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Weight Gaining


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I am an ecto and I am getting close to the 300 mark on bench, over 400 on squats, and about 400on deads. So I agree. Is it good for you....I have my reservations. That is why I tend to lean towards gaining decent mass before handling the big weights.



There are no limits.

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As long as you pace yourself correctly, being an ecto doesnt matter. Thuggish is right though, about the deadlifts. No matter who you are, you are doing damage to your lower back if youre lifting heavy (whether or not youre pushing yourself) Theres really no reason to do such an exercise when there are so many alternatives that arent so bad for you.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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the problem i have with thuggish comment is this..


if i put too much weight on the bench press i will hurt myself.


If i put too much weight on the squat rack ill hurt myself.


If i put too much weight on the shoulder press ill hurt myself.


If i put too much weight on the clean and jerk, ill hurt myself.


If i try to lift the back end of my car ill hurt myself.


If i try to kick a steel wall ill hurt myself.


If i crash headfirst into a cow ill hurt myself.


If i dont use common sense and training towards almost anything ill hurt myself.


Deadlifts are the same thing. If you do it in moderation and do it correctly you are fine, its when you go out of your ability that you hurt yourself.


Also the deadlift is a complicated lift and if dont incorrectly there is more chance to injur yourself.


I would definitely not recommend it for beginners, or intermediate weight trainers, only advanced, and only with supervision

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Actually, I was reading somewhere, maybe it was hardgainer.com, but it said the 300/400/500 level can be reached even by ectomorphs. That means you can bench 300, squat 400, and deadlift 500. I am not an ectomorph, so I wouldn't know what they can or can't do. What does everyone think about that?

Sure, that I agree with. But the issue here is doing this safely. 300 on the bench is reasonable, but for some people doing a 400/500 squat or deadlift is more than they can handle. I mean, that's a lot of weight for a recreational (read: NOT POWER) lifter. My point is, if you ARE going to use those exercises, be moderate in the weight you use and don't overdo it. Some of those weights may be one rep maxes. You should not train with one rep max's unless you're a powerlifter. It really can injure you.

Mixed Martial Artist

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Deadlifts are fine. Good mornings are fine. 1RMs are fine.


If you got hurt doing any of the above, then you did it improperly. The exercises are easy, and done right they are great for your back, hamstrings, and glutes. 1RMs are an advanced training method, so you stay away from them until you've been lifting for more than a YEAR, and have read up on the subject to know what you're doing or have strength coach.

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deadlifts and goodmornings are not fine for your spine. every doctor specializing in lower back stuff agrees with me. you may not pull a muscle or something like that, but you will be doing long term wear and tear; and it is likely youll pay for it later in life. im not talking about immediate injuries, im saying ten years from now, twenty years from now.

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared."


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At your age I would concentrate on your legs, front and rear squats, which will give you a good foundation later on. The rest will come in time.

You must be stable and balanced in your foot work, if you have to use your martial knowledge in combat, your intent should be to win. If you do strike, you must release great power! The martial arts are easy to learn, but difficult to correct.

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thanks everybody for your responses. i'll take all of your advise.

"Give me back my sandals or i'm keeping your nephew's hamster..."- Bruce Lee

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