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A week ago I was training with this guy (he is kinda a UFC wanna be) and he hit me really hard.


The training was to come in with a round punch (you know the common street swing) and the other would do a strait in punch on the same side to intercept/counter the swing and hit first.


We would try to give a light slap on the face (the swinger) so the counter punch had to be fast to stop that (and so it would feel at real speed).


control was the key I thought!!!?????


It is a week now and my chest still hurts.


Went to the doctor last night and my rib is fractured. :kaioken:


So here we go........................


1) How should I train?


2) Should I make a deal out of It?


3) Should I Laugh it off with him and hope he learns to control?


4) Or your gonna get hit and get hurt at sometime.


I guess this is a training question.? :-?

Tip #1 blocking with your face makes them think they are winning!

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The thing I would do is notify that to the main instructor he will talk with the guy if is a responsible person but aside of that I will consider it an accident and carry on.
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Tell him, lern how to control, (in our club we don't like student that injured people we kicked these people out).

A karate punch it is like a dasvasted stick blow. Instead, a blow of Kung Was is comparable to a lash with a chain that has attacked, allaltra extremity one ball of ferro

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This is very serious. Talk to your instructor and have his opinion. The guy with no control should learn to obtain that. If it's a dead end consider another club. Hard techniques should be applied only with mutual consent. If not, control is mandatory.


It's common to hit a little harder, but to fracture the other's ribs is just too much :kaioken:

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I wrote a little article for this site regarding just this. Probably sitting in Patrick's pile of articles (hehe). Training is a trust relationship. He took advantage of that. Talk to your instructor to counsel the guy and have him mediate if there are any lingering animosities.

"When you are able to take the keys from my hand, you will be ready to drive." - Shaolin DMV Test


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The wierd thing is that after I got hit.........


I kinda jumped back, did a few small 1in jumps, laughed a little and said something like "wow you got me good dude...ha ha"


(yes, I live on the west coast)


You know.......the school yard punch in the arm by a friend reaction.


Then kept on training.


After class he came up to me and ask my name and introduced me to his girlfriend. I guess he has respect for me now or something because I can take a hit.


(remember this is a "tough guy")


I have no animosities or anything. I just think he is to "ufc wanna be" and needs to know his own strength.

Tip #1 blocking with your face makes them think they are winning!

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By the way....


I did let my teacher know I was hurt. He told me not to do any ground work, slap out, etc and take it easy for about 4 to 5 weeks.


I told him how I got hurt and left in as that.

Tip #1 blocking with your face makes them think they are winning!

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