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Everything posted by Zaknafein

  1. Cosmetic surgery..bah! (how do i vote btw?). I think that people who care about vanity so much as to pay a huge amount of money AND go under the knife will be doubly miserable when they get old and ugly and fat anyho. And am I the only one here who thinks that the idea of getting implanted abs (or any other muscle or, uhh, cleavage) is kinda...grose? I mean those muscles in your gut arent even yours for Gods sake!! ewwww..
  2. "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow a mystery, Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!" Just had to post this one, hehehe, dont know who said it tho -Zak[color=yellow][/color]
  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/2009318.stm This BBC article is about the discovery of water on Mars. Because of this discovery, NASA might commit to a manned mission to Mars in the next 20 years!!! I was just wondering what you guys think about this. Is it just a waste of time and resources, or is there really something practical to gain from this? I will post my own veiws later .
  4. Hmm..half the human population starving is one anyhoo..even if there was no money, people would still be greedy, and would find ways to rise above other people to feed their ego.
  5. You know..if you dont CARE about winning, then you wont care about loosing. Just try to tell yourself that there is nothing important at stake when you get nervous. Maybe if you do this enough, then it will happen automatically. This has been my experience, anyways.. -Zak the brave *edit* umm..dont try this when something important IS at stake tho..eheheh.. _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: zaknafein on 2002-07-17 04:58 ]
  6. "What do you think America is doing, that we should judge to be right or wrong? " Well..I have posted already some of what I see as wrongs commited by America, and also some of what it has done right. The thing is, however..what country, state, city, community, or person hasnt done somethings right or wrong? Why are we even posting on this thead (I know I did too, but I just thought of this post - and I am not going to edit my previous post)? I was wrong when I said that the capitalists are the only ones who are selfish. One of the reasons that the USSR collapsed was because the founders believed that the people would put aside their self-interests for the greater good. It is a trait common to all human kind. The things wrong with the US are the things wrong with all of humanity. I have to say that America is a far better world leader than any other country would be (thats not democratic). I dont like the proud, headstrong, and ignornt (about other countries) Americans any more than most people not American do, but the thing is, wouldnt anybody be like that if they were a citizen of the most powerful country in the world? The British sure were when they owned half the globe. I ask again: why are we even debating this? Might as well debate the merrits of..of..some small, insignificant country (like Canada! ). I mean, come on, these little debates have more to do with dislike than trying to change anything. Bhul Chuk Maff (forgive any mistakes) -Zak..the..um..Pro American? ewww.... _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: zaknafein on 2002-07-13 06:02 ]
  7. Am I the only one who finds it funny that a nation that boasts freedom was hoplessly entrenched in slavery? A man could sit there, talking about liberty and justice, then go home and rape his black slave..or beat his wife (i guess when they said that all men are equal, they MEANT it..). Anyways, back to the discussion.. One thing that I noticed (..ok, I didnt, but my Social Studies teacher did ) was that the US has recently been waging wars of a different type. They dont use their military muscle as much, but their economic strength. Just look at how many internation..uh..bitches America has. If a third world country needs a dam built, the US employs an American company to do it. They could just give this ailing nation the skills and money to do it themselves, but noooo..they'd rather not have the country too independent. They donate money, sure, but ofcourse it has to have one of the hallmarks of free market economy attatched to it - interest. I have sometimes wondered what kind of world a country like America can make if it wasnt so damned self-serving. But ofcourse, I kinda doubt that a capitalist economy could ever hope to function without selfishness.. Please dont confuse me for a person who mindlessly hates the US. I think it is a great step in the right direction for humanity. Also, its nice to kinda have a 'big brother' to kinda help keep the world from destroying itself. Imagine the international scene without such an obvious role model for third world countries and also a peacemaker (even if it is THEIR type of peace). I know this post is gunna be shot to hell because I am a little shaky on this topic..im such an innocent lil (well..not little anymore, heheh *pats belly*) fool...but oh well.
  8. Hi, i was just wondering how much I would have to walk in order to burn the same amount of fat as I would jogging. I have shinsplint, so I cant exactly take my daily jogs anymore, ehhehe. thanks for any input..
  9. ..man, havent posted for a while.. I use meditation only to improve my concentration, since its pretty bad, ehehhe .. ... What I do is half zen (i think, the one where u concentrate on the nasal) and other half somthing i made up :angel:) while I try to hear myself say it, which is much harder than it seems, ehhehehe. I do this for about 5 minutes before bed. Then, when I lay down for sleep, i lay as still as I can, kinda like what kickchik does before starting her meditation. After this, I concentrate on the darkness in my eyelids for a moment. After I have myself focusing on the darkness, I bring up the image of a dancing flame on which I try my best to hold my thoughts on. -Zakorat.... *20!!! (bah, if you watch DBZ, u'll understand...STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!!) :evil: _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-05-17 16:23 ]
  10. Nick only usually teaches the beginer 5 lessons to the new ppl, but doesnt teach the actual class. I remember he taught the mixed classes on Sundays but im not sure he still does..I know him a lil bit better than I know the other trainers tho
  11. I go to the Down Town gym. "Jason isn't that bad though but i didn't think he workouts were that hard it though" bah, maybe not for you, but we all are different..*pats belly* Anyways, its not Jason warmups that I really hated, it was his class. Did he never do that excesize (spelling? ) where you punch the bag as fast as you can 20 times and then 30, 40...? And I didnt like the fact that he didnt really teach more things (combos and stuff). Funny guy tho:lol:.
  12. "Hey! Leave poor Jar Jar alone - heeesa coooool" bah, maybe someone should smack YODA! :grin: anyway, I think that Bin Laden deserves more than just a good slapping (as someone above implied).. The person I would most love to hit is this moron I used to work with. Such a dishonest (for lack of..um..better terms..hehe) idiot. Makes me want to throw up all over my comp thinking about it.. _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-02-09 18:50 ] [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-02-09 18:50 ]
  13. I was just wondering what you guys think a great man or woman should be like. What kind personality would such an individual have?
  14. Kicker, his name is Jason Fenton me tinks. He is the only one of the trainers that used to dye his hair like that. He started his own club I think in south east Calgary recently, which is cool..I dont have to endure anymore of his killer workouts anymore (!!!!! :grin:). And where does Trevor S train (which jim)? I have only seen him at the downtown one like a few times. Really cool person, btw..
  15. Patrick, you basically misinterpretted my whole post. Whats all this about a 'lucky man'? I was stating that as a joke, not as a threat of any sort. And if he (ZR440) is entitled to his opinion, then so am I, even if it is about the way he posted. I dont know if the Taliban are or are not being treated badly (got tired of hearing about it after a while). You misread again, my friend. What I said was that I WOULDNT care if those people were treated badly IF they had no rights. That was a statement that really has no relation to the facts; it was put in to convey my personal feelings about those people. "I am suprised that you would die for facial hair. " I found this statement very offensive. Its obviously not the facial hair (and all the other hair on my body) that I feel this way for, its the meaning they represent in my religion. And would you not die for your country? Your friends and loved ones? Judging from the character present in some of your posts, you probably would. Now, is religion any less a passion than what I just stated? Not in my book, so its not really much of a surprising stance I take on my hair. -Zak
  16. "Who cares about beards." As a Sikh Canadian, I do, for one. I would prefer death to shaving my beard or getting a haircut. One of the reasons that I have replied to this quote is that this is a serious debat so mindless and possibly insulting (I am not really insulted, actually - your a lucky man, my friend - but someone else might be) outbursts are not needed. The other reason is that these Taliban just might keep their beards close to their hearts. Do not forget that these people are extremists. They take their beliefs to their furthest possible extents. I think someone said this already, but Muhamed had a beard and these people probably saw that and thought it a necessity of Islam. Did someone not mention that they enforced unshaven facial hair in Afghanistan before the US rolled in? If there was no such thing as universal rights to all human beings, I wouldnt really care if the Taliban soldiers were treated like dogs (dont care much as is anyways..) but there is, and thank God for it. If the Taliban actually believe that their beards are sacred, then the Americans have no right to forcefully shave them off (is lice really THAT big a problem? I dont know much about it, for I am a clllllleeeaaan Paki) and if they dont, well..why are we discussing this then? _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-02-01 18:19 ] [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-02-01 18:39 ]
  17. *draws self into meaningful posture* bah. No thanks needed, just doin ma job..
  18. hey..how did a soccer discussion get turned into a cricket discussion (spits)? Anyho, I think canada is gunna own this summer (...why did everyone suddenly start laughing? ). Seriously, me thinks (hopes) that Brazil will win. The problem is that lately I have not been following soccer as faithfully as I used to and am a little clueless about the balance of power in the sport. _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2002-01-27 18:31 ]
  19. What the??! I dunna see nothin!! Actually, that passage is very cool. :up:
  20. Hi, its me again! I like to think that I am not afraid of death, only because I have this weird assumption that nothing could happen to me. i mean, I drive at twice the speed of the limit on a road because I KNOW I cant die. As for passing away on a bed and in my sleep, thats 70 years away...aint gunna happen anytime soon. Anyho, when I actualy do think of the reality of things, that I am not invinsible, and that a second turns into a minute and a minute turns into an hour and etc. until years pass, and youth turns into old age, I do feel a little afraid (phoow, long sentence). I am a very religious (sp?) person, and I do live my life as truthfully as possible, and I try my best to help anyone I can. It is not of what comes after death that I am afraid, more about not getting to see and experience more of the world. Also, I just hate thinking about what my family would be feeling after my death. As for swapping my life for another, I was reading Jurasic (*sigh* sp?) Park one time, and they were at the part when the T-rex gets loose and it was from the lawyers point of view. Well, as most of you ppl prolly know, the guy was a wuss, but he was always thinking before that he would be brave and cauragous (...this board should have a spell check..) and manly. And maybe get a few chicks while he was at it..but he was the first to loose his mind and get killed (and there were two kids with him..). Maybe some of you guys are more sure about this kinda thing than me, but we do weird things in situations like that. The human being, in most cases, is a survivor, the instinct was ingrained and evolved in us from our decendants (and im not talking about a few generations back either. look back all the way to the first few bacterial lifeforms). And on the 'religion was formed to explain death' topic, I think that it may have played a part (not sure how big though). Personally, I think that it was curiosity that lead to the creation of religions. I mean, humans are incredibly curious. Why do we spend enourmous time and resources to build telescopes? (sigh, this post is getting a wee bit long, so Ill um,um forego all my most powerfull arguements on this subject, ehehhe ..hey! I did have arguements, you know, and they were powerfull, too..) -Zak the Longwinded Coward
  21. I know, eh Jiggy? I watched this one in summer that started at 8 pm and ended after 12. No wonder most of those movies have intermissions and stuff. I have been thinking of reading the book for some time now, actually. The problem is that it is sooooooo boring at the start, and when ever I try to read it, I end up falling asleep! Watching the movie has rekindled my wanting to read the book tho.. -Zak, who likes to sleep alot _________________ Feel the 'Putt Jattan De' power!! *Truth is highest, but Truthful living is higher still* [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2001-12-29 11:01 ] [ This Message was edited by: Zaknafein on 2001-12-29 11:03 ]
  22. Fighting has a funny effect on me, hehehe. Lemme tell yoos peepulz a storee. Once upon a time..there was this gas station worker guy who whent onto internet forums with the name of Zaknafein. He was going on with his regular work of pumping gas when this lady (purty lady, btw ) drove in with a dire need of getting some gas. So this worker starts pumping her gas and stuff. Then this other guy (we'll just call him 'Dumbass' in the story) drives in, also wanting gas. Well, he drives in onto the platform and chucks his live cigarette out. Zak didnt notice, but the lady did, so she said to Dumbass "excuse me, sir, but I dont exactly feel like getting blown up today, so could you snuff that out?". Then this guy starts yelling at her saying "hey, why dont you suck my [insert nasy name for 'thingy' here], you [insert name for female dog here]." Then Zak said to Dumbass "hey, moron, dont talk to her like that!!" What this person does next was kinda weird. He started walking towards Zak (like, right towards him), then switches his course right when he almost reaches him. Well, I think that you guys should be able figure out that that person in the story is me (ahem. anyone who cant is either reading this from an institution or is a 5 year old at home reading it from his dads comp - and without permision, you bad kid!!). I think he was trying to intimidate me and then saw that I was not backing down. It was weird, lemme tell you. That would have been my first time in a real fight, hehhehe. When that guy was walking towards me, I kinda felt a bit of doubt. I mean, I knew I woulda kicked his ass, but still. Also, i have alot of trouble hurting other people. Even when sparring. So I woulda beaten him up, its just that I would have felt really bad about it later, ehehhehe. Oh yeah, after Dumbass stormed off, that chick was like "hey, thanks for sticking up for me." ohhhhhhh, she had that look in her eye!! i was like "damn, I AM the Mac Daddy" after i did a little bit of this ----> And thus ends my mostly pointless post. -Zak, who gets miraculous powers around pretty women
  23. Maybe some (or most) of you guys have heard of Ninjai: The Little Ninja. If you havent, here is the link: http://www.ninjai.com Just click on the area where it says 'Ninjai Trailer, click here (ehehehee)'. I think that most of you would like it. -Zak, spreadin' the word
  24. ..that I dont have. You should see me when my comp screws up (which is often). Me thinks that I might turn out to have a homer simpson hair doo sometime in the future. I was just wondering if any of you people have suggestions as to how I could be more patient. Thanks. Zak the Tiger (grrrrrr!!!)
  25. This isnt quite on topic, but..meh. I just remember watching Enter the Dragon, when Bruce Lee was about to fight that scar face guy who breaks the board in front of him, to intimidate him. Then Bruce Lee is like "Boards..dont hit back." I just loved that part.
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