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Everything posted by Havoc88

  1. I go with the keynesian macroeconomic approach also. The classic view is way to far away from the reality, based on rationality and stuf. I do enjoy learning both though, since you can only truly understand keynesian when you also know his precessors. Microeconomics is more my thing though. Just love game theory! Tom
  2. I started out bringing around the paper of my soccer club when I was like 11 years old. After that, I turned to the newspaper till I was 15. Now I work in a warehouse. I'm 18 by the way Tom
  3. My sensei sais the same Tom
  4. Yeah, but that toung movement probably takes years to master if you weren't born with it! Tom
  5. Planet Tom
  6. Just practiced my three kata's ( taykioky shodan, heian shodan, heian nidan) outdoors!! Well, in my own backyard But the fresh air is really nice Thanks cross! Tom
  7. I thought that already, but yeah, can't be sure About training outdoors. It is really relaxing! Expecially when the weather is good. Downside is the people looking all weird and all. Plus, people know you practice MA and may try to chalange you. Actually, I rarely see anyone practicing outdoors. It's a pity. Tom
  8. I think I will go with what Sohan suggested and do the form that fits me the best. Will be training in 30 minutes Tom
  9. Doesn't it say on the box or the appendix? Otherwise I will not know. Good luck with your infection. Tom
  10. Nice to hear my post was no complete waste of time But yeah, practicing kata is a good way to keep fit and to improve your technique without to much risk for injury. I guess we will hear your decision anytime soon:) Cross, not training at all will get you in a bad shape wich will eventually lead to bad health and injury's, so I disagree with you there. Tom
  11. One way or another, I alway's wake up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off, wether it be eearly or late Tom
  12. - Hope to get past my first year in college. - Hope to earn! my 6th and after that 5th kyu grade in Shotokan. - Become more flexible, being able to do front/side splits. Tom
  13. Welcome to Karate forums Tom
  14. I'm very fortunate with the sensei's in my dojo. They are all great. Tom
  15. Baronbvp, I just read the topic about practicing older kata, and read you were in the millitary. I guess there is my reason huh Nevermind my post above then Tom
  16. Baronbvp, just a question. You said you want to learn how to fight and that that is the reason you train in the martial arts. But being 45, I would think you would rarely, if ever, get into a situation where you need to defend yourself on life or death. Maby it's just being ignorant and naive, but I feel that the time you really need to be able to defend yourself is from 12-30 max. That seems to me the time people have something to prove. After that, most have found their place in society and pretty much lay low. I would think, that being 45, you could spend a lot of your training time on the art part instead of the fighting part. Practice good technique. Maby you just enjoy training self defence more than you enjoy perfecting technique. In that case, I was completely wrong. By no intentions was this ment to bash you or anything, just something I was wondering. Tom
  17. Thanks both, I think you guys are right. Learning a lot again today Would you guy's go as far as a 50-50 ratio, or more like 60-40 or even 70-30? Tom
  18. Aah oke, I get it now Tom
  19. Cross and BM, very good points. But here's another thing than. Lets say, you have trained half your time grappling and half your time striking. Then you get into a fight with a pure grappler. The fight will probably go to the ground very quick, and because he is the better grappler, you loose. When you get into a pure striker, you may be able to get him to the ground so you win. But if you ain't able to do that, you loose again because he is the better striker. Now the things I have just mentioned will only be like that when you are fighting 1 on 1 and there are no bystanders so there is no time limit. When you only get to fight untill the bouncers get there, knowing both will be better I think. Just some food for thoughts. Tom
  20. Not trying to be disrespectfull to the performer, but doesn't he have a 'weird' way of executing the kata's? Almost a robot style or something. Tom
  21. Super smash brothers mele (gamecube) and tekken. Tom
  22. Or just that you haven't eaten properly. Tom
  23. Agree with most of the points made above. I would like do add, that I think you can better start out in the one or the other than immediately start training in both. Better to exel in one art than to know a bit of two+ arts. Like TS said, he has already 12 years of stand up experience. He probably know really well how to take care of him standing up. Now he starts with training the grappling aspect. IMO, with my really limited MA experience, the best way. Tom
  24. First of all, I hope everyone had a nice christmas! Now I'm interested in what everyone got from Santa I got three dvd's, a shirt and a tie. We dont do fancy things with christmas, but I had a really good time Tom
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