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Everything posted by TheUSPS

  1. My 6 year old love karate and taking Mas Oyama style, and she enjoys it. Every time I say to do something she always replys OSU thats respect from a Child
  2. Rex Kwon Do's karate My boy and me on or first day! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdWR3JE5r70 "Girls only want boyfriends who have great skills. You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills."
  4. I think i tried to hard with the big boys and was hurting bad, now i know not to push my limit to the max. Little by little instead.
  5. I thought my legs were in shape but after a few clases of Hapkido, I walk like a Duck. I deliver mail and walk alot never been sore, take a few classes and iim hurting. I found out the nextday that I had muscles that I never used. What can i do or take to prevent soreness and recover faster. thanks and PROTEIN SHAKES? please help!
  6. where is a good place to purchase hapkido uniforms and any gear?
  7. i never thought about that your right
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=292RJFjGCKA&eurl= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5faGD5b6Zw&eurl=
  9. TheUSPS


    My five year old girl just started attending Mas Oyama Karate , She been bugging me to take her , so I found out they have a class for kids her age. They where showing her the basic stances,blocks and punches, Sensei told me while I was watching that she's a fast learner. I was proud to see my little girl do the forms they where teaching her .I assume that she would not get into it but she proved me wrong, and on our way home she was so excited that she wanted to know if she can come every day. and told her with time she will. And out of the blue she told me flat out Daddy when are you gonna train? Mommy goes to the gym and im taking karate , You should train or work out like us, because I want you to last forever when you get old. That kind of touched me. Thought i share this little story
  10. or watch GI JANE and say damm... If she can do it so can i.
  11. TheUSPS


    I happened to deliver mail yesterday to the dojo in one of my routes, I noticed their were a few white belts and where in the heavy side, I guess me walking in ansewered my own question. GO BEARS!
  12. TheUSPS


    is it more harder to learn then others MA like Hapkido ?
  13. yes, what is the makes both parker and tracy system different
  14. Any info on the styles of their methods of training that one should know when starting to train for the first time? and pick schools that use ED PARKER AND AL TRACY sytem?
  15. the Whole KC FOOTBALL defense team will do...
  16. are the uniforms the same style compared to TKD?
  17. No hapkido talk?
  18. Anyone from chicago?
  19. ican't stand the feel of new apparel do the uniforms feel itchy?
  20. Have the same problem lot of sit ups no pack
  21. So what the best way for a 6'2 person like me learn how to increase my flexibility? I can widen my legs and my knees still buckle
  22. can give you a great deal on lipo here in Chicago
  23. Wishing all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and be safe tonight
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