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Everything posted by BUCKEYE

  1. My prayers are with his family in their time of grief.
  2. Looks like it does have a ground game! This could be fun!
  3. Master David Rivas Bio This would be my instructor...if I decide to take Combat HKD
  4. I wrote down Judo, because a buddy I work with told me the Air Force Base (where I work) offered Judo two nights a week at the Community Center. I was soooo pumped up and after calling them to get the instructor's name for Judo, the person told me that it was in actuality Combat Hapkido....not Judo!!! So Combat Hapkido is on Tue & Thur from 1700-1900. The price is $40 per month and that's it Doen't Combat Hapkido incorporate a ground game? Is this a MA that would conflict with my Shorin Ryu training? Also, there is no other Judo classes within 25 miles of where I live. Sorry for the confusion, so now what do you guys/gals think? LOL
  5. I know what you mean....there are guys that I train with that only show up a couple times per week, whereas I go 5 times a week now. So as long as the Judo classes are not mentally overexhaustive to my training I should be fine. Can somebody who trains in Judo fill me in on what I should expect with only two nights of training per week? Is this enough, because I definitely want to be proficient in both. Thanks...
  6. Sohan, thank you sir. Just to clarify....if I do start Judo, I would have 3 classes of Karate and 2 classes of Judo per week. and then the weekend to practice both. Thanks....
  7. I currently study Shorin-Ryu Shorinkan and have no plans on quitting this MA. However, I really want to start training in Judo as I have a background in wrestling. I respect my Shorin-Ryu Sensei and definitely don't want to disrespect him in any way. Since I have only been training Shorinkan for under two months, would it be disrespectful to tell my Sensei, that I will miss a couple nights per week to study Judo? I am a quick learner and have advanced faster than my peers in Karate. I hope that by studying a different art that my progression in Karate would not decline. Please share your thoughts and insight on this with me. Thank you all... Respectfully, Buckeye
  8. Thank you all for your prayres and comments. My wife and I got back into town last night. I went to class tonight for the first time in a week and it felt great to formerly bow in and forget everything that we went through last week! I needed that. Once again....thanks! Respectfully, Buckeye
  9. After having a great week from finding out my wife was pregnant she got bad news this past Wednesday that both her Grandparents were admitted into the hospital. Her Grandma has sever spreading cancer and her Grandpa is just plain at the end of the road on life itself. Her Grandma was given less than a week to live so I flew my wife out to St. Louis so she could see her before she passes. Today my wife called and her Grandfather passed away. She is very upset because her grandma probably won't make it through this weekend. So I start my drive to St. Louis tomorrow and should be there by Monday afternoon. Please pray for her family and my trip to St. Louis. Everyone take care and I thank you! Respectfully, Buckeye
  10. If they did, I would hope they took an Immodium pill first!!!!!
  11. Sometimes during our warmups / conditioning portion of our classes the instructor swill tell us to get the "medicine balls of death" (that's what I refer to them as). I use the 15lb ball and then we partner up with another student and do situp drills handing the ball off to the other person as we raise up. We also do rotation drills by handing the ball off to the other student while rotating the torso, as well as over unders....basically through the legs and handing the ball over our shoulders. The medicine balls are used for strength, hand/eye coordination, increased cardio (especially when using them during extended jumping jacks), and definitely to increase focus. For me it is a love/hate relationship!
  12. Although like strangepair03, I might be a little biased as well.....
  13. I would also have to say Grandmaster Shugoro Nakazato. Not only is he the president of the Okinawan Shorin-Ryu ShorinKan Karate-do Kyokai, but the Okinawan Prefecture Board of Education awarded Hanshi NAKAZATO the title of "Kenmukei Bunkazi" - Intangible Cultural Asset. Respectfully, Buckeye
  14. Tested and was awarded my Gold Belt today and then found out this afternoon that my wife and I are expecting our first child!!!!!! What a great way to surprise our families for Mother's Day! Everyone have a great weekend! Cheers Buckeye
  15. Well everyone, I got some GOLD around my GI now. I did it and Sensei Green was very impressed. So now it is time for me to start preparing for my next goal.....Orange Belt. Thank you all for your support! Respectfully, Buckeye
  16. Holland, I'm hoping to attend Kyoshi Perry's summer camp in August. I hear it is one of the best around! Repsectfully, Buckeye
  17. Thanks guys! I'm testing after class Sat, so my GI is going to be SOAKED before I even test. *****P.A.L. Are you going to Sensei Perry's camp in August? There is not a lot of books out there on the Shorinkan lineage (besides written in Japanese) is there???
  18. Well, I've been going 4-5 times per week and practicing at least an hour on my days off. Sensei is testing me two weeks earlier than the white belts that even started before me. So far, so good. Since giving up drinking, I have put all my effort and time (that used to be spent getting drunk) into studying Shorin-Ryu. I've found a better way to spend my time, and the wife is happy too! You can't beat that!!! Respectfully, Buckeye
  19. Thanks guys. I'm excited!
  20. Hey everyone, Got the word from Sensei Green that I will be testing this Saturday for my Yellow Belt. One of the other Sensei's pulled me aside last night during class and went over all my punches, stances, kicks, blocks, combinations, Japanese terminology, and kata. The only problem I see right now is sometimes when I execute combos, I won't pull my non-striking hand into the chamber. My sensei made me do them in front of a mirror last night, and I must say I looked crazy on some of those combos. After about 20 minutes I was doing pretty good, but I am still worried (practice, practice, practice). Sensei Green is very strict on form and technique. Thank you all for this great forum, and I will let you know how I do! Respectully, Buckeye
  21. 315lbs for 6 reps before requirng spotter's assistance, so I would say mid to high 300's. Of course this was two months ago before tearing my left posterior tendon that is attached to my bicep...OUCH!!!! My last physical thepapy session was this past Friday, so I am looking at building back up on both heavy pull and push exercises.
  22. MICHIGAN!!! There are always bad apples in the family, we have a wolverine fan in our family and it gets pretty bad durring holiday gatherings!
  23. Conqueror, I feel proud to be a part of the Shorinkan lineage!!!!!!!! I hope we get a chance to meet sir!
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