could do them against a trained fighter? someone who does not do TKD?


TKD has despite the HUGE popularity and talentpool has not been able to produce fighters that can compete at the top levels, im not even talking about MMA where they have to worry about groundfighting and grappling etc.


look at K-1, proabably the biggest kickboxing event in the world that allows all diffrent styles. do you know how many TKD stylist have been able tp compete at that level? If you don't already know the answer check it out and tell me how many you find.


you cant argue with facts and they are plain as day.


check out




certain stlyes have produced champions agains and again, Kyokoshin Karate, Muay thai, Boxing, etc...and other havent.


sure a few people have a TKD background but they have all gone on to study other stlyes and when they do fight it's obvious they are not using tkd.


I dont hate TKD im not bashing it, im just being honest.. it is a sport and it's fun to do. The fact is if you want to learn how to fight there are more effective ways.

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If your definition of what makes a good martial artist or art is based upon the achievements of SPORTING EVENTS like the K-1, MMA, Olympics etc… then so be it, we are all entitled to our own beliefs and opinions.

John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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That's what I mean though... some schools train for competitions (sport), others train for the body and the mind (martial arts). Huge tournaments and stuff is ok... but that's not why I train. I know that TKD is by far not the most efficient and effective martial art out there. It has not been around as long as others. I would like to see how a TKD professional would fair in a the K-1 or some other contest, but the fact is.... we don't do that. We compete against ourselves, because to us it's not a matter of who's art is better, it's how we are bettering ourselves.



~Traing in Songham TaeKwonDo since 2001~

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I know that TKD is by far not the most efficient and effective martial art out there


how is that? statments like that are the ones that bother me, Muay thai or Kyokoshin will beat TKD 9 times out of 10 (or more) yet TKD is more effective? how on earth can you justify that statment :-?

I would like to see how a TKD professional would fair in a the K-1 or some other contest


actually a WTF Olympic chmpion as well as a few others have competed beofore..."brutal knockout" is the word that comes to mind.


TKD stlyist have fought plenty of times they just never win against top fighters of other stlyes.



We compete against ourselves, because to us it's not a matter of who's art is better, it's how we are bettering ourselves


no, the best way to truley better youself is to seek out the and train/compete against other stlyles. competing against each other can only go so far.

If your definition of what makes a good martial artist or art is based upon the achievements of SPORTING EVENTS like the K-1, MMA, Olympics etc…


no, but the Topic at hand is wether TKD is a sport or not, why is it that TKD does great in point sparring, Olympic, etc but it can not begin to compete in a COMBAT against other fighters...because its a sport and the more rules you remove the more it hurts tkd.

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TJS* He said it is NOT the most effective or effecient.


I will agree, that TKD is not that effective as a combat sport, but TKD practitioners generally don't train for that kind of sport fighting. MT is sport, K1 is sport. If there are rules, it is sport and not true combat. True combat is I will do whatever it takes to survive. It reallly is, IMO, comparing sports. MT fighters wouldn't do well, IMO, in a TKD tournament.


I'll ask this, can MT fighters gouge eyes in a fight? How about punch to the groin or throat? If not, it is not true combat, but sport. TKD is a martial art and sport, just like several other arts out there. Some are more effective than others at different ranges. What does MT teach about how to disarm someone with a knife or gun? Is there practical self-defense taught in MT? If not, because I really don't know, then MT is purely sport and not martial art, like most people consider boxing. This is just my opinion, though. :)

Ken Chenault

TFT - It does a body good!

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I agree with you kchenault, if rules of engagement are attached, it’s a sport.


I’m not too sure but I think traditional MT has a martial arts side to it; however not unlike TKD most people only see the sporting (the stuff in the ring) side of it.

John G Jarrett

III Dan, ITF Taekwon-Do

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Thanks kchenault. TJS... you seem to be taking personally certain things, and you shouldn't. You simply misread my post. Oh well... I'm done here for now.



~Traing in Songham TaeKwonDo since 2001~

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