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Everything posted by myo

  1. carpe diem..
  2. our sifu actually focused on these subjects today. I might need some help from other experts. Apparently, there are two types of flexibility. Static and dynamic. The latter should be practiced during intervals, in periods of 24 hrs to let the muscles and ligaments relax to gain strenght. One very good way to improve your flexibility is with a partner. Stand firmly next to a wall. Have your partner hold your leg up sideways and keep it so that both your legs form a 90 degree figure. After that tighten up your muscles while breathing in heavily, you'll feel your leg becomes heavier. After maybe 15 seconds, relax your leg and let it go. Let your partner pull your leg until you can't go any further and hold it for about 30 seconds or so. actually, there are plenty of other and im pretty sure someone is about to correct me on those two types of flexibilities. good luck
  3. now that you ask, I think everything helped. The change of scene was optimal, you can't beat the beach for escaping technology and those things that consume us in so many ways. However, for me it was more about beating the anxiety of coming back after a month hiatus. It was more about having the guts to step back into the ring and not become, somebody who they might have thought was not really taking the training seriously. Im glad i did this, i can't feel my legs literally. But im still here...
  4. so, first class was quite an experience. after a month of absence, i've witness sparring levels i didn't know i could reach. I was in complete control of my opponent, yet i was calm and at peace. I could predict, block and even feel my blue. brown. yellow belt sparring partners, im pretty sure they left unhappy...
  5. This is a good point. Sometimes a 'forced recovery' such as this is the only recovery we end up allowing ourselves, because we become so neurotic about our training. absolutely, yeah im running cuz im eating more than usual. Thanks for the heads up.
  6. thanks for the advice, i've been running miles this week. For some reason Karate has made me more aware of my mind and body
  7. not worrying about my skills, they're nothing to brag about really. All im worried about is gaining weight. I live in El Salvador, we have a perpetual 90 degree weather and we're surrounded with great food everywhere. (sorry for making you jealous), anywho i've been running the mile twice this week.
  8. Im on finals right now and it has significantly decreased my motivation for karate lessons. I've been able to carry out a four class week semester of kung fu and goju ryu. Im in great shape but im taking two weeks to visit my parents before summer begins. How can I stay in shape during those couple of weeks? I def. don't want all the benefits of karate fading away because of a two week lay off. any advice?
  9. Im a dj, aspiring producer and music editor for a magazine in Australia.
  10. Conditioning class Tabatas - (20-25 min) Cardio - Freestyle. Abs (flutterkicks) Legs (lunges) Arms (pushups) Cardio - Freestyle (II) Rope jumping mitt workout Ie Chin Ching Sparring (30 minutes)
  11. Thank you.
  12. I was thinking exactly the same thing last night.
  13. 1 month sober. Feeling great, just signed up for extra classes on shaolin kung fu and I feel great! I've made new friends, haven't seen my old buddies since then... Thanks for being awesome.
  14. this might help... http://www.bodyfatguide.com/AcceleratedFatLoss.html Remember you need to keep a balanced diet. My sensei was telling me that crash diets don't work, people re-gain their pounds after a certain period of time. ouch! egg whites for breakfast, apple for snack time, tuna sandwich for lunch...you get the idea. Run for at least 10 minutes everyday.
  15. It seems that any kind of physical exercise and discipline, such as karate, strengthens the body by complimenting the mind just the same. We undergo a series of challenges when practicing martial arts. After some time, we experience a sense of euphoria, confidence and even self love. Is it possible that after so much dedication to any discipline, we not only master the skills but we build an undestructible ego? Can we become selfish and self absorbed? Has anyone experience this? I think its a bad thing, we should be in peace not only with ourselves but with the world around us. I've seen many egomaniacs in the martial arts field, can we become self absorbed and arrogant when pursuing perfection in any highly competitive sport?
  16. you speak from the heart.
  17. I just threw away my stash, down the toilet. It's a new start, Thank you. The first class I took was a very deep experience. Being in the dojo, following directions, working out, everything made something spark up there. The second week, I had a fight with two of my 'smoking' buddies. I didn't know why I chose to split from them, I guess, My unconscious mind was acting for itself. The spirit was present. Since then, I can go on and tell you how Im willing to embark in this journey. It won't be easy, but im glad I have forums like this, to gain experience, insight and to get to know you better.
  18. I've been training again for about four weeks now. I began training when I was 12, I had the chance to compete internationally too. After that, like many teenagers, I discovered mj. Now, im in college and doing well. However, I want to stop. I want to change myself, for once I want peace within... Is karate an effective "anti-drug"?
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