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Everything posted by bushido_man96

  1. I would ask these questions: 1. What is your prior training experience? Years, rank, accomplishments, etc. 2. What is your reason for starting your "style," what is it rooted or grounded in (principles, goals, etc). Why should I, as a prospective student, give up what I do and follow you? Or, as a new student, what do you offer that is not readily available from someone who is already established in one of the already established and trusted styles? 3. What will the curriculum consist of? Forms? If so, from what style are you taking them? Or are you creating your own? If this is the case, why, and what is the reason for creating new forms? Do they have applications, or are they just a series of moves strung together for another reason? 4. Is there a self-defense base, and will it be a regular part of the training? 5. Do you have some sort of creed, manifesto, or layout of goals and objectives that are too be accomplished through the training of your style? What can I expect out of training? I'm sure I can think of some more if I mull it over for a while, but these are a good start, I think. Can you answer each of these questions in regards to creating your new style?
  2. As an instructor, he has probably dealt with students leaving in the past, and as an instructor, he will continue to deal with it in the future. It is the nature of the beast. Everyone here has offered sound advice. I, personally, would probably just offer up to him that I would not be renewing my membership, and thank him for his time. If he asked why, and was persistent, then I would consider offering up my reasons for leaving. As noted previously, he may perhaps take them into account as he progresses himself.
  3. So, last night, I watched Firewalker. I highly don't recommend it....don't do it....
  4. 4/1/2020 Strength "Maintaining" Goblet Squats: 20 lb dumbell, 3x10. Dumbell Press: 20 lb dumbell, 3x10.
  5. The other night, I took in a double-feature. I started with the classic, Bloodsport. Regardless of whether or not the accounts of the real-life Frank Dux are true or not, the movie is very entertaining. I finished off with another classic, Lone Wolf McQuade. It's probably the first Chuck Norris movie I ever watched, and I always love going back.
  6. I see what you are saying here, Bob, and I think it's a good idea as an instructor to keep things like this in mind. I've never really thought about actually being better than the students around me. Sure, I teach them, and they learn, but I view it as more of an equal partnership type of thing, I guess.
  7. Everyone has had great responses here. I agree that self-expression is something that takes time, and comes along with training. I don't think it should be something that is forced, though. I think as we go along, our experiences and training begin to actualize themselves in different ways. There will always be a common thread, but we all interject our own uniqueness into our training, especially the longer we go. I think the important thing is to really understand something first, before being able to start expressing things differently, just for the thought of doing so. It still needs to have meaning.
  8. As much as I try to watch a MA movie like a fan, but I fail time and time again, the Ip Man series was, well, entertaining. They were each quite free with a lot of liberties with imagination. Not all are dubbed where you don't have to read along; I watched them all on Netflix. That's what my plan was. Maybe when the weekend rolls around, I'll view one and see.
  9. Sounds like it went well, Danielle. Keeping to drilling is probably the way to go for the time being. Perhaps if you get some one-on-one time with some students, it would be interesting to see how and what you could change in your approach. We haven't done anything yet, but I'm keeping an eye out.
  10. Congratulations, Hammer! Well deserved! And remember people, there's a shortage...so be considerate, and at least use both sides.....
  11. 3/27/2020 Firearms Training Spent about an hour at the range, just doing some extra work with our rangemaster. Fired lots of rounds from the 25 and 15 yard lines, using dummy rounds to help with the trigger control. My accuracy from that range is improving a LOT. Now, I just have to improve my speed. 3/30/2020 Strength Training (as best I can) Goblet Squats: 20 lb dumbell, 10x2. Dumbell Press: 20 lb dumbell, 10x2.
  12. Having been fortunate enough to train with you, Brian at your school, the space in doable with the 6 foot social distancing policy with the 10 person limit. Me, myself, and I, at this moment, wouldn't feel comfortable in reopening any class size, and that's mainly because I've an underlying condition...Afib, and while I've no Covid-19 symptoms, my Afib won't allow me otherwise. Good luck, if your school does move forward in that endeavour. Well, this is nixed now. Our governor issued a "stay at home" order, so we're closed for the time being.
  13. "Weighted" kata/forms are a fun way to experience technique. It's not something I'd recommend to do a lot of, because the weights effect technique to a degree, but it can be a great change up. For an interesting experiment, do a "weighted" kata, and then after a few minutes rest, do the same kata again, and really go all-out for speed.
  14. We did a test run with the blackbelts on Friday with Zoom. Great software, but very weird teaching to a camera and not being able to physically interact with people. Also challenging setting up the room and lighting. Lighting was not something I had considered. Good to know. Our school is in the process of setting something up, so we'll see how we approach it. Not being able to interact would have to be the toughest part about it! Sometimes the cues we give out in regards to techniques are aided by a little bit of personal contact (appropriate, of course), and missing this aspect will be a challenging aspect to a new way of teaching.
  15. I like the idea here, very creative! I wish more of it had less Japanese terms, though; I'm not as up-to-snuff on my Karate terms as I was when I was reading a lot more.
  16. Great stuff so far, everyone! Best of the Best is really a favorite of mine, as well. I need to find it somewhere. I haven't seen Good Guys Wear Black of ages! May be worth a look-up. Also, The Hero and The Terror might be worth a re-watch.
  17. Our school is going to open classes back up on Monday for those who feel comfortable attending. They are adding an extra class time for our Little Lions, and are allowing attendees to wear a mask if they feel comfortable doing so. They are also eliminating sparring and one-step/self-defense practice for the time being, in order to observe the 6 foot social distancing policy, and are keeping the limit at 10, counting the instructor. We'll see how this goes, and what kind of reception it gets.
  18. No, not that I know of, anyway. We picked up all his books along with it, so I think the gist is that we'll be assigned work from the books, and they assignments will be completed through some Google sheets or docs or something like that, and then submitted to the teacher.
  19. If you do decide to try something streaming, Danielle, update us as to how it goes and what kind of feedback you get.
  20. I've actually considered attempting this in the past. Right now, with thoughts of testing in the sometime future, I don't want to take on any new curriculum, but once that's passed, I've thought of toying with this idea.
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