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Everything posted by Mankr

  1. Can anyone tell me anything about it and how would it do against other style
  2. anyone into car modifying? im starting my honda civic coupe project soon
  3. my family was thinking about moving to Australia but i am sh*t scared of the idea of funnel web spiders living to my house, do you see many of them ?
  4. does anyone do this ? does it involve just movement stuff like tai chi or does it learn you to hack someone up
  5. i dont think it should be rebuilt, it should be kept as a memorial(spelling?) if its rebuilt it would be like, well it was destroyed, but they rebuilt it again so its ok
  6. the adam and steve thing was a joke my R.E told me once, the thing about gay adoption is if you dont mind gay people they should be able to adopt, if you hate gay people they shouldn't be able to adopt.
  7. ive been obsessed with martial arts, gym and the whole fitness thing for ages... but i brought Final Fantasy X and im sooo obsessed it, when i have nothing to do im on my pc trying to improve my workout, but now all ive done is play that
  8. i've always said ox just because it is my chinese calender thing, im also a taurus good combo eh? But when i completed metal gear solid it told me i was a panda
  9. Mankr

    Tekkan 3

    there is no tekken 3 for ps3, but there is tekken tag tournament which is brill, but tekken 4 comes out in a month, but its probs already out in the states
  10. Mankr

    Tekkan 3

  11. i dont think gay people should be allowed to adopt or marry, its not natural. god made adam and eve not adam and steve
  12. Blade [ This Message was edited by: Mankr on 2002-07-10 06:11 ]
  13. the only person who talks posh is the queen and her family, american accents suck, i hate how they speak in central america. the mexican bloke from next friday with the hat over his eyes, now his account is wicked
  14. in a dvd bio ive got, it said he was sent to paris to learn ballet at age 10 and at the place next door teached shotokan which he joined a year later
  15. problems with being obese is a very high chance of becoming type 2 diabetic i go to the biggest gym in my town theres quite a few overweight people go there and they say there trying to lose weight but they do the easiest workout possible. i think it mostly comes down to being pure lazy [ This Message was edited by: Mankr on 2002-07-08 16:29 ]
  16. if you ever go online see if [SN]~SiNiStA is online, its my account name i play diablo2 starcraft aswell
  17. in old japanese and chinese films if someone knew martial arts they could fly and this became kind of a tradition although i thought it was really really stupid when they were standing on the trees did my head in the most
  18. from martial-way.com Ninjutsu began more than 800 years ago among the ninja people living in Japan. The warrior class which ruled Japan at the time were called the Samurai. They controlled the land and it's people. Their lord, the Shogun, was the only person the Samurai was answerable to. The ninja would not serve the Samurai, and fled to the barren, cold, mountainous regions of Iga and Koga. There they trained in the arts of war. It is said that their art is based upon a great Chinese military text written by a general named Sun Tzu, The Art of War. Over the centuries the ninja trained from the cradle to the grave in every known martial art. Their forte was espionage and assassination, by any means possible. But their training also taught them to reach spiritual heights, by pushing their bodies and minds to limits far beyond that of normal human endurance. Over the centuries, while ninjutsu was being practiced in secrecy, no one knew anything about the art except the ninjas themselves. When Japan emerged into the modern era, and feudalism collapsed, the ninja were absorbed into Japan's secret service and special services groups
  19. theres no if but about it, if america couldn't buy guns how they can it would be a better place. my cousins how live in hollywood have everygun you can buy, they have guns in there car, under the seat, glovebox.. if criminals couldn't buy guns so easy, if you to go target shooting, shooting ranges should have the guns and hire them out and do suthin so they cant get on the streets
  20. americans directors say they like having englishmen the baddies in films has the accent is powerful. take x-men for example magneto and pro. X were both englishmen
  21. some sports mens strength outclasses women by miles take tennis for example.
  22. i always think apart of west and east coast the rest of america are hill billies and ride about in speed boats on swamps
  23. yes he was he won shotokan karate middle weight tournament
  24. when i was training to be in the army at college we had 2 teachers, one was such a push over i didn't learn a thing but the other was ex-SAS, i was sh*t scared of him, so i felt i had to do my best all time. its the same with my kung fu teacher i now he could slap me silly any time, so i dont mess about and try my hardest all the time, to try and prove myself. people like these are the people i give most respect to.
  25. what do you find weird
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