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I understand your point however i was making an analogy with a situation. What I mean is that in order to see anything useful in kata you need to dig deeper into bunkai and be patient. Unless your goal is to have a really shiny car I would of course not advise waxing on and off…
I am always reading a buch of books at once..right now Well let's see An itoduction to Sociology Hacking Web Applications Exposed 2nd edition The Joys Of Work Scott Adams
Pepsi max but i am trying to break the addiction.
Well I guess i should introduce myself
username8697 replied to username8697's topic in Introduce Yourself
Will do -
Aha a subject down my field of expertise. I work in IT security and I use internet banking from home and abroad if necessay. In terms of security Internet banking does have it's flaws but they can mostly be avoided by few simple best practices. If anyone has questions about this I will be more than willing to answer them.
Well I guess i should introduce myself
username8697 replied to username8697's topic in Introduce Yourself
Ok i will try to make long story short my dad is from Plainville and he joined the army and volunteered for vietnam of course with army you ask one thing you get another he got stationed in Belgium at S.H.A.P.E. He met and married my mother (belgian) and we went back to KS. We first lived in hays i have vague memories of this the we moved to Stockton the to Plainville then to Pratt the back to Plainville. Anyhow by the time I was 12 my parents divorced and i moved back to belgium with my mother. I went to high school and college in belgium and now i live here with the wife and two kids. I travel back to KS every now and then my Dad just moved to Salina my aunt lives in Concordia nd my sister and couisins live in Hays (FHSU) Natoma and Plainville. -
I used to feel the same way about kata now that I am older I feel differently because well I have proven wrong in my perception of kata. Now you might wonder if I do not like kata why do shito-ryu karate as this style probably has more katas that any other well among other things when I started at 14 I did not know any better and did not care. However no being 35 and not interested in the same things in karate I finally started to perceive the interest in kata. 1) Concentration: No other part of karate (kion,kumite,kata) requires as much concentration to do correctly. 2) Humility: It teaches us to do things we like less. To often I see people have the perception that MA is some sort of miracle pill that you take and boom overnight you can anihilate anyone . They overlook that it takes a lot of effort, sweat and unpleasant but necessary moments for some it might be kata others kion etc.. But they are part of a whole. 3) Self-defense: This is where I was proven wrong I do workshop with Sensei Nakahashi every year he is shihan for Shito ryu in Europe and is one of the foremost experts in kata. He tought us efficient bunkai that I have used repeatedly in kumite much to the surprise of my opponents. To quote one “young” competitor “I hate doing kumite with you always do things I do not expect” In conclusion I would say that kata is like the wax on wax off thing in the karate kid you don’t see the point look again it’s just a little harder to spot but it is there.
Welcome!!! BTW heads up before you start you are going to suffer sweat and scream and the worst part is you probably enjoy it and get hooked. All joking aside have fun and enjoy and remeber it is the journey that matters not the destination
In continental Europe the general approach to drinking is different many dojos and sports centers have cafeterias that serve beer for after practice and for family whocome along and watches but once again it is in moderation. My sensei never drinks i used to hide the fact that i drank socially to him when i was younger. However he told recently he does not drink simply because he does not care for the taste of alchool. And he feels that drinking in moderation is ok of course not in the DOJO. Oh yeah also years ago i went and trained with Kenji Kusano founder of Kenhinkan Shito Ryu. He was one the toughest and demanding senseis i have ever seen. However outside of the dojo he was usually plastered and chain smoking...
FFK http://www.ffk.be/ one of the belgian branches of the WKF http://www.wkf.net/ also http://www.shitoryu-europe.org/
I went and saw a real man's movie!!!!! CARS Oh Btw yes i have kids...
Things NOT to say to your instructor...
username8697 replied to Valithor's topic in Instructors and School Owners
Not bad!!! I bet you were really good when you were younger.... I actually heard a fool say this .. -
I used to show off way too much when I was a teenager it is probably a normal thing to do when you are young and/or insecure however I find it also extremely stupid for the following reasons: 1) You never know who is watching and if do have to use your stuff it is better the other people not know your capabilities the element of surprise is often essential. 2) Every dog finds his master and eventually someone will want to one up you or worse yet challenge you, the outcome may not be to your liking. 3) I find that wanting to show off eventually leads to focusing on “spectacular” techniques this is often detrimental to efficient techniques. 4) The deadliest people I have ever met have rarely been show offs for example most military special forces of any country sas,navy seals,gign etc. psychologically screen out potential show offs, loud mouth brawlers ever wonder why? Today only some my closest friends know I train and unless they are also martial artists they have probably never seen me do anything that would indicate what I can/cannot do. As my sensei would say if you truly are something there is no need to tell people they will tell you… This being said I have to be honest I still show off all the time … in my living room for my three year old.
I already have a few posts but it is always polite to introduce myself My name is Franky and well i am 1 kyu shito ryu preparing for shodan hopefully in april. I live in Belgium but i spent my childhood in western Kansas ( hi five to bushido man96). karate is an extremly important pârt of my life unfortunate circumstances made me have to give it up in my prime but now I am back and I hope i will never have to quit again... Honor humility and respect to all..
Jambo!!!! Without a sigle doubt my honeymoon to kenya a very spirtual aventure. Kwaheri
Proper Etiquette for Master Gichin Funakoshi Picture
username8697 replied to Dojo Moe's topic in Karate
Hey man what ever chokes your chicken No seriously though if these photos inspire you more power to you however these are not religious figures. However you might want to ask yourself these questions. Did Sensei Funakoshi have a photo of himself when he needed inspiration? How all the great Martial arts did masters that were around before photographs manage to find inspiration? I feeling is that you are taking the wrong subject to far but if it makes you happy enjoy wholeheartedly. Just my 2 cents worth. -
My funniest sparring moment....
username8697 replied to bushido_man96's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
My best moments 12 years ago European cup qualifiers with national TV was there and all. The national coach watching my match as was the president of the federation . So of course I wanted to impress them. I launched into combination which ended with a mawashi-geri to the head which I did perfectly except… I spilt my pants straight down the middle which got a huge laugh from the crowd because I did not notice right away that my attributes were on TV. Worse yet the ref made us stop and I had no spares with me so my sensei who was competing in the next weight category loaned me his and stood there with no pants waiting for me to finish so he could go to his next fight. By this all the attention was on my match and it is very hard to concentrate considering there is man with no pants standing next to your mat. So we start over where we left off 30 seconds later my opponent launches mae geri I blosk and counter with gyaku tsuki to the the plexus… I got him good so good he coughed of up is toot guard and it went down the front of my gi. It was the first time of life that my opponent the ref and and many other people were on the floor with a single hit -
Ain't that the truth i spent my childhood in plainville and stockton so i know you don't have a whole lot of choice in that area.
In my dojo cross trainig is permitted and even encouraged. However last summer when I found out we would be closed for a longer than expected period i asked my sensei if could find a another Dojo for a month just to keep in shape. He said yes and even offered to help me find adequate dojo and make some phone calls. He is however very clear about traing in karate in another dojo without his knowledge mean expulsion...because it is dsisrespectful. However he has no problems with us training in other martial arts without his consent. I agree with this aproach because and i quote "Karate begins and ends with respect."(Master Anko Itos)
I had the same problem i stopped for 10 years and put on ALOT of weight seiza was very painful on my knees but after a whilme as you start to get back into shape it will pass.. hang in there.[/u]
In my dojo cross style training is approved of and even encouraged as their are numerous workshops from other styles of karate. I would certanly encourage doing workshops with diffrent teachers of the same school at first and later train with other styles. Workshops give you a great oppurtunity to train with people from different dojos this can be very enlightning to say the least. I would not however advise cross style until being higher up in rank else it might lead to confusion.
I stopped for 10 years and went from 64 to 103 kg i am now back don to 89 and hope to be at 80 by april for the shodan shiken. So yes it can be done good luck..
For us it goes as follows you have to do the following in front of a o panel of 6 judges.. 1. K I H O N (5 steps counted- turn around - 5 steps no counting) 1. OI ZUKI (CHUDAN). 2. SAN REN ZUKI (JODAN - CHUDAN - CHUDAN). 3. AGE UKE - GYAKU ZUKI (CHUDAN). 4. UCHI UDE UKE - KIZAMI ZUKI (JODAN) - GYAKU ZUKI (CHUDAN). 5. SOTO UKE (ZEN KUTSU DACHI) - YOKO EMPI UCHI (KIBA DACHI ou SHIKO DACHI en YORI ACHI) - URAKEN UCHI (JODAN same arm and return to ZEN KUTSU DACHI). 6. GEDAN BARAÏ - URAKEN UCHI (JODAN même bras) - GYAKU ZUKI (CHUDAN). 1. MAE GERI (CHUDAN) 2. MAWASHI GERI (CHUDAN ou JODAN) 3. YOKO GERI KEKOMI (CHUDAN en KIBA DACHI ou SHIKO DACHI ) 4. MAE GERI (CHUDAN) + MAWASHI GERI (CHUDAN or JODAN). 5. MAWASHI GERI (CHUDAN or JODAN) + USHIRO GERI (CHUDAN). 6. MAE GERI (CHUDAN) - YOKO GERI KEKOMI (GEDAN, CHUDAN or JODAN ) 7. SHUTO UKE (CHUDAN in NEKO ASHI DACHI ou KOKUTSU DACHI) - JUN GERI - KIZAMI MAE GERI (CHUDAN) GYAKU NUKITE (CHUDAN en ZENKUTSU DACHI) 2. K A T A One pinan or heinan randomly chosen (dice) + one superior kata of your choice A. JYU IPPON KUMITE left and /or right : 1. OI ZUKI JODAN 2. OI ZUKI CHUDAN 3. MAE GERI CHUDAN 4. MAWASHI GERI CHUDAN or JODAN 5. YOKO GERI CHUDAN 6. USHIRO GERI CHUDAN 7. URA MAWASHI GERI JODAN or CHUDAN (jambe arrière) + 6 * 2 minutes kumite with different partners..
Check this out Junior is a belgian karate champion he is only person i know who was world chamion in kata and kumite the same year no less. Enjoy http://www.jutsko.com/fr/Windowsmedia.asp?idVideo=469&idSubCat=102&idCat=17
I think this depends on your instructor in my black and brown belts do get special treatment by special I mean we are expected to work harder and better that all others in the dojo thus setting the example. This is the only special treatments they should get..