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Everything posted by DJmma

  1. I really dont think your instructor has anything to do with your personal life...i mean why should he decide if you should get a hair cut, its almost like he's your mom. Even if it was effecting your ability to see, its your choice wheather you want to change that.
  2. ill be rooting for hughes, but it will be a good fight. and i think ortiz will give shammy another pounding. lol
  3. No not atall. I just started MMA and im 15(almost 16), and if anything im more athletic and picked it up quicker than the other adults. so i guess its more of how you are personaly. but there's no reason you'd be too young at 16.
  4. yea i dont really like padding, but sometime you have to use it, so you dont get injured. well in BJJ you dont need pads.
  5. roundhouse kicks
  6. can it be done? why not. do brazilians have something special thats allows them to? No they just chose to do it. Id think anyone can do it if they worked hard on it.
  7. No dont. Deal with it another way. Dont let them get to you. NEVER hit them unless they try to hurt you. Be confident in what you can do. If they take it too far though, you may need to hit back, but atleast you know you did the right thing. try to resolve it in some other way. Find out why theyre doing what theyre doing. I dont know the details, but if theyre just verbaly messing with you, verbaly mess with them. Ive been in many situations like this. you need to show them you're confident in youself, and that you dont care what they think. good luck.
  8. I just started taking muay thai, and BJJ at a local MMA school. I cant imagine our instructor making us kick metal poles. lol but it is a very good work out. It's fun. To me it doesnt seem too hard to pick up. And BJJ, i think is effective in real life. Ive only taken one class so far, but im pretty sure that BJJ has good ground techniques. If i were you i'd try it out, so you can see if you like it. I deffinatly dont think 25 is too old, i see people much older in my class. good luck.
  9. haha yea...my dad would be against me fighting competetivly, because he was injured from a hard knock to the head while playing football...doesnt want me to get hurt. But if i get good...who knows maybe i would. and getting a good work out isnt the only reason i want to do it. Im doing vigorous exercise every day with swimming. but I think I will pick it up quickly, since i have good strength and endurance, and have some experience with punshing and kicking from TKD.
  10. ok good to know. I want to work hard, but dont want to get hurt every class...I will be going to my first class for Muay Thai and BJJ on saturday. cant wait. thanks for the info.
  11. I will most likely be starting to take lessons at a place that teaches BJJ and Muay Thai. But Ive heard that BJJ is mainly focused on being on your back, and not so much on takedowns and such. Is this true, and is there any other grappling styles you would recommend instead? I was thinking that if there arent take downs and/or finishes, maybe it wont be as realistic. though i have heard good things about it. Im starting because I want an effective and fun martial art. thanks
  12. no, i am not looking for something with weapons. And i see what you're saying about stand up jujitsu and judo. Maybe a better combo would be BJJ and jujitsu or judo. But even thoguh I took TKD, i was young, like 10 years old, and the techniques didnt exactly stay with me, but Im sure TKD gave me a foundation. It's just that theyre so many options, its hard to make a decision. but i guess i can try them out. This weekend I will be going to a local gym that teaches MMA. They offer Gracie or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Submission Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, Jun Fan Gung Fu and Muay Thai. I can either take one at a time or do the MMA class and learn all of them together which might be good. I'll just have to try them out and see. I will keep jujitsu and Judo in mind. thanks for helping.
  13. tree, I am not totaly sure where i want to go with it...but for now I want it for self defense, and fun. So i thought muay thai would be good. I like vigourous workouts, as i play water polo and swim, and ive always wanted to get good at some martial art. I took TKD when i was little but soon got bored of it. I want to take something more seriosuly now. I guess you could say I want something more...realistic and I thoguht muay thai would be good. then i thought, but i dont only want to be able to fight standing i should learn ground fighting. so i thought BJJ would be a good choice. Id basicly like to be a good fighter and have fun at the same time. I just like doing martial arts. even with TKD i had fun and I did have a certain amount of natural talent being i am athletic. I admit im not very knowledgable about these styles, i just knew that MT is good for stand up and BJJ is good for ground.
  14. ok thanks. So i guess there could be advantages and disadvantages to the MMA class. It could be good if it takes aspents of all the styles to make it more effective, and maybe i could be a more all around fighter. BUT since its a mix of many styles I wont be focusing on one style, and may not get as good at a certain one. I guess the best way to find out is to go and take an introductory class to find out. thanks for the impute.
  15. I'm joining a gym in my area, and it offers various MMA styles, including Muay Thai and BJJ. Do those 2 compliment eachother? I thoguht they would be a good combo because you could be good standing up and on the ground. also, is it hard to train both at the same time? would it be best to do one at a time? thanks
  16. ah ok thats what i thought...I just want to train in it. And maybe fight when I think I'm ready. thanks for the imput.
  17. The MMA school I am thinking of joining teaches many styles. Originally i just wanted muay thai, or maybe BJJ. But you can also take a class called "MMA" and its a mix of many styles. I could either take 2 separate classes of muay thai and BJJ, or i could take MMA...Here is the dicription of "MMA" class dirrectly from their site: "Our Mixed Martial Arts class or (MMA) is designed for practical self defense. It is comprised of many different styles of martial arts including Gracie or Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Submission Wrestling, Judo, Boxing, Jun Fan Gung Fu (Bruce Lee's martial art) and Muay Thai. You will learn to flow between all the ranges of combat. Kicking and punching range, trapping, clinching, pummeling, take downs, and ground submissions. We do not do (kata) and we do not break boards! This is a no nonsense approach to defending yourself and many of the techniques you will learn are used by law enforcement and military special forces." I want your opinions on if you think its better to study styles one at a time or should I take the general MMA class? I primarily want muay thai and BJJ, but maybe taking a MMA class could be good...what do you think? thanks
  18. I want to join a martial art, and muay thai caught my interest, partly because i am a fan of UFC. But my dad is weiry...he thinks it could be dangerous. I am 15, almost 16 and am athletic. I'm 5'11" 165 lbs. I am on the swimming and water polo team at school and work out regularly. Over the last 6 months i have gained stength, muscle and endurance. I used to take TKD as a little kid, but lost interest after about a year. I want an effective style, and also fun, and i think muay thai could be good. I believe i can handle the intense work and training for muay thai, since I go through that every day with swimming. I think now that Im older I can take it more seriously...I talked with my dad, and he isnt exactly excited about me doing boxing, and would rather me do BJJ or something. He always says "I dont know if i want you doing a sport where the goal is to knock the other guy out." But I think I can do it. can anyone give me some insight on how brutal and intense it really is? thanks
  19. I was looking for MMA schools in my area, and I narrowed it down to 2 schools. Brad Daddis is the instructor at one and Eric Karner is at the other. I looked into them and they seemed to be fairly accredited and experienced fighters, and I just wanted to know if any of you have heard of either one. Just wanted to get an idea of how well known they are. thanks
  20. k cool. The site looks good, and Ill look for some more on google. thanks!
  21. hmm...try this out... http://www.fightresource.com/index.php?cid=5&ctry=USA&go=1&state=CA It's a list of all MMA schools in california. hope it helps.
  22. o sry, forgot. I edited my post, I live in Pennsylvania, USA, in the philadelphia area.
  23. Does anyone know of a site to locate a gym for muay thai, so i can find one in my area? like a "store locator". Ive looked around but havnt found one. thanks I live in Pennsyalvania, USA, In the philadelphia area.
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