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Everything posted by stifmeister

  1. How the hell do you find time to do all that?
  2. They sound like the Power Rangers to me!
  3. Have been told that if "its" bright green then the only way it can be treated is by anti-biotics. I've had this in the past and I insisted that my doctor did something to get rid of it! If all else fails you need a good decongestant like Sudafed. Hope it clears up quickly!
  4. Gallon of Red Bull?
  5. A few people left a Shotokan club in our area and joined ours (Wado). They came in as low belts but within a very short space of time, having been assessed, they got back their original grades. No-one said the transition was a any problem and being purple you must have some clue what you're doing so do it! Good luck with the Uni.
  6. To all you people thinking you're too old to start a martial art, I'm 47 and just started karate. Never done anything like it before, been training for the last 3 weeks and it's the best all round exercise I've ever tried and also the most addictive. I was totally unfit but already in just a couple of weeks, I'm starting to feel the benefits. I feel I can move easier, think clearer, reactions are sharper and as a fat slob wobbling around the dojo doesn't look good it makes you think about your diet too. Already, without a huge change in diet I've lost about 6lb. I found Squash is suicide, regular repetitive exercise, totally boring and not really any interest in other sports. With MA comes the discipline of pushing yourself, clearer mind, confidence, self defence, awareness and so on. Ok, I'm lighter than some of you at 190lb but I still consider myself more than 20lb overweight. It is hard but then I look at the experienced, Dan graded, younger guys and see how hard it is for them too - it's all relative to how much you put in. The main thing to remember when you start is nobody is expecting a Bruce Lee performance! Your age is just a number, it's what you do that counts. I for one am not ready to succumb to the middle-age stereotype man which is obese and inactive! So take that first step and get yourself to a dojo near you!
  7. Do you mean people who don't practice Kata do not have proper and good technique? I would say, unless you embrace bunkai in all aspects, you are not fulfilling all elements of the art of karate. Don't forget karate is a martial "art" (think about the phrase) , to be used in it's purest form. The true karate pragmatist will endeavour to include the kata moves in all combat.
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