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Red J

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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Shaolin Kempo Sandan
  • Location
    WPB, FL

Red J's Achievements

Black Belt

Black Belt (10/10)



  1. Think of taking on the situation, head on. The tiger's first step is usually forward or to the inside, never retreating. Think of taking ground on your defensive combos as opposed to being a crane and giving up ground. Tigers generally think of all comers as lunch. I hope this helps.
  2. For conversion use this site. http://www.metric-conversions.org/weight/kilograms-to-pounds.htm 10kg is @ 22 pounds. So you are saying that you went from 110 pounds to 88 pounds (50kg to 40kg) in a month. It would be an amazing amount of weight to drop given the fact that you are so light. This would not be the kind of loss that would sneak up on you as you would notice your clothes falling off of you and people would be asking if you were ok. At your weight you are talking about a 20% loss in body weight in 30 days. I would do as Snorri said and check the scale first. If you do suspect sudden and dramatic weight loss then seek medical attention. I just have a hard time believing that you could lose this much weight without knowing it. Let us know what happens.
  3. I knew it wouldn't take long. Good luck.
  4. I like to run and try to get out 4 times a week. I buy good shoes and have no knee problems (I actually know more people in MA that have knee problems than runners that do). I am training distance right now, but if I were running just for MA, I would be doing a 5K plan that has short to mid mileage, tempo and hills built into the schedule. You get down to doing a low 20 something in the 5K and you will be kicking it (pun intended) in your classes. I never could get the knack of swimming, I even tried last summer and took some lessons. It's too bad you can't use a snorkel in triathalons or I would be all over it. I limit my carbs to natural carbs, try to eat protein based meals especially after the long runs occasionally throwing in a protein shake after a strenuous workout.
  5. I'll go with this answer. Taking him out would have more legal consequences than you would really want to deal with. The real point to this story is that maybe the guy did you a favor. Its another little test that you passed, this time with more control. The fact that you know that you could have protected yourself is a better proposition than you having to explain to the police why you kicked some guy in the temple who may have tripped getting on the bus (he could say that). Chalk it up as part of your ongoing training.
  6. You really don't need to tell him why you are not interested in him. You don't owe him anything. If you want to send him the message, the next time he gives you a ride home tell him thank you and say something like, "It's nice to have a father figure at the dojo who looks out for his students". Unless he is super dense he will figure out that twenty years is twenty years and will get the point without you having to let him down formally. He saves face and you don't need to confront him, and you both have more clarity over your status as "friends." My .02.
  7. My max bench was 305 and I weighed 165 pounds. That was 20 years ago. I don't routinely lift weights anymore, but at 175 pounds I can do 200 pounds for a few reps. I have not and will not be "maxing" anytime soon because I don't need an injury for my ego at age 40. I had enough of those early on.
  8. You may want to contact the USF Shotokan club.
  9. I'll go with the "oh, my son is a black belt in TKD and he is in the first grade gifted class in elementary school". So basically the whole cater to the soccer mom mentality of having your six year old becoming a black belt in a year thing. This is not unique to TKD and I'm sure not like that in every school, but I cringe whenever I see a little kid say they are a black belt before they can even read. It's not the art, it's the marketing in some schools.
  10. You'll never be back to the way you were if you keep doing aerials and 270s when you should be taking it easy and wearing your brace. You really need to think long term and get healed before you go all out. Listen to your doctor, strengthen the area and work from stances (or even a chair) that put less strain on your ankle. Don't let your ambition lead you to a quality of life issue that could affect you long term. It's not worth it. With the proper care, you will be back stronger before you know it.
  11. KK, good luck in your journey. MA will be there if and when you ever want to return. I remember a time when the same thing happened to me. It was when I graduated from college and life just started to happen. It didn't return until my son expressed an interest in MA (15 years after I bowed out). Well 4 years later and I am going strong. The funny thing about my return is that even after such a long layoff, I returned to form in about 6-8 months of serious training.
  12. The curriculum and lineage indicate that it is a derivative of American Kenpo. I am not sure about the specifics, but Mr. Parker is listed in the lineage section. I can't comment on the school as I do not live in the area. Good luck.
  13. I bet you are psyched! It is amazing how a goal that is in sight can motivate your training. When you get to the Dan level, it can be years before a test, so a date certain brings it to light. Most of our BB tests are two days, about a month apart. The idea is the first day is like a pre-test and the second is the test if you were invited back from the first day. Some time between days allows the person testing to focus on their weak areas. If you don't get the invite for day 2 then you start the process over in 6 months.
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