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Everything posted by Reala

  1. I love this article, Bushido man, is there any way of you giving me the same kind of drills for the round house kick and side kick? I'd love to work on each kick twice a week using this structure =) Did you ever do any simular articles? I never found any if you did but would appriciate links ^^
  2. The post/quote I posted above was for the Side Kick, can anyone break down how I would do the round kick please? I.e. in 4 steps. Thanks
  3. Without Switch: Does anyone have any advice how to develop the lead leg roundhouse from an orthadox stance? If I switch to Southpaw then I can easily kick head height from my right leg, however in orthadox I struggle to kick even body height without stepping slightly. With: When switching there are different types (in muaythai at least) some fighers like Yuya Yamamoto for example do a kind of skip. Other fighters I have seen do a step and other fighters do almost a jump. What are the advantaes and disadvantages of each one?
  4. I found this post. I really like the idea of doing this for the strength. How many times a day or week would you recommend doing this and how quickly do you think you would notice results? There are two things necessary for high kicking; the first, obviously, is flexiblity. The second, is leg strength. Without strong legs, flexibility won't be worth much. To build strength for the way you describe slow kicking, try this: 1. Stand close to a wall. Prepare for a side kick. 2. a. Chamber your leg, and hold it high, for 10 seconds, b. Now, grab the chamber, and pull it higher, and hold for 10 seconds. 3. a. Extend your leg to side kick position, and hold for 10 seconds. b. Now, raise your leg up a little higher, until you feel that knot in your thigh. Hold for 10 seconds. 4. Rechamber, and return to the floor. When I am done there, I like to cry for about 10 minutes, and when the pain is gone, I do it again. Just kidding, but you should feel this. Next, do this: 1. Stand close to a wall, and prepare for side kick. 2. Extend the leg out to waist level. 3. Without swinging, and in a controlled motion, raise the leg as high as you can, and then lower it to below waist level. Then, in a controlled manner, raise the leg again, as high as you can. You can do these exercised with side, round, and front kick positions, to work all kinds of muscles and angles.
  5. Hi there, I have been doing Muaythai for about 2years but my kicks just don't seem to be right. My stance and everything seems to be OK but my kicks when I throw them firstly don't seem controlled and secondly don't seem as technically sound as I would like them. One thing I find is when I kick to the head I can feel the inside of my leg is pulling (obviously flexibility & strength issue). How can I strengthen my kicks and how can I stretch to make my kicks better? I was told a while back to do dynamic stretching before and static / pnf after. Which seemed simple, then I looked it up and my brain nearly exploded with the information available. How many stretches should I do? How long should I hold them? How often should I do them? All the information conflicted As for strengthening I have been told to practice chambering, does this mean anything to anyone? Thanks in advance
  6. Thanks for all the help OK, does anyone have a half hour schedule/plan they can suggest for me? Like "Do such and such for so many minutes" and how many times I should do it. Then I can get started
  7. Hi there, I have been kick boxing for about 6 weeks now I believe, I am interested in increasing my flexibility. Long term I would like to be as flexible as possible, to increase the range, height and angle of my kicks. What kind of stretches do I need to do to increase my power and if possible increase my ability to do e.g. the splits and how long does it take to improve flexibility if working on it? Thanks in advance
  8. OK guys and girls, thanks for clicking first of all! I am looking to use the brand fairtex (out instructor recomends them) and they are comfy after past experiences of very uncomfy other brands! Here is the most local and resonably priced website I could find: http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/products_home.aspx I am basically looking for some MMA gloves and some boxing gloves. Problem is that they have soooo many it is hard to choose which ones would be the best. I want bag gloves for general bag work, MMA gloves for bag work and sparring and Boxing gloves for sparing and kickboxing bouts. I think they are pretty cheap, so deffinetly after Fairtex of some nature, please help if you can, appricated!
  9. Hello, I have only just started Martial Arts (Kick Boxing) and however much I enjoy it, I am really feeling the strain. In an hour we must have done around 100 push ups, 100 press ups and 100 squats (in sets of 20), as well as 2/3 minutes shadow boxing about 3/4 times as well as the actual kicking and boxing techniques. Any ways, where as I just manage to complete the hour long session and that night I feel exhausted, the next day and the day after that I feel as though my arms, legs and chest had been done over with a sledge hammer and as our training is Tue, Wed, Thur I couldn't make it to Wednesday and struggled badly on Thursday. Just wondering if any body has any tips on suppliments, training techniques or extra stretches / warm downs to reduce this a little. I really enjoy the training and want to attend 3 times a week, but would love to be able to give my all in each session. Thanks so much and I am enjoying reading the threads on this forum, look foward to an interesting discussion, Marc.
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