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Personal Information

  • Martial Art(s)
    Tang Soo Do
  • Location
    United States

Syphax's Achievements

Orange Belt

Orange Belt (3/10)



  1. I haven't seen much Pride, but from the UFC I have seen, I like it.
  2. I thought that Shotokan meant 'house of pine waves.' Hmm. That is odd. I just read that yesterday and I thought it was interesting so I posted. Turns out, my book a different interpretation. Bah!
  3. Did you know that Shoto was Funakoshi's pen name? Shotokan means "Shoto's House".
  4. Syphax


    I mess around with VB.NET and I plan on working a bit in C# when I have more time.
  5. Syphax


    Well, you are far ahead of me. I just toy around really.
  6. That is a good point. I didn't even think of that. It adds greater control of your opponent, which is always good. Or you could just blow really hard.
  7. Just added MapQuest. Heck, I am on my way!
  8. I like that quote. And bushidoman, what do you mean everyone doesn't train kali???
  9. Very true. Strength is always a factor, but if you are well-versed in the grappling arts you can use superior knowledge of body mechanics, etc. to cancel your opponent's advantage out.
  10. Breathe in faith and breathe out fear. Relax and let your training take over. Good luck!
  11. Just noticed that one too. Can you bookmark anything else??? I have 132 bookmarks. Eight are non-MA. I'm improving!
  12. Does anyone else here enjoy programming? Mind you, I am no hard-core pro, but I do like to dabble around.
  13. Excellent article! Quite fun to read. I concur. My knees.....hurt every day. I am always sore. Sometimes I am just moderately sore, sometimes I am throbbing all over, but I am always sore.
  14. I can't get the site to load, but what is this mystical eye thing?
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