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Nickgarren's Achievements

White Belt

White Belt (1/10)

  1. Check with your doctor as to what he will allow you to do. Just go easy with your karate until you get better. I have 3 herniated discs in my lower back, sciatic, spinal stenosis, just a really messed up lower back. Constant pain, it never stops. On 1 to 10 with 10 being the worst 0 being none the lowest the pain goes is about a 2. When it hits 5 and above, well it's pretty painful. Just keep a good outlook on life. You're young, the body can do amazing things as long as the mind is in a positive state. God bless.
  2. Wishing you a great martial arts birthday. Man, wish I was 16 again. Happy Birthday and hoping all your wishes come true.
  3. I think it's an all right mag. It has some good points but it has way to many advertisments. For what the advertisers are paying, the mag should be givrn to the public free.
  4. Thanks for your opinions. Now to answer my own question I'd first go with Segal. Possibly Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung (Sammo had a show in the states called "Martial Law". Don't know enough about Jean Claude to comment. He looks good on screen though. Chuck Norris, definetly. Don't know much about Jet Li either so can't comment. Thanks.
  5. Ok, I know all the fight scenes in the films are staged, I've been involved in some myself in small independent productions, but who do you think would be "real and able to defend and win in a real fight"? Now we know Bruce Lee would have so he's out. How about Chuck Norris and the others on Walker Texas Ranger?, How about the following; Jackie Chan? Sammo Hung? Segal? Van Damn? David Carradine? Thanks for your opinions here.
  6. Link to page below, what do you all think? This strikes seem pretty logical to me in my opinion. http://www.ste-m.clara.net/martial/jitsu/danger.html
  7. There are many many many geometric designs on money. If someone took the time, as apparently the person whose website it is did, you could come up with just about any known resemblance to something. It's only pictures in clouds. Although it is quite interesting. Some people look for that strange mysterious power of the unknow. But they look away to wrong places, if they really want to find it all they need do is look within themselves. All the answers to all our question are within ourself.
  8. Just my opinion and I may be wrong but I'll have to go with speed. Reason is, take a bullet, if you throw it at someone it just bounces off and may sting a little, but put speed behind it by fireing it from a gun and it goes into and sometimes through you. The bullet itself doesn't get stronger, it just moves faster, a lot faster.
  9. Sorry my words were misunderstood, it's just a senerio, I'm just curious as to what strikes you would use. Lets say you know a confrontation is coming, no getting out of it, what would you do? Myself, I'd try to kick the knee or try and get a good chop to the throat. What do you think? Again all responses appreciated, thank you.
  10. Guitar, primary instrument, drums and keys, secondary. If I must pat my own back, I am a pretty fast picker ont the GitFiddle (guitar).
  11. What would you say is the best way to end a violent encounter. A temple punch? a throat chop? Kick to the knee? What about for those who have no training and must defend themselves? How about first strike? If you only had one strike, and you had to end it, what strike would you use? I know I've asked more than one question here, sorry, but maybe you can blend the answers together. Thank you and again your answers are appreciated.
  12. When kicking the attackers knee, is it best to snap the kick or to follow through with the kick? I have also read and heard that a kick to someones knee is the best way to end the trouble. True? Thank you for answers.
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