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Everything posted by Sohan

  1. My wife is from Chicago. Will that count? With respect, Sohan
  2. Mine vary. I browse from forum to forum, so no particular faves. With respect, Sohan
  3. It was a lot of work, but probably more enjoyable than my BBA due to more specialized and advanced classwork, as well as the group projects and presentations. I wouldn't say I've used it much, however. I should've gone criminal justice, accounting/finance, MIS, or even my PhD in Exercise Science. I feel that Marketing was really just a waste of time since I'm not employed in that field. With respect, Sohan But you didn't know that before you started the MBA. Probably the literature you learned wasn't that usefull but the way you learned it was really usefull, of am I wrong? Tom I am probably being a bit harsh in my assessment. Really, we should consider nothing we have done in our lives to be completely useless, no matter how much it may seem to be that way. It may just be that we don't understand the meaning or purpose at a given moment in time. Perhaps I don't make professional use of the tools acquired in my MBA training, but there were certainly other benefits, including the friends I have made and insight gained into what I really want from life. It's a bit like traditional karate training. Will I become the most deadly fighter with this system as compared to perhaps another system? Maybe, maybe not. But I should hardly consider the time I have spent a waste. I have derived benefits of agility, strength, balance, and a calm awareness that I might not have gotten from another combat system. I also have made lifelong friends who share the philosophy of non-aggression and peace, which I can hardly say is the way of the modern combat athlete. Sometimes the benefits that one derives from a life experience are not always immediately apparent until enough time has passed to gain sufficient perspective. With respect, Sohan
  4. Without question I agree. I watched the Boise State game, and though I'm not sure they would have beaten Florida or Ohio State, it was truly a thriller to watch. With respect, Sohan
  5. It was a lot of work, but probably more enjoyable than my BBA due to more specialized and advanced classwork, as well as the group projects and presentations. I wouldn't say I've used it much, however. I should've gone criminal justice, accounting/finance, MIS, or even my PhD in Exercise Science. I feel that Marketing was really just a waste of time since I'm not employed in that field. With respect, Sohan
  6. I found this gem while researching some fight footage on YouTube. Watch for the "follow-up" interview at the end! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-V58LkjfLi8&NR With respect, Sohan
  7. I am hardly a U of Florida fan (rather, I am a Bulldog all the way - woof, woof!), but you have to give props to the Gators for their impressive performance last night. 41-14 over the top-ranked Ohio State Buckeyes in a dominating display of offensive and defensive might. Ohio State had only 82 net yards in the entire game! Wow, not many gave them a chance to win, much less dominate. So now they are the reigning football champs AND the reigning basketball champs. My goodness, I'll never hear the end of it. Good times roll in Gainesville! With respect, Sohan
  8. Depends. MMA star Dan Henderson claims he can't even touch his toes. In my style of Shorin Ryu, we rarely kick above the waist level. That said, the more flexible you are, the more range of motion you will have with your joints, and the less hindered your joints will be in their movements, enabling you to move more quickly and with less tension. Because of this, being more flexible (to a point) will also likely help to reduce joint injuries. With respect, Sohan
  9. Primary movers are the pectorals, deltoids, and triceps. Other muscles are involved as stabilizing or synergistic muscles. With respect, Sohan
  10. What do you do now, Patusai? With respect, Sohan
  11. Not surprisingly, I'm a personal trainer, and I do teach karate and kickboxing. But I've been considering a new career in law enforcement at the age of 40. I'd join the military (preferably Marines or Army), but I'm too old to be an officer...and I'd likely either get shipped to Iraq or to the Mexican border... Thanks, Patusai. Actually, I think I have a lot of room for improvement. With respect, Sohan
  12. Never say never. Your road to a black belt in Shorin Ryu is not determined by your talent or athleticism, but your persistence and dogged determination not to quit. The black belts in our system were simply the ones who didn't give up and quit when the going got tough. Kind of like boot camp, but a lot longer and with better sleeping arrangements. With respect, Sohan
  13. Got my MBA back in 2001, but it was in marketing. I've regretted since not pursuing accounting or finance, since it appears that's where the jobs are today. Jobs in econ are not easy to find unless you work for the government. Books? Depends on your current educational level. I think you said you're 18, so I assume you haven't had too much business coursework in school yet. If you are ambitious, you could start with Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, or John Maynard Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, though if you have no economics background at all, Economics for Dummies is a surprisingly good introduction. It was written by Sean Flynn, who is a professor at Vassar. The cool thing about Professor Flynn is that he is an expert in Aikido, as well as economics! With respect, Sohan
  14. Baron, I think I decided a long time ago that I had nothing to prove to anyone else, but I will never feel I have nothing to prove to myself. As far as enjoying training more than in the past, I certainly do, because I now understand more completely why I am doing it, and with the rest of my age group falling apart around me, it's nice to see that it works. With respect, Sohan
  15. Got it under 7 my last try, but it was rough. 6:57. The body is capable of so much more than we think it is. With respect, Sohan
  16. Not really. Takes a little longer to recover, and I have to watch my diet a bit more closely, but overall I train harder today at age 40 than I did in my teens. With respect, Sohan
  17. Ta dum tum.... Nice one, Bearich. I was born in Chicopee, Mass. With respect, Sohan
  18. Sohan


    I actually congratulated you already in another thread, but I don't mind at all doing it again. Nice job! With respect, Sohan
  19. Congratulations, Brian! That's a lot of work, so I'm sure she's happy to be finished. My wife is an accountant too, and is hoping to sit for her CPA soon. Funny! With respect, Sohan
  20. Now THAT'S a PPV worth getting! With respect, Sohan
  21. 1000th post. Congratulations, jaymac! With respect, Sohan
  22. I think I was 8 or 9. With respect, Sohan
  23. Walmart has a 20 lb vest that seems pretty good for the price. It runs about 45 bucks, and you won't find it online, but I've seen it in the stores. With respect, Sohan
  24. Impossible. My crystal ball says that Patrick's current number 1 ranking as Postcount Champion will bite the dust by year end, and that Patrick will tearfully abdicate KF site leadership in a cataclysmic turn of events as he is reduced to posting occasionally in General Chat on the merits of MS-SQL vs. PostgreSQL dataservers. With respect, Sohan
  25. Who says you don't? j/k With respect, Sohan
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