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Everything posted by shortdog
i think a silver dollar or quarter would work very nicely. for gouging and some pressure points. also i always have my chain wallet, if i had to i could pull it and snap my belt loop for easy acess. i actually got into a fight with it the other day with my friend, but his was was longer SHORTDOG
my old schools was knowledge in the mind respect in the heart strenght in the body but i never liked it "foot prints in the sands of time are not made by sitting down" i like that one http://www.despair.com these posters should never be in any dojo
I GOT IT! break ice, that is on fire, with your head! SHORTDOG
TIGER for me being wise has 2 parts, having alot to say,and not saying it
Fantasy Fighting Team!
shortdog replied to moobrack's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
jet li jackie chan master pan kang fu bruce li dan gable _________________ In the road of life there are many paths. If you don't know where you are going, any one will take you there. join me in my quest to aquire knowledge of all martial arts of the world at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worldofmartialarts or email [ This Message was edited by: shortdog on 2001-10-25 16:15 ] -
Honorary Black Belts.
shortdog replied to Karateka_latino's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
that is really stupid, though i can see why it happens. i agree that it is supposed to be framed and not worn like he really earned it. but a 3rd dan?! that is insane it should have been 1st. any one who earns more than a 2nd has my respect. it takes what? like 25-30 years from white to 3rd dan? (depending on the style) it is absurd (that is a word no one has used to describe this situation yet ) SHORTDOG -
Any Hapkido people?
shortdog replied to Hapkidodude's topic in TKD, TSD, Hapkido, and Korean Martial Arts
i just started taking hapkido, and i love it. it is lots and lots of kicking and joint locks. my wrist still hurts from last week. it is loads of fun. my favorite part is there is NO KATA!! i cant stand kata (i apologise to every one who like kata) i cant remember it and i find it very pointles. SHORTDOG -
Lets Discuss the "Dim Mak" (Death Touch)
shortdog replied to GoldDragon's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i rented that video from the library, you can definatly til someone in a pressure point, and kill them. im not sure if you can exert the ammout of pressure that is associated with the dim mak. the video talked about people who could do amazing things with their chi. it showd people being beated with sticks, being hit in the nuts, breaking bricks on their heads. one guy even was stabben by a sword, and no one was hurt! the reasoning behind it was these people could harness their chi to a sertain place in their body to repel and attack. the dim mak is simply the reversal of that, focusing all you chi, not power, and moving it into another person's body on an organ. i dont believe it is possible. i dont believe in chi or qi or ka, i belive in what i can see and touch, nothing more. SHORTDOG -
i love having people watch me practice! especially while sparing! it give you an extra adrenaline rush.i like to show off also, which can be a bad thing. but when i pull off some cool jump kick or a really good spin kick i feel extra good, because people saw me. maybe its just me. SHORTDOG
im gonna quote Mr. Miaggi (spelling) from the karate kid: Karate here**points to his head**, karate here**points to his heart**, karate never here**grabs his belt**. martial arts come from the person who learns it. not from a belt. you cant be given a belt and automatacly have the knowledge that is associated with it. having a black belt mean your pants wont fall down. SHORTDOG
thats really cool. my parents dont like me training, cuz my mom is always driving. SHORTDOG
ultimate match
shortdog replied to shortdog's topic in Martial Arts Gaming, Movies, TV, and Entertainment
yes indeed. when he started training it was for necesity. he had to support his brothers and sisters, so he had to sell folders in a buisnes district. but this area he wanted to sell in was already taken. so he would play an older version of bloody nuckles, with his friends to toughen up his hands. eventually he moved on to punching walls. so then he could just punch someone in the head with %30 of his energy and they are out cold. he also was in the movie "iron and silk" SHORTDOG -
i would like to see the following matches. JET LI vs. JACKIE CHAN CHUCK NORIS vs. STEVEN SEGAL JEANCLAUDE VAN DAM vs. MASTER PAN QING FU and they could also be mixed up like jet li vs master pan.
i know what you mean. being short we have it hard, every one thinks they can beat you down (no pun intended). but let them think that, when they attack you, surprise them. hop out of the way and kick them int he back of the knees, bring them down to your level. take downs are so useful i even start to explain them all. if you wanna know some email me shortdog@gtemail.net also control holds! he tries to punch you, and you grab his arm and twist it. he will leave you alon from then on. SHORTDOG
POLL: What do you think would be the best weapon to use in a
shortdog replied to Patrick's topic in Martial Arts Weapons
i think a sword would be the most useful. but having it while walking around the street would be a problem. but imagine some guy tries to mug you, and you pull out a katana! as far as usefullness id say the bo or knife. but if i could choose anything it would be a whip chain! with a steel ball on the end. it can be used to trip someone 7 feet away, dissarm them, scare them, beat the crap out of them, and if necessary kill them. it is also so concealable! it fits in you palm. SHORTDOG -
what i do, get a friend with a stick. have him try to hit you, slowly at first and then work up. SHORTDOG
thanks alot, i am going to stop going there. that leaves me with the awful quest to find a new school. my town has almost no good school. well it has good schools, just not what i what i want to learn. thanks SHORTDOG
i think i messed up the wording, he didnt threten me. it was on of the mom's husbands. SHORTDOG
help me out please. i take kobudo at an ok school. the teacher seems to be a cool guy. but today he was in a bad mood. we were sparing, me and some other kid vs another kid, with nunchucks. the guy with nunchucks grabed my partner and went to town on him. he started crying, so the teacher started a lecture about controll and how sparing is for fun. this is comming from a guy who in the previous round smack the crap out of my as hard as he could. sometimes the teacher lets the higher belts teach the classes. and he jsut sits in his office and watched tapes. my mom heard a story from one of the other moms. whos' husband told the teacher he didnt think the classes should be supervised bu 5th graders. the teacher said that is how he worked and if the guy made something out it would put him in the hospital. that isnt word for word, but it is very close to what happened. my mom dosnt want me to go anymore, but this is the only place where i can learn what i want to. please help me out!
What are your opinions of wrestling and martial arts
shortdog replied to unDertow's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
i am also a wrestler, if i got into a street fight i would be more comfortable taking the other guy down, and wrestling with him. its just my preferance. SHORTDOG -
does any one know anything about mshindi vita saana? its "the champion warrior art" i think, its the african equivalent of kung fu. it has animal movments. SHORTDOG This Message was edited by: shortdog on Aug 19, 2001 7:17pm
it all depends on who does what style. i know thats not what you want to hear so, i say kobudo, or drunken kung fu. kobudo, because it is a wapon art, invented by people that needed it to survive from day to day. odvously it worked. and drunked kung fu because it does everthing unexpected. the guy is falling down and he does a back flip step out, and crushed your skull. SHORTDOG
you could just do what let li did in romeo must die. keep zip ties in your belt. it worked pretty good. SHORTDOG
i love the way kamas look and are used. i will stert training with them very soon. you can get a nice pair for very little money. at http://www.karatedepot.com
definatly, it is the easy one. a belt is just like nunchuku. a t-shit that is a challenge. SHORTDOG