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little kicker

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little kicker's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. ok well i need a ma point of view here.a man in my life tends to get out of control a lot (violently)and tends to push and hit me around and my mother.he's quite a big bloke but then again im a ma fighter i should defend myself and my mother.thing is he just grabs my wrist stopping any punches and pushes my to the ground.he holds me at arms length with brute strength so kicks are outta range.even though im suppposed to deal with things like this he always wins.my minds tends to go so blank thoguh i cant think right go for arm bar like in a match. any advice would help a lot. thanks
  2. well i had no idea how to handle this today,i was walkin home with a mate of mine (also a ma fighter although quite new to the sport she fights kyokushin karate)when a group of youngish teenagers bout 16 mostly girls actualy (know the type hoodies up lol )when they started shouting and swearing and threating etc which i ignored .so one of the girls comes up too me and tells me not to ignore her or she kick my head in then all her friends start circlling around us.there were about 4 of them who wanted to fight i probley coulve taken them at a push but didnt fancy chancing it lol.personally i hate street fighting and always avoid it at this point a friend came over (he's a bouncer and was workin on a door nearby) and broke it up this was deffinatly gonna go violent otherwise i couldnt negoiate out of this one they just wanted to hurt someone.so i was going over it in my mind should i wait for her to hit first but theyd probably all start at the same time or should i have gone pre emptive which is what i was going for.so guess my question is if someone is just verbal but you know it's gona go violent should you throw the first punch? thanks all
  3. first off a big merry xmas to u all i was sparring last nite and i know it one of my weaness to telegraph attacks so the other pearson knows it coming but i was REALLY bad last nite i may as well told them what i was going too do any tips to stop it? thanks very much
  4. . Besides, one of the great things about being a trainer is that people rarely shoot at me. With respect, ha ha thata made me laugh Sohan
  5. that brought back memories of karate kid lol
  6. not sure at the mo still a studant but was thinking bout going into the police
  7. it's strange though that even though i lift a really low weight im quite developed muscle way.hmm dont know why / :
  8. id say strech VERY gentle not even to your limitation.well thats what i do but im no expert
  9. what he said.id love to be able to draw though.
  10. hmm a lot of the strategies in movie i think are rubbish just holeywood stuff.no one will watch a film with me if it has fighting in it cause i always critisize there form.a lot of the techniques are real though i think.
  11. ill try that my bf all ready thinks im a bit mad but hey if it works them shoulders lol
  12. id probaly go for a hip throw.tried it in a real fight and the girl went straight down.
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