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Do you use Blockbuster Online or NetFlix? I have been a regular Blockbuster member for years, and I have had the "Movie Pass" for about a year or so. Movie Pass was great because I could check out unlimited DVDs, 2 movies at a time, and with BB right down the street it was amazingly convenient. So Mrs. Sohan convinces me to try BB Online and drop the movie pass to save 10 smackeroos per month. We can get 3 DVDs at a time and even return them to the store for store rentals if we wish. Well, we're not off to a great start. I ordered three videos, all of which were marked "Available", and they didn't ship for TWO DAYS! Having ordered them on Tuesday, two of them won't arrive until Sat and one won't arrive until Monday. BB says that you need to leave 30-40 titles in "queue" in order to expedite the shipping process. What seems to occur is that BB looks at what is in your queue and ships you whatever it is easiest for it to ship based on local availability. Huh? If the video is listed as "available", why isn't it available to ship immediately? Why will it take me up to 6 days to receive an order? I have emailed BB to get an answer to this, and am awaiting their response. I had read about how NetFlix would actually slow down shipping for some customers who rented frequently, in order to cut down their number of monthly rentals. It wouldn't surprise me if BB manipulates their customers as well... I am probably going back to Movie Pass when this free trial ends. I could rent tons of movies with the Pass, which was very convenient and easy to use. This Online stuff seems for the birds! I can't wait for the day when I can just simply download full-length movies from my computer easily, cheaply, and quickly. With respect, Sohan
The thing that I find funny is that you started only a week before me! I think I'll lobby Patrick to change the name of this taco stand to Bushidoman96.com. Think he'll go for it? With respect, Sohan
I just noticed you're closing in on 5000 posts, if you haven't already reached it by the time you read this. I seem to remember you ribbing me back when I started out about all of my posts, and now it's 2007 and I haven't even reached 2000 yet!! Whew. If I were as prolific as you, my friend, I'd be single again. Only so much that Mrs. Sohan will put up with! With respect, Sohan
Martial Arts Seminars--Worth The Time/Money?
Sohan replied to Sohan's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I haven't been to any BJJ seminars yet, but I suspect my experience would be the same as yours. I rarely come away from a BJJ class having not learned something. With respect, Sohan -
I usually eat one of these two for breakfast: -Whole wheat pancakes, light syrup, and four egg whites with one yolk. Coffee and OJ, of course. -Old fashioned oatmeal with a tablespoon of ground flax, raisins, walnuts, and cinnamon topped with skim milk. Coffee and OJ. I do admit, however, that I am a fan of Patrick's breakfast. One of my all-time favorite meals is PB on whole wheat with jam and chocolate milk. Too much fat, though. With respect, Sohan
Even though I'm an admitted coffee fanatic, due to budget/penny-pinching wife I have had to curtail my coffee expenditures somewhat. I usually purchase Starbucks or Millstone fresh ground (Irish Creme is my fave), but I recently tried Folgers Gourmet (a couple bucks less per pound), and it was surprisingly good. Wondered if anyone else has tried it, or if they have a personal favorite? With respect, Sohan
Martial Arts Seminars--Worth The Time/Money?
Sohan posted a topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
I have attended various martial arts seminars over the years, and though I listen attentively, take notes, and participate as fully as I can in each, in most cases I don't really feel I have benefitted all that much more than I would have by training regularly in my own dojo with my own sensei. I admit that it is usually an enjoyable experience to spend a weekend training with a grandmaster or other high ranking karateka (though I have had a few that were not), but I rarely seem to take away much more from these seminars and workshops besides a touch of motivation and insight and a few cherished snapshots. Personally, I'd rather be working the heavy bag, sparring, or hitting the weights. Now, if I could train for a month or two with the Grandmaster, that would be different. But a one or two day seminar doesn't seem worth the time or the money anymore. Curious what your thoughts are. With respect, Sohan -
Kettlebells are very expensive, and in my humble opinion, unless you're going to the kettlebell Olympics, there are other equally valid and yet more affordable means to train for strength. I'd rather just buy a sledgehammer and get an old tire to beat on, but that's just me. With respect, Sohan
Sorry to say this, but I do not usually like to see a black belt, junior or other, granted to students younger than 16, particularly since the "McDojo" phenomenon has seriously watered down its value. And quite unfortunately, in my experience many young people do not possess the maturity needed to fully appreciate their rank. We have a student in our class who is about to test for Shodan at age 15, and his form is lousy, his work ethic is sub-par, and his power is non-existent. However, since he has trained for 11 years, he has finally reached the point of testing. However.... This 11 year old kid from our sister dojo in Dallas is pretty darned impressive: http://www.okinawankarateclub.com/promotions/YouthTestShodanFebruary2006/index.htm With respect, Sohan
I have been considering a career in law enforcement lately, and I remembered this video clip of Kenny Florian, UFC fighter, giving a seminar to local cops. With all the MA wackos being reported on in the media lately, it is always nice to see a positive reporting of martial arts training: With respect, Sohan
I found this site in the UK. Ever heard of them? http://www.thestarwoking.co.uk/Coffee/ With respect, Sohan
I've tried in the past to do a geneology, but my family is rather scattered, and many of my older relatives (grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc) have passed on. I have been able to go back to the early 1800's, but no further. Good luck in your search! With respect, Sohan
Lucky you! With respect, Sohan
I do love a good cup of fresh brewed coffee. I brew mine at home and rarely start a day without a hot steaming cup. I usually have to settle for decaf (though I buy the best I can), but on occasion I allow myself the luxury of fully leaded. Here are a few select websites for you coffee devotees--there's even a coffee forum for folks who like to sit around and talk about coffee! (though that may be a little TOO much, even for me!): http://www.gourmetcoffeeshop.net/worldcoffee.htm http://www.callihan.com/seattle/coffee.htm http://www.coffeereview.com/ http://www.coffeeforums.com/ With respect, Sohan
Lack of experience or direct knowledge of a subject should never stop one from expressing a view on it. With respect, Sohan
Why Don't More Martial Artists Train Like Boxers?
Sohan replied to Sohan's topic in Health and Fitness
I'm quite familiar with Andy Hug. His death was a shock, and a great loss to the MA community. He certainly was one tough character, yet with tremendous dignity, courage, and intelligence. RIP Andy. With respect, Sohan -
Celebrities in martial arts
Sohan replied to Greek Fighter's topic in General Martial Arts Discussion
Steve McQueen studied under Bruce Lee for a time. And can anyone forget Jack Osborne, who has been studying Muay Thai in Thailand at Fairtex??? Scary stuff. With respect, Sohan -
Here you go (at least for the US). The first list is 11-20, the second 1-10: http://content.salary.monster.com/articles/highestpay/ Better stay in school, eh? With respect, Sohan
I've always been a bit of a fugue man myself.... With respect, Sohan
Why Don't More Martial Artists Train Like Boxers?
Sohan replied to Sohan's topic in Health and Fitness
Thanks for the props. I just pay attention to what people say who know a lot more than I do. BTW, I would be in heaven with a 2200 sf basement at my disposal.... With respect, Sohan -
I just watched the overtime finish of the Denver-SF game. Thanks to the SF field goal, looks like your Chiefs are in the playoffs. I wanted to be first to offer my congrats! With respect, Sohan
I have a rather interesting experience to share. When I was 17, my family moved to Atlanta. I got a job at the local McDonalds, and the first night I was working, my car wouldn't start, so the assistant manager offered to give me a lift home. We had a pleasant conversation, and he told me about his girlfriend, his family in Illinois, and where to go for fun in Atlanta. Nothing out of the ordinary. The following night he showed up at a manager's meeting with a bandage on his hand, seeming out of sorts. The day after that he didn't show up for his regular shift, and we discovered later that day that he was being eagerly sought by the police for a brutal murder that had occurred the previous evening at his apartment complex. To make a long story short, he eventually was caught and convicted for the murder of his secret boyfriend (and disposing of the body in a very Dahmer-esque fashion) and he remained on death row for nearly 21 years until he was executed in Georgia in 2005. I left McDonalds after only a month. I was a bit freaked out, understandably. With respect, Sohan
Just making conversation.... With respect, Sohan
I haven't had a regular job in 15 years. My last employer was IBM back in the late 80's and early 90's, and I was essentially a hardware service rep. I worked on the 46xx store systems that IBM had in retail locations. It was an enjoyable job because I wasn't stuck in an office, and most of my customers were women's clothing stores, so it was a good situation for a young single guy! As far as my first job, it was back when I was 13, and I got about 2 bucks an hour supervising the weight room at my local Y every Sunday afternoon. A local powerlifter by the name of Joey Ladnier would come in every Sunday and lift unbelievable amounts of weight. He was very friendly with me and was my inspiration for entering powerlifting competitions. Here is Joey's website today: http://www.joeladnier.com/ With respect, Sohan
Dravidian languages are a family of about 70-something languages mostly spoken in Southern India and Sri Lanka, as well as other parts of South Asia. More than 200 million people speak Dravidian languages. Wikipedia has a pretty good entry on them if you are interested: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dravidian_languages With respect, Sohan